13 июл. 2019 г.

Overlord (2018)

Sergeant Rensin: They put it on a church because the Nazis are rotten sons of bitches. And rotten sons of bitches will do anything they have to to destroy everything that is good in this world! That is why we have to be just as rotten as they are. Am I clear?

Ford: Boyce, you keep worrying about dead bodies, you're gonna be one.

Boyce: Corporal, I had friends on that plane!
Ford: Yeah. Well, friends die.

Boyce: He was there and then he wasn't...
Ford: But you still are. So get your head right. We got a job to do.

Ford: What do you do with those people that you take into that church?
Wafner: They have been given a purpose.

Boyce: What the hell are we doing?... We're not him!
Ford: You want to beat them, you play just as dirty as they do.

Ford: What just happened?
Wafner: A Thousand-Year Reich needs thousand-year soldiers.

Wafner: How does it feel, the blood of eternity flowing through your veins?
Ford: Not so fucking great.

Tibbet: Jesus Christ, after all that? I thought they would just send us the fuck home.
Boyce: Got a job to finish. We got to get Tibbet to Hitler.
Tibbet: And then pop!
Boyce: We all go home.

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Σ nostradamvs: «На удивление забавный и вполне себе интересный боевик о том, как американские пехотинцы сражаются с воскрешёнными Третьим Рейхом солдатами-мертвецами. Звучит трешово, на деле это скорее ужастик..... Снято не как треш, а вполне себе как ужастик, с хорошим гримом и операторской работой. 7/10.»

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