5 дек. 2020 г.

The One Without the Ski Trip

Friends 3×17

Phoebe: Oh, my God. This is like 60 Minutes... when at first you're mad at that pharmaceutical company... for making the drug. And then, you just feel bad for the people because... they needed to make their hair grow.

Phoebe: "Rachel, I'm really sorry. " "Okay, Ross. Wanna get back together?" "Yeah, okay. " Did anyone else hear that?

Monica: Chandler. Oh, my God. You're smoking again?
Chandler: Well, actually, yesterday I was smoking again. Today I'm smoking, still.

Monica: Aren't you gonna go?
Rachel: No, thanks.
Phoebe: Rachel never pees in public restrooms.
Rachel: They never have any paper in there. So my rule is, "No tissue, no tushy."

Joey: I can open this. Anybody got a coat hanger?
Chandler: Oh, I do... No, I took it out of my shirt when I put it on this morning.
Monica: So if your parents hadn't divorced... you'd be able to answer a question like a normal person?

Joey: Look, I just need a wire something to jimmy it. One of you give me your bra underwire.
— What?!
Joey: Come on. Who has the biggest boobs? Whoever has the biggest boobs, has the biggest bra and wire.

Phoebe: Monica's are the biggest.
Monica: These tiny little non-breasts? Please. It's gotta be Rachel.
Rachel: No, mine are deceptively small. I mean, I actually sometimes stuff my bra.
Monica: Well, then your bra would still be big.
Rachel: No, I stuff outside the bra.
Chandler: Ladies, let's just compromise, okay? Phoebe, Rachel, take off Monica's bra.

Joey: Thank you, Phoebe. That's very, very generous.
Chandler: Now, let's decide who has the nicest ass.

Chandler: What's "pleh"?
Joey: That's "help" spelled backwards... so that the helicopters can read it from the air.
Chandler: Ha. What's "dufus" spelled backwards?

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