6 февр. 2022 г.

Quiz #1.2

Nicola Howson: He's the husband of the sister of the brother who were all here, so...

David Briggs: She's right. He's an idiot. ... Which still begs the question how he got in the goddamn chair, but hey-ho, and all the fun of the fair.

Charles Ingram: Yeah, one... One of my sub-strategies is...
Chris Tarrant: Oh, my, we've got sub-strategies now?!
Charles Ingram: Yeah, yeah, and sub-sub-strategies. But one of my sub-strategies is to take my time and, erm, list all the... all the options. So... Adnan Kashoggi....

Charles Ingram: Yeah, I mean, you know, by process of elimination, I actually think it is a googol. But I don't know what a googol is. It's not a gigabit, a nanomole, or a Megatron and there's only four of them, so it must be googol, mustn't it? I mean... I mean, I don't mind taking the odd risk now and again. My strategy has... has worked so far. Chris, I'm gonna play.

Diana Ingram: Catch me when I fall on the floor.

Chris Tarrant: Charles?... You've just won £1 million!

On the IMDb

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