28 янв. 2022 г.

A Pink Cadillac and a Glorious Tribal Dance

Young Sheldon 5×12

Adult Sheldon: ... And possibly the ultimate status symbol... The pink Cadillac, driven by an elite Mary Kay super seller.

Dr. Linkletter: You're in college. You should be taking spring break as well.
Sheldon: And do what?
Dr. Linkletter: Traditionally, you would congregate with your peers and make bad decisions.

Sheldon: Are they screaming for help?
Missy: No. They're having fun.
Sheldon: Are we watching the same show?
Missy: They were stuck in school all year. Now they're going wild.
Sheldon: Clearly. I don't see a single lifeguard.

George: Driving a pink car in Texas. Bold choice.

George: Sales is a tough racket, Mare.
Georgie: Yeah. It ain't as easy as I make it look.
Mary: Well, I think I'd be good at it.
Georgie: You sure? Sometimes you got to do a little fibbin'.
Mary: I would do it without that.
Georgie: And you got to have people skills.
Mary: I have people skills.
Georgie: Do you?
Mary: I'd like to throw my dinner roll at your head right now, but you don't see me doing it.

Adult Sheldon: My sister suggested I "go wild," so I decided to heed her advice and do the craziest thing I could think of... Take a walk outside.

Mary: Oh, I... I am serious. It's just that my husband isn't totally on board, and he'll be upset if I spend a bunch of money.
Mr. Lundy: Oh, well, that's fair. If you have to ask his permission, I can come back... It's refreshing really. It reminds me of a simpler time when men made the decisions and women made the beds.

Mr. Lundy: I am the organ grinder, and the world is my monkey.

Mr. Lundy: Here. Try this.
Mary: That's awfully red.
Mr. Lundy: Exactly. And when you see red, what comes to your mind?
Mary: Satan.
Mr. Lundy: Glamour. Sex appeal, a little va-va-voom!

Mr. Lundy: You are not just selling makeup. You are selling power, you are selling confidence, and that starts right here. Now are you a powerful, confident woman?
Mary: Y-y-yes.v
Sheldon: Mom, I know what I want to do for spring break-- What happened to your face?
Mary: This is for my new job.
Sheldon: Is your new job fighting Batman? Because you look like The Joker.

Mr. Lundy: Read my moisturized lips. Noooo.

Sheldon: Would you like to go with me to a comic book convention?
Georgie: Will there be girls there?

Mr. Lundy: You never forget your first sale.
Mary: I know. I am still tingling.
Mr. Lundy: I love that feeling. I don't even drink coffee anymore. I just go on tingle power.

Mr. Lundy: Mary, if God didn't want people to wear makeup, he'd have made 'em less ugly.

Mary: Let us open our Bibles to, uh, chapter two, verse 12. "Before a young woman's turn came to go into King Xerxes, she had to complete 12 months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women: six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics." Did anyone else realize that cosmetics were right here in the Bible? I just find that fascinating.

Mary: Did you know that Esther used her beauty to stop a genocide?... Sometimes, I think we forget how powerful beauty can be. But I know I sure feel powerful when I'm wearing this new line of Mary Kay cosmetics. Take a gander, ladies...

Mary: Esther would be so proud. This is a face that would stop the spilling of blood.

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