1 февр. 2022 г.


Billions 6×1

Wendy Rhoades: Focus. Detachment from all else.
That Buddhist shit.
Wendy Rhoades: If I can only put everything... right here. Right at the tip of my consciousness.
Then you are gonna make hella good ice cream.
Wendy Rhoades: Then I'm... maybe can work myself out of my...
Don't think. Just do.
Wendy Rhoades: Ah. There's that Buddhist shit again.

Mike Prince: Use this for a month, check in on yourself, see if you don't agree.
Ben Kim: When you say, "use this," is that like, uh, "if you choose to use this," or "you have to use this?"

Mike Prince: Look, I know this place used to operate in the red zone. I don't do red zone. So talk to me.
Bonnie Barella: Ain't ratting or being ratted on.

Rian: Taylor comes and goes as they wish. Wherever they are in the world, they produce results. Kind of like how Dwayne "The Rock" can show up late to a film shoot because his movies always do, like, a billion dollars.

Mike Prince: When I announce an all-hands, I need...
Taylor Mason: I know what you need. Or what you claim to need. Bracing honesty. But when people say that, what they really want is someone to tousle their hair and tell them, "good boy."

Chuck Rhoades: You'd think a place this grand, it would suck up the sound. But it's a funny thing about gunpowder and sky, one offers little resistance to the other.
Melville Revere: That's the thing about a cannon, nothing much offers it resistance. That's why I have such regard for their power.

Melville Revere: A smart man once said, "Nothing external affects how you feel. You control how you feel." So I say this, "When you hear the sound of the cannon, why don't you hear what I do?" The sound of liberty, of triumph. Of America! You can make yourself process it that way.
Chuck Rhoades: Hmmmm. Seems like an awful lot of work.

Chuck Rhoades: Whatever. I didn't come looking for a war.
Melville Revere: Well I, on the other hand, have always regretted I didn't get a chance to fight in mine.

Bonnie Barella: We used to work for a killer, now we've got a guy who wants to know how we "feel."
Tuk Lal: Why is he asking for our guidance? Why doesn't he know what to do?
Victor Mateo: Point me at a hill, tell me to take the hill. That's what I want in a general.
Ben Kim: I must admit, Axe's ruthlessness was almost... reassuring.
Scooter: This might not be salvageable.

Mike Prince: Well, if anyone can guide me there, it's you. You're the magic sauce, aren't you?
Wendy Rhoades: Special sauce. Magic touch.
Mike Prince: I don't get nervous. You make me nervous. Like you can see through me.
Wendy Rhoades: That's a good technique. But you're not nervous. And you said "magic sauce" on purpose to give me the power in the conversation.

Scooter: We can't have invaded your privacy. You invited us in. Each of you gave permission when you launched the app and clicked agree.
Tuk Lal: Everyone always just clicks agree. You tricked us!
Taylor Mason: Not everyone, Tuk. I put mine on my dog's collar the night we got 'em.

Kate Sacker: Whenever your sabbatical...
Chuck Rhoades: Nope, not a sabbatical. This clean air gets a person thinking. That's what I'm doing.
Kate Sacker: ... How long do you imagine...
Chuck Rhoades: Until I figure out how to actually get something done from that chair behind my desk. You've known me a long time, and you know I don't shy from battle. But pointless battle? It's not my jam. Neither is losing, being thwarted, or spitting into the wind. So, I'll be back when I see a road to victory. And likely not sooner.

Mike Prince: Oh. Mr. Revere's cannonballs and gunpowder got wet?
Scooter: The shed where he stores his ammo was flooded by a stream he shares with a neighbor, so he couldn't fire off his morning blast-- Not a phrase I use often, but... white people problems.
Mike Prince: Truly.

Mike Prince: Did Wendy feel so incentivized?
Scooter: You know how in, like, old Andy Capp cartoons when the character curses?
Mike Prince: She let out a stream of pound signs and asterisks?
Scooter: And alphasands. What we now call the "at" sign. The verbal equivalent.

Mike Prince: I'm unlike the man who came before me. I will never give you a legal opening because I do not break the law.
Chuck Rhoades: Billionaires break the laws of decency, even while obeying the letter. By definition, having that much is criminal.

Chuck Rhoades: ... I find myself unwilling to help you.

Mike Prince: It's not Cincinnatus you're fashioning yourself after, I get that now. It's more Manius Curius Dentatus. "I see no glory in having money myself, but in commanding those that do."

Mike Prince: Look, I give you forty million. We're free, but it sucks a little for both of us.
Mike Wagner 'Wags': The definition of a real compromise.

Mike Wagner 'Wags': And also... Yes! I need this place. Like Gere needed OCS in Gent. But you fuckers need me too.
Mike Prince: Maybe. But trust is the problem.
Mike Wagner 'Wags': Oh, over time, I'm sure you'll earn my trust.
Mike Prince: They keep saying that...

Mike Prince: Let's look at the prevailing winds. The prevailing feeling in the country about wealth. I think it's largely right... Too much is concentrated in the hands of too few. But let's not blame those who manage that wealth for them. Let's instead look to those who profit the most... As one of them, I understand the temptation more than almost anyone can. And it's true. Many of the wealthiest have misused their resources. Many have cut corners. We will not... In fact, we won't take their money. I'm not firing them, my employees. I'm firing you, my investors....

Melville Revere: Hold on a second, I'm in a wholly different...
Mike Prince: Different but the same. The controversy you're in the middle of, it's too hot, and you're on the wrong side of it. But it's also your company. We don't want a security contractor who sells pepper spray and rubber bullets around here. We don't want to make you richer.

Mike Prince: It may feel like we just cut our capital by two-thirds, but, remember, the one thing billionaires hate is being left out. Excluded. So sit back and watch how badly people want to get on the Prince List.

Chuck Rhoades: Now that right there is a species unto itself: the entitled billionaire. He and those like him are why I find myself farming and not prosecuting. Because while I might be able to tangle with and prevail against a billionaire as a private citizen with common sense in the name of nature and the will of these fine people by my side... I certainly can't as the Attorney General of the State of New York with the pathetic laws at my disposal.

Chuck Rhoades: You wanted your war, you got it.

Chuck Rhoades: Ah, what do you say to one last for old time's sake? Fire in the hole...

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