30 янв. 2022 г.

The Last Duel (2021)

Jean de Carrouges: I'm a very jealous man, milady. Tonight, you are mine and will dance with no other.
Marguerite Carrouges: And every night hereafter.

Jean de Carrouges: It was right.
Nicole de Carrouges: Right. There's no right. There is only the power of men.

Marguerite de Carrouges: Jean. I want him to answer for what he has done.
Jean de Carrouges: And he will. He will.

Sir Jean de Carrouges: I stand ready to prove my charge by my body against his and to render him dead at an appointed time.

Pierre d'Alençon: Too much wine. My Latin fails me.
Jacques le Gris: "We forgive a child afraid of the dark. Tragedy is men afraid of the light."

Jacques Le Gris: We knew it was wrong, I confessed my adultery, and performed my penance. But I swear to you, this charge of rape is false.

Le Coq: Formally, this is not about her. Rape is not a crime against a woman. It is a property crime against her male guardian.

Marguerite Carrouges: Jean, I intend to speak the truth. I will not be silent. I have no legal standing without your support.
Sir Jean de Carrouges: Then you shall have it.

Sir Jean de Carrouges: I will not appeal to the king. I will appeal to God.

Le Coq: Do you enjoy having intercourse with your husband?
Marguerite de Carrouges: Yes, of course.
Le Coq: It is not a matter of course. You are fully aware that you cannot conceive a child unless you experience pleasure at the end.
Marguerite de Carrouges: ... Yes. Yes.
Le Coq: And do you experience pleasure at the end?
Marguerite de Carrouges: ..... Yes. I do.
Physician: A rape cannot cause a pregnancy. This is just science.

Le Coq: If your husband were to lose the duel, it would demonstrate God's judgment and reveal you for having borne false witness.
Marguerite de Carrouges: I understand.
Le Coq: I'm certain your husband told you, the penalty for bearing false witness against a man by a woman, in the case of rape, is that you are to be stripped and shorn, fitted by the neck with an iron collar, lashed to a wooden post, and summarily burned alive. Lady Marguerite... It is quite common for the accused to burn for 20 to 30 minutes before they are dead.

Marguerite de Carrouges: Had I had known the truth would deprive me of this love, I believe I would have done what many women before me had done. Nothing.

Marguerite de Carrouges: I am not like you, Jean. A child needs his mother more than a mother needs to be right.

Jacques Le Gris: There was no rape. There was no rape! In the name of God and on the peril of damnation of my soul, I am innocent of the crime!

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