15 июл. 2019 г.

Shazam! (2019)

Sid Sivana: Dear Magic-Isn't-Real Ball, will Thad ever be a man?... Ouch. "Outlook not so good."

Mr. Sivana: Thad, you can't go crying to other people all the time. A man needs to know when to stand up for himself.

Thaddeus Sivana: You want me to do magic?

Eugene: Die, die, die!
Darla: He doesn't mean that. It's a game.

Rosa Vasquez: Maybe don't say anything too weird?
Freddy Freeman: Oh, one weird thing is, did you know that Romans used to brush their teeth with their urine? And apparently, it works.

Freddy Freeman: Oh, it's a long way down. Trust me, I speak from experience. Victor pushed me. They seem nice, but don't buy it. It gets real Game of Thrones around here.

Freddy Freeman: If you could have one superpower, flight or invisibility, what would you pick? I mean, everybody chooses flight. You know why?
Billy Batson: So they can fly away from this conversation?
Freddy Freeman: No, no. 'Cause heroes fly. And who doesn't want people to think they're a hero, right? But invisibility, no way. That's pervy. Spying around on people who don't even know you're there. Sneaking around everywhere. It's a total villain power, right?

Freddy Freeman: Then they did this study, and this is a real thing. They asked people the same question. You know, what power do you want? But this time, they made it so the answers were anonymous. And most people, since they knew that it was secret, said invisibility. And I think that's 'cause most people don't feel like heroes on the inside, deep down.

Dr. Sivana: Do you know what it's like for a child to be told you'll never be good enough?

Billy Batson: Look, man, maybe this is magic and, I don't know, but the people you're looking for, good, pure people, I'm not one of them. I don't know if anyone is, really.

Wizard: You, Billy Batson, are all I have. All the world has. Lay your hands on my staff.
Billy Batson: Gross.

Wizard: My magic must be passed on. Now, speak my name!
Billy Batson: I don't know your name, sir. We just met.
Wizard: My name is... Shazam.
Billy Batson: Wait, for real?!

Freddy Freeman: What are your superpowers?
Shazam: Superpowers? Dude, I don't even know how to pee in this thing.

Freddy Freeman: Hyper-speed, check.

Freddy Freeman: His name is Thundercrack, hero to the people with all the power and speed of lightning all in one!
Shazam: Dude, that sounds like a butt thing.
Freddy Freeman: Mister Philadelphia!
Shazam: That's a cream cheese thing, dude!
Freddy Freeman: Power Boy! 'Cause he's got all the powers. 'Cause sometimes pepper spray can't protect against evil.

Freddy Freeman: Electricity manipulation, hyper-speed, super-strength. Dude, you're stacked! You're almost as cool as Superman. Almost.

Freddy Freeman: Bullet immunity. You have bullet immunity!
Shazam: I'm bulletproof.

Shazam: Bleh!
Freddy Freeman: Ugh!
Shazam: That tastes like actual vomit.

Victor Vasquez: That second time she ran off, you said something to me I'll never forget. You said, "It's not a home until you call it a home. It's something you choose." All we can do is give him a place full of love. Whether he chooses to call it a home, that's up to him.

Shazam: Look, families are for people who can't take care of themselves, okay? So... And you can take care of yourself. Also, look both ways when you cross the street.

Billy Batson: If a superhero can't save his family, he's not much of a hero.
Freddy Freeman: That was a decent catchphrase.

Mary Bromfield: Divide and conquer. We separate the Sins from the eye, and he's just an old man.

Shazam: Here's the thing about power. What good's power, if you got nobody to share it with?

Shazam: You should hear yourselves! You think I'm gonna put a demon ball in my head? That's disgusting!

Dr. Sivana: Sun of Ra... Ouroboros. Solomon's... Knot...

Mister Mind: You walking, talking monkeys with your cave drawings, you assume there's only one means to gain magic. No, no, no, there are more ways than a mind can imagine.

Mister Mind: I named the gods, Doctor, not the other way around. Oh, what fun we're going to have together. The Seven Realms will soon be ours...

+++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

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