11 июл. 2019 г.

I Can Work with You

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 4×10

Other Rebecca: I've never felt loved.

Rebecca: I call it the Hot Mess. This epitomizes how I feel right now, which is confusion over no matter how hard I try in my life, it always ends up a steaming hot mess.

Rebecca: It's supposed to taste bad. It's bad, like my life.

Darryl: Everyone is a baby person. All you need to do is sniff her head.

Josh Chan: Okay, uh, okay, this is, um, three names. Uh, first one is a, uh, creature in an animated movie about a cat, and last name is... another movie, uh, not animated, uh, about a guy who's super smart and... speaks in an accent.
Nathaniel: Uh... what?
Josh Chan: Well, it says "Oliver Wendell Holmes."
Nathaniel: That's a Supreme Court justice!
Josh Chan: No one knows that.
Nathaniel: No one knows who plays a creature in an animated movie.
Josh Chan: Yeah, they do. It's called Oliver & Company, so... Oliver.

♪ Sometimes when we watch sports ♪
♪ We get sad ♪
♪ And we make it seem like we're sad about the sports ♪
♪ But we're not really crying about the game at all ♪
♪ Who really cares about a game of basketball? ♪
♪ We're sad ♪
♪ About our dads ♪
♪ We couldn't talk to our dads ♪
♪ Unless we used ♪
♪ Sports analogies ♪

♪ We're American men ♪
♪ We like all sports except for soccer ♪
♪ 'Cause soccer's just a bunch ♪
♪ Of foreigners runnin' around ♪
♪ Yeah! ♪

Rebecca: I was... in the middle of a shame spiral. Which isn't just a me thing. That's a thing that happens with my disorder, BPD. Um, and basically, it's what you saw. I can spiral out about things, in this case... oh, my fear that everyone hates me and that I'm a contagious plague in the form of a woman, even though intellectually I know that I'm not. .... I just, I need to make sure that I'm not relying on your feelings for my own sense of self-worth.

Rebecca: ♪ Hello, nice to meet you ♪
                 ♪ We share chromosomes ♪
                 ♪ Hello, nice to meet you ♪
                 ♪ You're kind of me ♪

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