Big Flappy Bastards
& Alan: I need you to be my eyes and ears.
Charlie: Okay, but you have to be my liver and prostate.
& Jake: Whoa, whose is this?
Alan: Charlie, you want to field that one?
Charlie: No problem. Jake, sometimes when you have a casual sexual relationship...
& Alan: Charlie, she kissed me. This wasn’t the kiss of a woman who just wanted her garbage disposal unclogged.
Charlie: Well, you know her plumbing better than I do.
Alan: You know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna let her come to me. You know, be detached, play it cool. You know?
Charlie: Yeah. That’s your home-run swing.
& Charlie: What am I supposed to do when he ignores me?
Alan: You punish him. You take away his computer, his TV, his toys.
Charlie: You already took away all the good stuff. What am I supposed to take away? His bronchial inhaler?
& Jake: So, you’re not still mad about the seagulls?
Charlie: I’m still mad. I just figured out a better way to deal with it.
Jake: Well, I think this is a very good way.
Charlie: Me, too. I’m buying you all this stuff, but as punishment for letting seagulls in my house, you can’t play with it for a month.
Jake: A month?!
Charlie: Pretty smart, huh?
Jake: It’s not fair!
Charlie: You know what this is?.. The world’s smallest violin.
+on Imdb.
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