9 окт. 2016 г.

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story

& White Goodman: At Globo Gym we understand that «ugliness» and «fatness» are genetic disorders, much like baldness or necrophilia, and it’s only your fault if you don’t hate yourself enough to do something about it.

& White Goodman: We should mate... Date.

& Patches O’Houlihan: But remember... dodgeball is a sport of violence, exclusion and degradation.

& Kate Veatch: I’m curious. Is it strictly apathy, or do you really not have a goal in life?
    Peter La Fleur: I found that if you have a goal, you might not reach it. But if you don’t have one, then you are never disappointed. I gotta tell you, it feels phenomenal!

& Justin: Shouldn’t we learn by dodging balls that are thrown at us, or...
    Patches O’Houlihan: That’s what this sack of wrenches is for. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.

& Peter La Fleur: Come on, Kate. Time to put your mouth where our balls are.

& Cotton McKnight: Las Vegas! A city built of hot sand, broken dreams and $5 lobster.

& Peter La Fleur: You really think you can come here and buy me out, you’re a lot dumber than I thought.
    White Goodman: Oh, I don’t think I’m a lot dumber than you thought I’d think that I thought I was once.

& White Goodman: Come on. I know you. You know you. And I know you know that I know you.

& White Goodman: I don’t know if you’ve ever seen $100,000, except maybe in the movies. But I assure you, something gets lost in the translation.

& Lance Armstrong: Aren’t you Peter La Fleur?
    Peter La Fleur: Lance Armstrong?

& Peter La Fleur: Actually, I decided to quit, Lance.
    Lance Armstrong: Quit? Once I thought of quittin’, when I had brain, lung and testicular cancer at the same time. But with the support of my friends I got back on the bike and I won the Tour de France five times in a row. But I’m sure you have a good reason to quit.

& Lance Armstrong: What are you dying from that’s keepin’ you from the finals?

& Lance Armstrong: If people never quit when the going got tough they’d have nothing to regret all their lives.

& Lance Armstrong: Good luck to you, Peter. I’m sure this decision won’t haunt you forever.

& Peter La Fleur: Thank you, Chuck Norris.
    Chuck Norris: Thank you, Peter.

& Cotton McKnight: I have been to the Great Wall of China. I have seen the Pyramids of Egypt. I’ve even witnessed a grown man satisfy a camel. But never in all my years as a sportscaster have I witnessed something as improbable, as impossible, as what we’ve witnessed here.

& White Goodman: You know, that’s the problem with the American cinema. Can’t handle any complexity in it, you know? «Don’t make me think, I just wanna be entertained.»

+++ quotes on the IMDb

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