25 мар. 2014 г.


The Walking Dead 4×15

& Dr. Porter: Score. A few more of those, a little aluminum foil and some bleach, you got yourself some volts, sister. Homemade battery.

& Dr. Porter: Speaking of video games, what kind of gamer were you? RPGs, shmup, sim racing?
Ω Bazinga literally.

& Tara: What do you do when the mission’s over?

& Joe: See, going it alone, that ain’t an option nowadays. Still, it is survival of the fittest. That’s a paradox right there. So I laid out some rules of the road to keep things from going Darwin every couple hours. Keep our merry band together and stress-free. All you got to do is claim. That’s how you mark your territory, your prey, your bed at night. One word, claimed.

& Joe: Claimed. That’s all you got to say.

& Sgt. Ford: We’re stopping here. Tired is slow. Slow is dead.

& Rosita: Those two are not the priority. The only priority is getting you to Washington.
    Dr. Porter: After I save the world, I still have to live with myself. I’m not leaving them behind.

& Dr. Porter: We’re a day’s walk from Terminus. Who knows what they’ve got there?
    Rosita: Look, it couldn’t hurt to check.
Ω You wish.

& Sgt. Ford: He tells me I’m wrong... I listen. Tomorrow we go to the end of the line. Then Washington.

& Glenn: What are you doing? This is the only picture I have of you!
    Maggie: You don’t need a picture of me. You never will again.

& Joe: Fell apart... I never looked at it like that. Seems to me like things are finally starting to fall together. At least for guys like us.

& — Hi. I’m Mary... Let’s get you settled and we’ll make you a plate. Welcome to Terminus.

+ quotes on the quotes on the IMDb

Σ A circle is narrowing.

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