20 февр. 2022 г.


Boss 1×2

Sam Miller: This is chumpbait. You know what that is? ... Honestly, you look at something like this and you instantly just know, it's bullshit. It's made so the chumps will pick it up and put it out for other chumps to feed on. Like a chumpbait. And where'd they say it came from?
Reporter: A blog. An anonymous blog.

Sam Miller: Move, move, move. Never stop, never question. Feed the beast. Gotta keep their attention. Give-them-something-new bullshit. Truth be damned... I mean, we sit here making sure everything is vetted, checked, rechecked, checked on the recheck, and along comes Mr. Happy Shiny blog and puts out what-the-fuck-ever and it's everywhere. Where the fuck is journalism? Chumpbait!

Ben Zajac: Sorry.
Maggie Zajac: Quicker than I thought.

Mayor Tom Kane: Sometimes it's good to proclaim your independence. Otherwise, you're always just a foregone conclusion.

Kitty O'Neill: This is what you taught me. This is how things work. Wins accumulate on top of wins and form streaks, remember? It doesn't matter what the vote is about. Streaks give you capital. When you're winning, that's when you can do everything else, spend your capital on the other things that matter.

Kitty O'Neill: If he loses this, think of all the other things that are gonna fall by the wayside. Kane is the city. And everything we do that is good for the city comes from the fact that he has the power to do it. Do the right thing, Nick.

Mayor Tom Kane: Do you believe in change? Even if people can't, circumstances do.

Meredith Kane: I'll tell you what I believe. I believe that to preserve what we have, we made a choice, one that is completely outside the realm of such fluff as changing circumstances. We chose to fortify ourselves, against all my natural instincts, and distance ourselves from our daughter. I recall you being very clear to me about why this was necessary. So don't sit there and waver with whatever it is you have going on in your head. We chose. We committed. Emma's a liability. Was then, is now, to the life we have. Her behavior could not be tolerated. She had to be cut loose. That does not change. I cannot have that change.

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