8 авг. 2023 г.

Rough Diamonds 1×6

Noah Wolfson: How long can you play the same game?
Tommy McCabe: It's not the same game, it's a new level.

Eli Wolfson: You lied to me. You're after the bank, not the mafia.
Jo Smets: I withheld the truth for your own wellbeing, Mr. Wolfson. If you had known what my office was doing, you would have felt the pressure then and the man would have noticed.
Eli Wolfson: If I had known, I would have never gone in there at all.
Jo Smets: Hey, I'm doing you a big favor here. You could have been in jail already.

Eli Wolfson: All you do is tell lies.
Jo Smets: Mr. Wolfson, this isn't a lie. The truth is, this is the only way for you to escape prosecution.

Miri Wolfson: How did you know you chose the right man in the end? How can you ever be certain?
Adina Glazer: What are you so worried about, honey?
Miri Wolfson: I don't even know the guy. We've only spoken six times, you know.
Adina Glazer: You two have been engaged a whole year. Your parents have gotten to know his parents. You kids are undoubtedly a great match. All of us agree on that.
Miri Wolfson: How would they know that? I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him, together we'll raise children. I have no idea what that's gonna be like. How can I tell if I'm making the right choice?

Mendy: I've gotta say, Eli... I didn't want to bring this up to you at all, but... after the story with Yanki and then with Noah returning home, there... there were one or two people in the community who advised us to reconsider the match we were making and to cancel the wedding. They were arguing that two rotten eggs in the mishpocha... it's just not a good omen.

Mendy: I know you, Eli, and I knew your tateh, may he rest in peace. That has nothing to do with what your brothers have done, I say. I know that my son is getting a bride from a respectable family, with a tateh who's a respectable Jew. Of good character, huh? That's everything, that's what counts.

Jo Smets: Do you realize what you're doing? I have your confession. I know all that you've done in your family business.
Eli Wolfson: I'd rather fight in court than turn me and my family into traitors. It would mark us for generations.
Jo Smets: What do you mean, fight in court? If you don't sign the deal, you bet I'll destroy you in court. I'll make Wolfson Diamonds my personal target, do you hear me? You'll go to prison.
Eli Wolfson: Do what you have to do.

Adina Glazer: You did the right thing refusing to be a witness. That never would have been forgiven, Eli.

Sarah Wolfson: We will deal with all this tomorrow. Now we have to smile. In honor of the bride.

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