17 янв. 2022 г.

The Challenger

This Is Us 6×1

Kevin: You know, when I think it all went wrong for me was 1986. They were sending the Challenger up into space. You remember the Challenger, right?
Yeah. With Sandra Bullock?

Kevin: You see? People thought it was a horrible idea, after you jilted me at the altar, me moving in here to be close to the kids. ... But look at us now. We are-we are one finely tuned co-parenting instrument.
Madison: We are pretty much the Porsche of slightly awkward co-parents.
Kevin: That we are.

Beth: Okay. Baby, let's play a game, okay? There's two doors you can choose from today. Behind door number one is your beautiful, "top of her game right now" wife... ..... Behind door number two, you have confronting the creeper who broke into our home and upturned a year of our lives-- You're gonna pick door number two, aren't you?

Beth: Damn. I would've chose door number Beth...

Kevin: Look, man, I... We both know we were forced to take this meeting by our agents, right? I mean, y-you don't want me to do whatever movie this is. I don't want to do whatever movie this is.
Casey: They want to reboot The Manny, Kevin.

Casey: Kevin, I-I saw the last film. I actually purchased a ticket. And after 90 minutes, when I realized it was only halfway over, I started to lick the movie theater seats in an attempt to give myself COVID.

Casey: This is good. You get to raise your family in Los Angeles, work one day a week and become a zillionaire. Or say no. And spend the rest of your years travelling to Vancouver every weekend to shoot Treat Williams indies where you got to do your own hair.
Kevin: .... Over my dead body.
Casey: Thank God.

Jessica: I don't care if it's upsetting. I just need to know so that I can move on.
Philip: ... You bore me, Jessica. I mean, you are a stunning, intelligent, magnificent woman, and yet, every time we have a meal together, I can't help but feel like I'm watching paint dry. And I-I'll spare you the whole "It's-it's not you, it's me" nonsense and remind you to focus on the fact that you are a stunning, intelligent, magnificent woman, who's just wasting her time on a pasty English chap who just equated eating sushi with you to watching paint dry. Is-is that helpful? For moving on?
Jessica: You are a condescending prick.
Philip: This would seem to be the common refrain in my life, yes.

Randall: I saw his file, Beth. For the last two years, this man has woken me from my dreams in a cold sweat. This man with the knife. But today I saw his file, and he had a name. It's David.

Beth: You... are an incredibly decent man, Randall Pearson. And it's your birthday. So... make a wish.
Randall: I got my wish when I met you.

Rebecca: The red one, damn it!

Jack: Do you want to talk, Kev? About today?
Kevin: It was just a story on TV. It wasn't real.

Rebecca: Did we do that even remotely right?
Jack: I don't know. My first time.
Rebecca: Mine, too.

Jack: Well, he... he gets it. His brain's just... protecting itself. Yeah, that kid, he's gonna grow up faster than we can handle. One day... he's gonna have it all figured out. I mean, hell, it's not like he's gonna wind up some 40-year-old man who can't stop talking about the Challenger explosion. Right?

Rebecca: Did you ever read Catcher in the Rye?
Jack: Yeah, of course.... No.
Rebecca: Okay, so it's about this kid, this-this teenager named Holden. And he's depressed.
Jack: Well, his name is Holden.

Rebecca: Well, his name is Holden. ... And he... wants to protect all of the innocent people, all of the children, and... he has to accept the fact that he can't. And I think that Randall might be the Catcher in the Rye, Jack. I think he might... he might spend his whole life trying to save everyone, and he won't be able to. I just worry that his life will be this beautiful but... perpetually disappointing ride... What a thing. Being a parent.
Jack: What a thing being a kid.

Kate: Kev, do you remember where we were five years ago? ... ...it was such a low moment. You know, it just felt like every door was shutting on us and shutting out all of the light, just like after dad. But... look at us now. We-we each have two healthy, beautiful kids. Careers we never imagined. If the world stopped for the bad stuff, then-then everything would be dark. But the world keeps going, so we can find that crack of light on the other side of the door.

Kate: We have found the light before, big brother. And we'll find it again.

Rebecca: Stop, Nicky! Life is too short. It is far shorter than it has any right to be, and you are giving me a frigging headache. You want to go see Sally? Let's go see Sally. Pack a bag. We'll leave in the morning.
Miguel: Bec...
Rebecca: Honey, life is too short, and the man is giving me a frigging headache.

Randall: It's official, Beth. I'm old. I have three parents gone. One's sick. It's not even unusual at my age. I am not a young man anymore.

Toby: Are you aware that Kevin is in our guest room?

Kate: It's-it's been a day.
Toby: Happy birthday.
Kate: It is now.

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