23 авг. 2023 г.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)

Hespera: Turns out museums are fun. Let's have more of it.

Shazam: I'm an idiot. I don't deserve these powers, if I'm being honest. Like, what am I even contributing? There's already a superhero with a red suit, with a lightning bolt on it and I'm fast, but he's faster. Aquaman is literally huge, and he's so manly and Batman is so cool! And I'm just me.

Mary Bromfield: At some point, Billy, like everyone on Earth, we have to get a job or... leave home. Nothing lasts forever.

Hespera: The daughters of Atlas are coming for you. ... They're coming to unmake your world and torture mankind for all eternity in the Pit of Endless Agony.
Shazam: Okay, I feel like maybe I should be writing all this down.

Steve: "The Wisdom of Solomon,
Strength of Hercules,
Stamina of Atlas,
Power of Zeus,
Courage of Achilles,
Speed of Mercury."

Shazam: Whoa, guys, look! This is what the name means.

Shazam: Okay, look. I might not have as much experience as you 'cause I'm not, like, super old like you, but I think I have a few experiences that you don't have. 'Cause I've seen all of the Fast and the Furious movies, lady. And let me tell you something. It's all about family!... Family!

Kalypso: Anthea, humans are villains, even to themselves. ... Humans wreak havoc and devastation, then pray to the gods to absolve them. They actually pray for order and peace when all they do is dismantle it at every turn.

Shazam: I know this is a lot to take in, but I promise to explain it all later.
Victor Vasquez: Explain what? That our kids are superheroes being hunted by Greek gods that used a dragon to destroy the house we just bought?

Shazam: Hey! Khaleesi!

Darla Dudley: Taste the rainbow, motherfu...

Shazam: Hey, you know, just because your father's power is surging through me, that doesn't technically make us related, you know, and I'm gonna be 18 in, like, five months, so...
Wonder Woman: Stick to saving the world, kid.

Shazam: Hey, just a little constructive criticism. It's pretty confusing that there are two separate groups of superheroes that are totally unaffiliated, but both have "Justice" in their name, you know. Like, have you guys ever thought about doing a rebranding of sorts? 'Cause just a quick search on Thesaurus.com, you got so many options, man. Like, "Authority Society." Eh? Uh, uh, "Code Society." That's stupid. These are, like, legal terms. "The Avenger Society!" I like that, for some reason.

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