26 янв. 2022 г.

Don't Look Up (2021)

Dr. Randall Mindy: Question is, what… What would Carl Sagan do?

Dr. Randall Mindy: Now that we have the comet's orbit, we will check the ephemeris and that will give us the distance between the comet and planet Earth...
Kate Dibiasky: Why does the ephemeris keep getting lower and lower?

Kate Dibiasky: Um… I've been running it all day. I keep getting the same result. A direct hit of Earth in six months and 14 days.

Kate Dibiasky: The snacks are free.
Dr. Randall Mindy: What?
Kate Dibiasky: The general. He charged us for the snacks, but they're free.

Kate Dibiasky: Can I sit down with your mom to have lunch in, like, seven months?
Jack Bremmer: Seven… That's weirdly specific and distant.

President Orlean: So how certain is this?
Dr. Randall Mindy: There's 100% certainty of impact.
President Orlean: Please, don't say 100%.
Can we just call it a potentially significant event?
Kate Dibiasky: But it isn't potentially going to happen. It is going to happen.
Dr. Randall Mindy: Exactly. 99.78% to be exact.
Jason Orlean: Oh, great. Okay, so it's not 100%.
Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe:Well, scientists never like to say 100%.
President Orlean: Call it 70% and let's just move on.
Kate Dibiasky: But it's not even close to 70%.
President Orlean: You cannot go around saying to people that there's 100% chance that they're gonna die. You know? It's just nuts.

President Orlean: Do you know how many, uh, "the world is ending" meetings that we've had over the years? Economic collapse, loose nukes, car exhaust killing the atmosphere.
Jason Orlean: Rogue AI. Drought, famine, plague… Uh…
President Orlean: Everything.
Jason Orlean: Alien invasion, population growth, hole in the ozone--
President Orlean: Jason, hey. Read the room for once in your life.
Jason Orlean: Sorry, Mom.
President Orlean: Point is, I have a job to do.

Adul Grelio: Ladies, gentlemen, I wish you a very pleasant end of times.

Dr. Randall Mindy: Okay. Now be cool. I just have more skin pigmentation than you. 'Cause your ancestors migrated to Northern Europe and developed lighter skin so as to not get…

Kate Dibiasky: Unless you assholes are taking me to the Batcave, fuck you for putting this hood on me.

Dr. Randall Mindy: You want me to quit the mission? I'll quit the mission. That's fine. But you have to understand, this is now beyond our control. They have all the power. So who do you want in the actual room to make sure this whole thing doesn't turn out to be a complete goddamn disaster?

Jack Bremmer: People, they wanna manage the comet to create jobs. Thirty-seven percent don't want the comet to hit. That's actually down by three points. And 23%, they don't think there's a comet at all, and that number is way up.

Dr. Randall Mindy: I just wanna make sure that you're… That you're open to the scientific peer-review process and you're not approaching this mission like a businessman. You know? That--
Peter Isherwell: What did you say?
Dr. Randall Mindy: I wanna know if you're--
Peter Isherwell: Did you call me a businessman?
Dr. Randall Mindy: You do own a corporate--
Peter Isherwell: You think I'm just a businessman? Do you think you know me, Doctor? Business? This is evolution. This is evolution of the human species.

Peter Isherwell: You know that BASH has over 40 million data points on you, on every decision you have made since 1994, Doctor? I… I know when you have colon polyps months before your doctor does. You got four or five at the moment actually. You know, they're not of concern, but I'd have a checkup as soon as you can. But much more importantly than that, I know what you are. I know who you are.

Peter Isherwell: My algorithms have determined eight fundamental consumer profile types. You are a lifestyle idealist. You think you're motivated by beliefs, high ethical beliefs. But you just run towards pleasure and away from pain. Like a… Like a field mouse.

Dr. Randall Mindy: I just wanna make sure that the science is sound on this project. I hope you understand--
Peter Isherwell: Our algorithms can even predict how you'll die. To 96… 96.5% accuracy. I looked you up after we met. Your death was so unremarkable and boring. I can't remember the details, apart from one thing... You're gonna die alone. Alone. If you'll excuse me, Madam President. I've got some work to do.

Kate Dibiasky: You guys, the truth is way more depressing. They're not even smart enough to be as evil as you're giving them credit for.

Brie Evantee: So, Randall, we're hearing that there is no comet, or that there is a comet but it's a good thing or maybe it's a bad thing. We are so confused... So, could you please help us out here, you know, oh, wise scientist?

Dr. Randall Mindy: Um… There has been growing concern within the scientific community as of late. You see, the peer-review process is absolutely essential…
Jack: If BASH's stock…
Dr. Randall Mindy: …for us to get to the facts of… Yes?
Jack: If BASH's stock is any indicator, we don't have to worry about the peer review. Dr. Randall Mindy: It is going gangbusters. And full disclosure. I bought as many shares as I could. I advise you to do the same.

Dr. Randall Mindy: Would you please just stop being so [bleep] pleasant? I'm sorry, but not everything needs to sound so goddamn clever or charming or likeable all the time! Sometimes we need to just be able to say things to one another. We need to hear things.

Dr. Randall Mindy: The Mills Brothers. Great band. You know, Duke Ellington found this band. I think they were originally called the Four Kings of Harmony... "Till Then," this is the song. It's about, uh… It's about soldiers going off to World War II and thinking about home. Listen to this part...
     ♪ Although there are oceans… ♪
     ♪ Although there are oceans we must cross ♪
     ♪ and mountains that we must climb… ♪
     ♪ I know every gain… ♪
     ♪ must have a loss. ♪
     ♪ So pray that our loss… ♪
     ♪ is nothing but time ♪
     ♪ Till then, let's dream ♪
     ♪ Of what there will be ♪

President Orlean: It got me so excited to know about my own death... I don't think I wanna know. Yes, I do! I wanna to know.
Peter Isherwell: You're gonna be eaten by a Bronteroc. We don't know what it means.
President Orlean: A what?
Peter Isherwell: A Bronteroc.

Yule: Dearest Father and Almighty Creator… we ask for Your grace tonight, despite our pride. Your forgiveness, despite our doubt. Most of all, Lord… we ask for Your love to soothe us through these dark times. May we face whatever is to come… in Your divine will with courage and open hearts of acceptance. Amen.
Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe:Amen.

Dr. Randall Mindy: Thing of it is, we really… We really did have everything, didn't we? I mean, when you think about it.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Σ   «... "Не смотрите наверх" не совсем прямо такая агитка, каким была "Власть", но сатира в отношении политического пула США в этом фильме лезет из всех щелей. Отчасти поэтому половина стеба пройдет мимо тех, кто не следил за последней избирательной кампанией Трамп-Байден. ...
       ...такое произведение не всем зайдет...

Σ   «... Очень милая злобная политическая сатира, по-моему, ничего лишнего.
       Некоторые сочли ее левой агиткой, потому что летящая к Земле комета напомнила им климатическую страшилку. ...
       ... Вся, так сказать, религиозная линия. ... Это, собственно, и есть основная идея фильма, вполне глубокая.

Σ   «...куча известных голливудских актеров высмеивает актуальную американскую действительность.
       ...через 2.5 часа экранного времени идет различная гротескная сатира на современное общество потребления (как правило неизобретательно и в лоб, тонкий юмор тут редкий гость), идиотизм политиков, ЛОМов, медийщиков, олигархов и т.п. В этом действительно есть определенная критика неолиберального капиталистического общества. Но если смотреть чуть внимательней, то это лишь первый уровень фильма. Его упаковка. Стоит задаться вопросом, а зачем и почему он снят, так сразу отношение к фильму может слегка поменяться.
       Де-факто, это сатира не про капитализм вообще, это по факту своеобразная политическая агитка, замаскированная под сатиру. ...
       ... Сам режиссер является сторонником Демократической партии США и Берни Сандерса, которого он поддерживал на выборах 2016-го и 2020-го годов. ...

Σ   «... Многие обвиняют фильм в трэшевости, но без трэша получился бы реально документальный фильм. ...»

Σ   «... я не смог его посмотреть, слишком ужасно. Гротескные (на первый взгляд) преувеличения приближают этот фильм к реальности, а не отдаляют от нее. Я попрыгал по отрывкам в минуту-две тут и там, чтобы понять общее движение сюжета и концовку, но не мог остановиться и смотреть подряд вообще ни в одном месте. Ощущаю, как подкатывают неконтролируемые ужас и страх, и хочется только выключить.»

Σ   «... В Википедии написано, будто это «сатирическая аллегория безразличия человечества к проблемам окружающей среды», но это чья-то дурная фантазия: проблемы окружающей среды в фильме тоже активно высмеиваются наравне с мемасиками и всей прочей чушью человечества.
       На самом деле этот фильм — как если бы «Чёрное зеркало» пересняло «Идиократию». Очень смешно, но очень грустно и честно.

Σ   «...... And so some poor shmucks thought “What if we made a movie to show people why they should trust science?” And of course it ended out contradictory. ...
       ... I believe a metaphorical comet is headed towards Earth right now, and a literal tech company CEO is telling you not to worry, and he is wrong. Half of you will agree with me, half of you will say I’m wrong, and all the narratives and heuristics in the world won’t get us one step closer to consensus, let alone truth...

Σ   Highlights From The Comments On "Don't Look Up"

Σ   «... В фильме нет главных героев, только конченные долбоебы. И много современной американской сатиры.
       Морали тоже никакой нет. Просто чистый стеб и разъеб.
       Приятно знать, что еще не все американцы сошли с ума, а остались те, кто в состоянии хоть и эзоповым языком, но немного постебать реальность.

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