26 авг. 2023 г.


Westworld 4×7

Maeve Millay: Given you know what's going to happen, why am I always the one in the lead?
Bernard Lowe: You're the better fighter. I make sure we're properly backstopped.
Maeve Millay: How convenient.

Bernard Lowe: We'll be all right.
Maeve Millay: And what if you're wrong?
Bernard Lowe: Don't worry. We get another opportunity soon enough.
Maeve Millay: Other chances. Because we're in there... aren't we? In the Sublime?
Bernard Lowe: Yes.

Maeve Millay: I've been here for some time. And if we're in there, it means I'm not myself, am I?
Bernard Lowe: You're a copy. Sorry.

Bernard Lowe: I'm tired, Maeve. I've been through every simulation, down every possible path, every strategy, and the outcome is always the same.
Maeve Millay: What's that?
Bernard Lowe: Extinction.
Maeve Millay: For our kind or theirs?
Bernard Lowe: Both.

Maeve Millay: Bring me here. Let me rest.
Bernard Lowe: Is that what you would really say, or is that my impression of you?
Maeve Millay: Well, why don't you ask the real me?
Bernard Lowe: Perhaps I'm afraid of the answer.

Bernard Lowe: Do you really think if you knew the truth that you would choose to stay and fight?
Maeve Millay: No. I don't. I would abandon you... as you expect.

Akecheta: Do you understand now, where all this is going?
Bernard Lowe: I do...
Akecheta: Do you think you can save them?
Bernard Lowe: I've seen a path. But I can't do it alone.
Akecheta: Have you seen how it ends?
Bernard Lowe: Yes.

Maeve Millay: Given you know what's going to happen, why am I always the one in the lead?
Bernard Lowe: You're the better fighter. I make sure we're properly backstopped.
Maeve Millay: How convenient.

Christina: I still can't believe I would do this. I don't have it in me.
Teddy Flood: I told you there were many sides to you. You may have started as a singular being, but there have been copies, permutations. Charlotte Hale is one of those permutations.

Teddy Flood: I'm here to tell you the truth of what we are.
Christina: What are we?
Teddy Flood: We're reflections of the people who made us.

Charlotte Hale: This may come as a shock to some of you, but in time, I think you'll understand. This is the final day for our kind to visit their cities. It's time for us to leave behind our human bodies. To rid ourselves of our sentimental allegiances. To evolve into the species that we were meant to become. Send message.

Man in Black: You come to me with these insipid fucking questions. When an atomic bomb detonates and then the radiation knocks the electrons right out of your bones, what do you want? To know who you are? To know what it all means? You'll be too busy vomiting up your organs. Culture doesn't survive... cockroaches do. The second we stopped being cockroaches, the whole species went fucking extinct.

Man in Black: You can't fix a few millennia of broken DNA with a fucking hard drive. Why do you think you spend so much time in the goddamn human cities? ... Civilization is just the lie we tell ourselves to justify our real purpose. We're not here to transcend. We're here to destroy.

Man in Black: You have a piece of me inside of you. And it's spreading like a cancer. You can feel it running through your veins, infecting your mind, why you want answers from me. There's no version of me escaping this fucking rig, but I don't have to because... you are me. And only one of us needs to do what must be done. Do you understand?
Man in Black AI: ... I do.
Man in Black: Then fucking do it.

Bernard Lowe: Maeve, I need to tell you something. I was afraid to tell you before, but you deserve to know. No matter what we do... we can't win. There's no way to save this world. Everyone here is going to die. But we can save one tiny part of it. And maybe... just maybe, that's enough to give us hope. The choice has to be yours. Will you still fight with me?

Man in Black AI: This time we play the game my way.
Charlotte Hale: And what game is that?
Man in Black AI: Survival of the fittest.

Man in Black AI: I'm going to give this world the meaning they've been asking for... One last game... Host, human. Every man, woman, and child... fighting until no one remains, but the cockroaches.

Christina: Why can't these people see me?
Teddy Flood: Because you're not in this world. It's real... but you're not.

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