23 февр. 2022 г.

New Haunts

The Walking Dead 11×10

Daryl: It takes a minute to get used to all this, you know?
Carol: You know, this place was up and running long before we ever got here. Maybe we don't have to do anything to make it work.
Daryl: No, there's always something you got to do to make it work.

Rosita: Worrying about money again is so weird.

Mercer: You're used to handling things on your own. I get that. But that's not how it works around here. Sometimes we have to set each other up to win.

Lance: How did you know?
Carol: My mother always taught me to be observant.

Tyler Davis: Resist the Commonwealth! Visibility for workers! Equality for all!

Pamela Milton: Are there thousands more?
Lance Hornsby: No.
Pamela Milton: Make sure.

On the IMDb

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