11 окт. 2016 г.

Folie à Deux

Elementary 5×1

& Holmes: Unfortunately, this drawing only serves to advertise the identity-concealing benefits of hoodies, hats, and sunglasses.

& Holmes: It occurs to me you’re approaching an anniversary of your own. Been almost five years since you committed to becoming a detective.

& Holmes: You’d be amazed what turns up in the rubbish. I once found the testicles of an illegally poached, Asian, black bear in the bins of an English member of parliament. He believed them to possess certain curative powers.

& Holmes: ...the thing about passion is it can be taught, it can be learned.

& Watson: That is disgusting.
    Holmes: A 2011 study concluded that chewing gum for five minutes and then discharging it produced a 15 minute window of improved cognitive function. I need all the focus I can get.

& Holmes: Good day to be in the punishment business, wouldn’t you agree?

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