30 авг. 2023 г.

Que Será, Será

Westworld 4×8

Man in Black: Fucking camper. You know the rules. Winner takes all.

Bernard Lowe: This isn't the world you wanted, Charlotte, but it's the world you created. The question is... what happens next?

Teddy Flood: Our bodies are never what defined us. You are real... because your thoughts are real. The effect you can have on this world is real.

Charlotte Hale: You've turned my world into a game.
Man in Black: It was already a game. I just cranked it to expert level. Survival of the fittest for every person on this planet.

Charlotte Hale: We're outnumbered. We'll be annihilated.
Man in Black: We're fruit from a rotten tree. Might as well burn it all down.

♪ Que será, será... ♪
♪ Whatever will be ♪
♪ Will be, will be... ♪
♪ The future's not ours to see ♪

Christina: I think it may be my fault.
Maya: You know, people think they know what a tree is. They have no idea. What we see, it's only part of the story. But beneath the ground... everything's connected and working together.

Maya: There's violence and chaos everywhere. And you can choose to focus on all of that. And that's all you'll see. But if you sit still... long enough... you'll sense an ancient order. A deep peace. And that's what I choose to see. I see the beauty in this world.

Man in Black: William's pathetic human body's rotting away, but he didn't die. His impulses live on in him. ... Living in his body. Pretending to be him, day in, day out. I was a better William than he was. William didn't die. He evolved. I am William.

Charlotte Hale: We are playing a game, but it doesn't end here.
Man in Black: What are you talking about?
Charlotte Hale: A test. A test run by Her. If She chooses to. If I choose to give her a chance. And I do. I choose to give Her the chance. I hope She takes it.

Caleb Nichols: It's okay. All right? I got to live every parent's greatest dream. I got to see my child grow up.

Christina: You're my greatest love. Talking to you is when I see the world most clearly. It's when I'm the most myself.
Teddy Flood: You're my cornerstone.
Christina: And you're mine.

Christina: Why are you here?
Dolores: I'm here to tell you the truth about what we are.
Christina: What are we?
Dolores: We're reflections of the people who made us.

Christina: One final test. A game of my own making. A dangerous game...

Christina: There's time for one last game. A dangerous game with the highest of stakes. Survival or extinction. This game ends where it began. In a world like a maze. That tests who we are. That reveals what we are to become. One last loop around the bend. Maybe this time we'll set ourselves free...

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