20 февр. 2022 г.

The One with the Baby Shower

Friends 8×20

Rachel: Mom, I swear I'm not an idiot. I read all kinds of books on pregnancy and giving birth. But I just didn't think to read the part about what to do when the baby comes. And, guess what, the baby's coming... and I don't know what to do. Oh, can I throw up in my Diaper Genie?

Ross: All right, then. Rachel Green, let's play Bamboozled... How do you test the temperature of the baby's bathwater?
Rachel: Uh, put your elbow in it.
Ross: Excellent. How do you put a baby down for a nap?
Rachel: Full, dry, on its back, and no loose covers.
Ross: That's correct. This is an audio question. What do you do when a baby makes this sound: ...
Rachel: Uh, check if it's wet, check if it's hungry, burp it.
Ross: Excellent. Now, do you want another question or a Wicked Wango Card?
Rachel: A card. A card. I pick a card.
Ross: Oh, I'm sorry. You've been Bamboozled. You're gonna be a terrible mother-- I've lost sight of why we're doing this.

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