19 дек. 2009 г.

House M.D. 4x07


Season 4, Episode 7

* Cuddy: You think I like the cameras? You think I want the whole world watching you check out my ass and question my wardrobe?
   House: Would it be better if I checked out your wardrobe and questioned your ass?
   Cuddy: A little part of me...
   House: There is no little part of you.

* House: I think I'm going blind.
   Wilson: Hairy palms, too?
   House: She said something idiotic again and I didn't even notice it. Foreman had to point out that it was idiotic. She's making me an idiot.
   Wilson: It's cute. You have a crush.

* Wilson: Ask her out.
   House: The bitch? She's a bitch.
   Wilson: No, the one that's making you an idiot. It's the story of life. Boy meets girl. Boy gets stupid. Boy and girl live stupidly ever after.

* Dr. Amber Volakis: Why did you hire her?
   House: Because she has way more diagnostic experience than the other swimsuit models I was considering.

* Dr. Amber Volakis: Why did you bring her in so late? It's not fair. The rest of us...
   House: Hey, hey, hey! You wanted fair, you picked the wrong job, the wrong profession, the wrong species.

* Dr. Amber Volakis: Nasal papilloma. Hemorrhage could have overwhelmed the heart.
   House: Nice lipstick.
   Volakis: Thank you.
   House: Bad idea.

* Cuddy: Where are you going?
   House: To do what I always do it these situations: treat my patient behind his back.

* House: Just a warning. If we have to start getting consent every time we do a procedure, soon they'll be asking for informed consent.

* Taub: I screwed around with a nurse. It became a deal. My partners found out and I resigned. There. Happy?
   House: If you could be a bit more descriptive, I'd be happier.
   Taub: Some people pop pain pills, I cheat. We all have our vices.

* House: Wow, you are ugly.
   Patient: Wow, you're an ass.

* Wilson: Can I see that again?
   House: What did you miss? She screwed up, I didn't...
   Wilson: No, just the part where she leans forward. I think you can see through her dress.

* "Dr. Samira Terzi on TV: ...Could be something he ate or drank. Maybe a peptic ulcer.
   House on TV: Good."

   Wilson: You thought that was a good idea?
   House: What am I gonna do?
   Wilson: Just enjoy.
   House: I'm gonna keep her around, because she makes me an idiot?
   Wilson: Well, you're protected, Foreman seems immune.
   House: You think he's gay? Did he become an idiot around Chase?

* "Thirteen on TV: I just said it's not a nasal..."
   Wilson: Wait a minute, rewind that. Was that Thirteen? Wow.
   House: I can't believe I'm that guy.
   Wilson: Every guy is that guy.
   House: I'm not every guy. What is this? Semantics here?
   Wilson: Okay, all guys are that guy.
   House: I'm not all guys! Cameron was smart.
   Wilson: You know, I'm beginning to doubt that.

* House: Dr. Terzi, would you please stand up? ... Nice.
   I have treated you unfairly. Pre-judged you. And for me to be a better person, I have to rectify that situation. You're fired.
   You wanna grab some dinner? Maybe a movie? Seriously.

* Cuddy: Well, it's nice of them to send us an early copy.
   House: Not so much sent as stolen.
   "Talking head on TV: It was Dr. Gregory House who served as not only a doctor, but a rock for Kenny and his father.
   Kenny on TV: You're putting your trust in someone who does think the surgery's important.
   Kenny's Father on TV: House, one of those rare doctors..."

   House: God!
   "Kenny's Father on TV: ...who wears his heart on his sleeve."
   House: Oh, stop it. Suddenly, I don't feel I can trust Michael Moore movies.

--- Словарик:
species — биол. вид
crush — сильное увлечение
vice — порок, зло

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