30 июл. 2019 г.

Cold Pursuit (2019)

Grace Coxman: Hey... you're gonna have to say a few words tonight.
Nels Coxman: How many?
Grace Coxman: Well... Lincoln did, what, 282 for the Gettysburg Address.
Nels Coxman: So, 100?

Nels Coxman: I'm just a guy who keeps a strip of civilization open through the wilderness for people.

Nels Coxman: When you drive the same road day after day, it's... easy to start thinking about the road not taken. I try not to do that. You see... I was lucky. I picked a good road early... and I stayed on it.

Trevor 'Viking' Calcote: Do you know what a bully is?... It's a chance to prove your mettle. Now, you don't wanna waste those chances in life.

Trevor 'Viking' Calcote: Listen... I gave you Lord of the Flies for your birthday. I'll bet you haven't even started it yet... Well, then that's too bad. All the answers you'll ever need are in that book.

John 'Gip' Gipsky: I say make them all legal. Meth, ex, opium. An opium den in every mall, that's my platform. Give the people what they want. Tax the shit out of it, then double our pay. What do you think about that?
Kim Dash: No thanks. I wanna be able to tell the good guys from the bad guys. That way I'll know who to shoot.

Brock: What makes you think you can kill a man?

Nels Coxman: I read it in a crime novel.

Trevor 'Viking' Calcote: What's the one thing history's taught us? You keep those Indians on the reservation. Those Indians, they're always wanting more. Because they think the turf was theirs all along.
Sly: Might kinda have a point there, right.

Thorpe: Tape. Taser. Antibiotics.
Smoke: Antibiotics?
Thorpe: Yeah, you ever been bitten by a kid? Little bastards are nasty. You almost wish you were bitten by a dog.

Thorpe: We take him.
Smoke: What about the messenger?
Thorpe: We shot the messenger.

Resort Clerk: Welcome to Kehoe Chateau Montclair.
Thorpe: We need rooms tonight.
Resort Clerk: I'm sorry, you need a reservation.
Thorpe: Excuse me!...
Resort Clerk: A reservation.
Thorpe: Really?
Resort Clerk: A reser... Oh! No, I didn't mean it like that. I meant you need to reserve... book before you get here because we're all full. That's all I meant.

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