24 июл. 2014 г.

The Incident

Modern Family 1×4

& DeDe: I knew I could count on you. Oh, my beautiful boy. I love you so much...
    Cameron: ’There’s a fish in nature that swims around with its babies in its mouth. That fish would look at Mitchell’s elationship with his mother and say, "that’s messed up."’

& Phil: Boy... Things with your mom got pretty intense down there, huh? All like East coast/West coast. You feelin’ me?.. ’Act like a parent, talk like a peer. I call it “peerenting.” I learned it from my own dad who used to walk into my room and say, "what’s up, sweathog?"’

& Claire: ’You know how growing up, we have that voice inside our head that tells us we’re not good enough? Well, mine was outside my head, driving me to school.’

& Gloria: I think we’ve had enough revenge in this family for one day.
    Mitchell: Oh, okay. Y-y-you see? Yeah, we’re all gonna move past this. And because of me, who— who’s not a mama’s boy, but is a caring person with wisdom and emotional insight. So make a note, bitches.
    Cameron: That’s not a good color on you.

+ quotes on the IMDb

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