7 июл. 2019 г.

The Shack (2017)

Mack: What do I do?
Papa: Talk to God. He's always listening.

Willie: Pain has a way of twisting us up inside... And making us do the unthinkable.

Willie: Thirteen is way too young to be all grown up.

Willie: The secrets we keep have a way of clawing their way to the surface.

Mack: Are you saying that you're...
Papa: I am.
Mack: The "I am"?
Papa: I am that I am. Look at that. Already quotin' Scripture...

Papa: And you've met my son.
Jesus: Great to see you, Mack.
Mack: Your son? Of course.
Sarayu: And I'm Sarayu.
Mack: Sarah who?
Jesus: Sarayu. It means "a breath of wind."
Mack: Right.

Mack: So... which one of you is...
Papa: I am. And you have no idea how much I love you.

Mack: It's good to meet you guys. I'll be right back.

Mack: You're wearing a dress...
Papa: Excuse me?!
Mack: I always pictured you with a white beard.
Papa: I think that's Santa.

Papa: There is no easy answer that'll take your pain away. No instant fix that's enduring. Life takes a bit of time and a lot of relationship.

Papa: I'm not who you think I am.
Mack: He said it Himself. "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"
Papa: No, Mack. You misunderstand the mystery. Don't ever think that what my son chose to do didn't cost us both dearly. Love always leaves a mark... We were there together.

Papa: He's a beauty, isn't he? Created to fly. You, on the other hand, were created to be loved. Living unloved is like... clipping a bird's wings. Pain has a way of doing that to us. If it's left unresolved, you can forget what you were created for. That's not something I want for you.

Mack: But if you're real... then you already know everything I'm gonna say before I even say it, right?
Sarayu: Yes, but we choose to listen to everything you have to say as if it was for the first time.

Papa: I don't need to punish people. Sin is its own punishment.

Papa: As difficult as it is for you to accept, I'm in the middle of everything you perceive to be a mess, workin' for your good. That's what I do.
Mack: How can you say that? After all the pain and suffering in the world, what possible good comes from a little girl being murdered by a sick monster? See, you may not cause those things, but you certainly don't stop 'em.
Papa: Mackenzie, you're trying to make sense of your world based on a very incomplete picture. It's like looking through the knothole of your pain.

Sarayu: Let me ask you, how confident are you in your ability to discern good from evil?
Mack: Usually pretty obvious.
Sarayu: And your basis for something being good is what?
Mack: Well, if it helps me... or the people that I love.
Sarayu: And evil?
Mack: It's harmful. If it hurts someone I care about.
Sarayu: So, pretty much, you are the judge?

Sarayu: You ever been wrong? Or changed your opinion over time?
Mack: I mean, sure.
Sarayu: And there are billions like you... each determining what you think is good and evil. And when your good clashes with your neighbor's evil, arguments ensue. Wars break out. Because all insist on playing God.

Sarayu: What do you think?
Mack: It's still a mess.
Sarayu: Yes, it is, Mack. Wild, wonderful, and perfectly in process. This mess is you.

Wisdom: You want the promise of a pain-free life.
Mack: Yeah. Yeah.
Wisdom: There isn't one. As long as there is another will in this universe, free not to follow God, evil can find a way in.

Mack: God has time to catch a few rays?
Papa: Honey, you have no idea how much I'm doin' right now.

Papa: Don't think about the past. Everything's gonna be okay.

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