15 февр. 2022 г.

Lyin' Eyes

Billions 6×2

Taylor Mason: It's a "shame and short." The key is to build social pressure that goes beyond the numbers. Make it unacceptable to be seen wearing Rask, let alone holding their shares.

Scooter: Taylor sees it just right. A sportswear brand is the perfect target. Once we expose Rask, their sponsored athletes will swear off the brand, the fans will follow. The stock will be over.

Mike Prince: Why were they pushing back?
Wendy Rhoades: They're concerned they're being sent to charge a machinegun nest for moral reasons. And they don't trust a leader asking them to do that. For profit, for greed, they'll charge like it's the beach at Normandy. But not for a cause.

Chuck Rhoades: I realized it's not one billionaire having his way with the city. That's wrong, but it's not existential. But the overall effect of the billionaire class? They're a scourge. No, I'm gonna get them where they live.

Chuck Rhoades: We're gonna stand this thing on its head.
Kate Sacker: Mamet? Okay. But he pulled that off in a small town. This is New York.
Chuck Rhoades: Well, New York is a lot of small towns stitched together.

Rian: ... I hate being right and not being able to prove it. That's what the money is, proof. Let's mukbang the whole sector.

Chuck Rhoades: Sunburn, windburn, or whiskey?
Bud Lazarra: It's all three. Surf, turf, and Glenlivet. Most of us skipped town for Covid. Here the Hamptons, Vail, Caribbean. They even let some especially high-net-worth individuals into New Zealand. So the doormen had the easiest workday they've ever seen.

Bud Lazarra: I might find your antics amusing if they weren't such a nuisance. It's like getting your house egged on All Hallow's Eve. But your scheme won't work, Rhoades.
Kate Sacker: He gets that a lot.
Chuck Rhoades: Hmm. And from men even more entitled than yourself.
Kate Sacker: Hmm. And they do work, so... you might want to think about that.
Chuck Rhoades: Yeah. And we expect timely payment.

Mike Prince: AOC just tweeted. She blasted Rask.

Mike Prince: Why are we huddling up? Play's already been called.
Mike Wagner 'Wags': Just readying the team to cover their positions as soon as the stock hits $15. For a nice tidy profit.
Mike Prince: I didn't buy Axe Cap for tidy. I want a big, sloppy profit. In your words, Wags, "A monster pig. A Hogzilla." Everyone, hold till the stock dips under five.

Mike Prince: You created this problem, fix it.
Mike Wagner 'Wags': How can I fix it?
Mike Prince: If I asked you that question, you'd say I'm a resourceful motherfucker.
Mike Wagner 'Wags': I can be. I am. ... I might. Yeah. But to do Stu dirty like that...

Rhoades, Sr.: What cockamamie scheme do you have cooking in that Crock-Pot of a head of yours now, Sonny?
Chuck Rhoades: It is the first battle in the new war I'm waging, against the billionaires, the criminal class. And I'm starting with the doormen.

Rhoades, Sr.: Ah, hell. My doorman is perfectly happy. He always has a big smile on his face when he greets me.
Chuck Rhoades: That is his job, Dad. And you will have to pay the bill, just as soon as Bud Lazarra cracks.

Rhoades, Sr.: Son, do you remember the first summer that we took the house at the Vineyard? You were probably five or six. ... You were a feeble swimmer, at best. Finally, one day, you got out past the shore break to the calmer water. You turned to show me, big, proud smile on your face. You didn't see the wave coming.
Chuck Rhoades: And you didn't warn me?
Rhoades, Sr.: Warn you?! I clapped and kept your attention on me until the wave came and wiped you out completely. I knew it was a lesson you needed to learn the hard way.
Chuck Rhoades: I got infections in both ears.
Rhoades, Sr.: So, now you oughta know, don't turn your back on oceanic forces.

Chuck Rhoades: I appreciate the warning as a gesture of goodwill. And a mark of the beginning of a new phase of our relationship. But you and I both know when I get big game in my sights... I can't lower my rifle.
Rhoades, Sr.: Well, in that case, my boy, I wish you luck. I'll don my blaze orange... and step out of the line of fire.

Chuck Rhoades: That flush on your face is that, uh, surf, turf or something else?

Kate Sacker: Are you sure painting targets on our backs is the best move right now?
Chuck Rhoades: No more skeletons in my closets to rattle. Let 'em just try and Spitzer me.

Rian: Leaving money on the table is like seeing a punch buggy and not punching someone. It just feels wrong.

Kate Sacker: I'm trying to think like Hackman in Heist, to understand ... and I am coming up dry.
Chuck Rhoades: Well, something my father taught me long ago. Sometimes, you just have to break some shit. Find out the strength of the reaction on the other side. Use your will. Not your wits. And make them know your moves can't be anticipated. That no one is safe.
Kate Sacker: I'm not sure that old school crap is still gonna play.
Chuck Rhoades: The old school crap plays like Bobby Short. You just have to know when.

Kate Sacker: Okay, Boss.

Taylor Mason: You saw the news about the games? Prince isn't just playing the markets. His chessboard is much bigger, and I don't think he's done making his moves yet.

Mike Prince: When I'm done, this city will look very different. ....
Andy Salter: It's a lot of work, Mike.
Mike Prince: The city's down, busted up, hurting. It's the perfect opportunity to rebuild. Every time New York has fallen...
Andy Salter: It has been lifted up and rebuilt by a great man. And that's you this time.

Taylor Mason: All of this is some big romantic gesture?
Wendy Rhoades: That, or he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Taylor Mason: And what would that mean, in Prince's case?
Wendy Rhoades: He thinks he's better than everyone else. And he won't stop till he gets what he wants.

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