1 февр. 2022 г.

Válvulas de escape

Money Heist 5×6

Tokio: ... just another name in that endless list of casualties where gold is the only survivor. Because while everything else decays, gold remains flawless.

Berlín: If in 20 years you're too scared to leave a prison like this, there's only one explanation. You're a coward.

Río: That... That's exactly our problem. We keep wanting to be the good guys. But in war, good guys don't exist.

Alicia: Shit! He's even in the fucking screen.

Marseille: Don't act crazy, Alicia!
Alicia: I'm not acting crazy... I am crazy.

Coronel Tamayo: We're gonna parade them around town like the corpse of fucking Che Guevara. The tears are gonna fill the streets.

Palermo: You still believe there's a right side?
Sagasta: I think the world is chock-full of fucking bastards. Politicians are absolute fucking bastards. But dictators are much worse. Soldiers like us are also big fucking bastards. But terrorists like you are so much worse. So here we are. Yes, there's right sides.

Palermo: I'm here out of love for a man and an idea. You loved your commandos. You and I both knew it was gonna come to this. And yet, we led them on to death. Maybe we did them a favor, I don't know. Or condemned them to something worse. But there are no right sides in the inferno, Commander.

El Profesor: Some people dream of bungee jumping. But me, I wasn't gonna die without robbing the Bank of Spain.
Alicia: You fucking narcissist, egocentric son of a bitch! God, I love being right.

Alicia: To shoot or not to shoot? What shall we do, Professor?

Coronel Tamayo: The first to tell the story is the one telling the truth.

Coronel Tamayo: And what if I don't fucking feel like it?
Alicia: If you don't fucking feel like it, I'll pull a Raquel Murillo. I'll switch sides, with all that entails.

El Profesor: I told you. Now you have no choice but to trust me.

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