2 февр. 2022 г.

Mayhem (2017)

Derek Cho: TSC is a firm fueled by greed, duplicity, and moral decay... a place that ironically screens their job applicants for honesty... loyalty, and integrity.

Ewan Niles: Say I punch a rhino in the face. Would you call that brave or stupid?
Derek Cho: Brave... and stupid.
Ewan Niles: See how bravery and stupidity can overlap?

Melanie Cross: No one raindrop thinks it caused the flood... My mother used to say that. Now I understand what it means.

Lester McGill: I'm on the right side. Always am. That's why it's me firing you.

CDC Official: According to our projections, those infected in the building... will begin to display symptoms soon, if not already. Our experts have already released a neutralizer into your ventilation system. All traces of the virus should be eliminated in approximately eight hours. Until then, this building is officially under quarantine.
John Towers: So what are we supposed to do for the next eight hours?
CDC Official: Try to remain calm.

Derek Cho: I think I just... I think I just punched a rhino in the face.

Ewan Niles: Fuck this place! This mess is a blessing in disguise, trust me. You don't wanna end up like me.
Derek Cho: What are you talking about? You have everything figured out!
Ewan Niles: No, Derek. This meditation and this incense, it's all bullshit. You think I like the taste of cale? Come on! I'm fuckin' dead inside.

CDC Official: As you may know, the virus triggers a breakdown of moral barriers... unleashing repressed emotions in the infected, including anger... depression, fear, lust.
John Towers: Like cocaine?

Melanie Cross: Now what?
Derek Cho: Time to go to work.

Derek Cho: Okay. Those of you who don't wanna be a part of this can leave now. But if you choose to stay... which it seems like you guys are choosing... you understand and agree... to the following terms and conditions.
     One... you hereby waive your right... to your own personal bodily integrity.
     Two... per the State vs. Nevil Reed... my colleague and I will not be held criminally liable... for any felony or misdemeanor that you may be a victim of... including but not limited to aggravated assault... aggravated battery, disorderly conduct... destruction of property, mayhem, and first-degree murder.
     And, three... terms and conditions may change or be updated... whenever the fuck I want!
     Consider yourselves notified.

Ray: IT department.
Irene Smythe: What's wrong with my computer?
Ray: Doctor can't do much until you tell him where it hurts.
Irene Smythe: My Internet is slower than your brain.
Ray: Well, that's a miracle considering the budget that I have for installs and updates. Seriously, how do you expect me to keep running things if you have one guy... in one room down in the fucking basement doing everything? Seriously, and what do I get? I get denial, denial, denial, denial, denial... on all my fucking budgets, right? But, "Oh, Ray, please give me an app! Make sure..."

Derek Cho: Just a little pro tip. Employees' IQs at this firm are inversely proportionate to their salaries, so... it's probably not a good idea to try to outsmart someone with a smaller paycheck.

Irene Smythe: I'll give you a pro tip. You want to swim to the top? Drop the dead weight.

Derek Cho: Here's one more pro tip. Paint your own path to success... in work, love, and life... before it's too fucking late.

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