7 дек. 2009 г.

House M.D. 4x03

97 Seconds

Season 4, Episode 3

* House: New patient. New rules. Today you're gonna split yourselves into two teams. First to figure out what's threatening to deprive the patient of the 20 or so miserable years he's got left with SMA, gets to keep their jobs.
   Take off your numbers. You look stupid. And I think I know who you are by now.
   Kutner: Wait. How do you want us to split up?
   House: Good question, overly excited former foster kid. There's ten of you. I'm thinking six against six. No, wait...
   Fat twin: How about women versus men?
   House: Excellent suggestion, fat twin. More interesting than evens versus odds, less interesting than shirts against skins. If your sex organs dangle, you're the confederates. If your sex organs are aesthetically pleasing, you're the yanks.

* Cutthroat bitch: Why do you guys keep a D cell battery in a urine specimen cup?
   Cameron: Because we pulled it from a patient's intestine.
   Cutthroat bitch: Why would somebody swallow a battery?
   Cameron: Why do you assume it was swallowed?
   Cutthroat bitch: It would have been worse if he'd used a nine volt.
   Cameron: Who said it was a "he"?

* Cuddy: You can't make a competition out of patient care.
   House: Without competition, we'd still be single-cell organisms.

* House: If you're gonna try to take yourself out, why choose electricity? You eat a bullet, jump off a building... Bury yourself alive in Cuddy's cleavage. It could have been a suicidal gesture, as opposed to an actual attempt. But who puts their internal organs on a skillet just to get attention?
   Wilson: Go ask him.
   House: That would be cheating.

* Wilson: You're an idiot. You nearly killed yourself.
   House: That was the whole idea.
   Wilson: You wanted to kill yourself?
   House: I wanted to nearly kill myself.
   Wilson: Maybe you didn't wanna die, but you didn't care if you lived.
   House: You insisted that I needed to see for myself.

* Wilson: Why did you need to talk to him? Did you see something? House?! What did you see?
   House: Nothing.

* Wilson: Just looking at you hurts. I'm gonna order up some extra pain meds.
   House: I love you.

* Cutthroat bitch: What are you doing?
   House: Going to see our patient.
   Cutthroat bitch: He's dead.
   House: Dead is not a diagnosis.

* Cutthroat bitch: Why did you call me?
   House: Because if I pooped myself in front of Wilson, I'd never hear the end of it.

--- Словарик:
foster — лелеять, питать
dangle — свободно свисать, качаться; висеть
cutthroat — убийца, головорез
intestine — кишечник; кишка
cleavage — (разг.) «ручеёк», ложбинка на груди (при глубоком декольте)

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?? А мы узнаем, что же Хауз увидел там?.. А! Или ответ уже дан? Вот этот:

* House: I'm sorry to say "I told you so".

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