5 июл. 2019 г.

The Mule (2018)

Earl Stone: Internet. Who needs it?

Rico: No tickets, huh?
Earl Stone: Nah-uh. Never had one. Ever in my life, I've never had one.

Mary: I see you're still into your flowers... I never understood how you could spend so much time and money on them.
Earl Stone: I love 'em. I mean, they're unique. They just bloom one day and that's the end of it. They deserve all the time and effort.
Mary: So did your family...

Earl Stone: Didn't your daddy teach you how to change a tire?
Nerdy Husband: No. That's why I'm googling it. I don't have any reception.
Earl Stone: Yeah, well, that's the trouble with this generation. If you can't open a fruit box without calling the Internet...

Earl Stone: Well, this is good. Helping you Negro folks out.
Young Wife: ... "Negro"? Sir, we don't say that anymore.
Nerdy Husband: Yeah, we prefer... "black."
Young Wife: "Black"../ or "people."
Nerdy Husband: Or just "people." Yeah. I'm black, you're white.
Earl Stone: No shit.

Julio: Who sent you here? Who gave you this address?
Earl Stone: I don't know. He was a big guy. Mexican-looking guy. He had tattoos all over. Very scary, at least to this gringo.
Julio: Okay, that could be anyone I know.

Earl Stone: Who do you have to kill to get a place like this?

Earl Stone: I don't know what it is with you guys and your generation.
Agent Colin Bates: "You guys"?
Earl Stone: Jesus. Don't you guys live life for something outside the goddamn phone?

Earl Stone: Don't follow my footsteps and do what I did. I put work in front of family. Family's the most important thing. Work's fine, if it's in second position. But first position should be family... I've learned that the hard way.

Earl Stone: Just what you needed, some asshole sitting here, telling you about what you should do in your personal life.
Agent Colin Bates: No, not at all.
Earl Stone: Anyway, I want to wish you good luck. You'll need it.
Agent Colin Bates: And, uh, thank you for the advice. It's good to talk to one of you guys, once in a while.
Earl Stone: "You guys"? ...
Agent Colin Bates: You know, you've lived so long, I think you've probably lost your filter.
Earl Stone: Really. I never realized I ever had one.

Earl Stone: I love you, Mary.
Mary: More today than yesterday?..
Earl Stone: ...But not as much as tomorrow.

Earl Stone: It's just time, is all. I could buy anything, but I couldn't buy time.

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