30 янв. 2017 г.

Zero Days

& Mossad Operative: We are in an unbalanced and inequivalent confrontation between democracies who are obliged to play by the rules and entities who think democracy is a joke.
    You can’t convince fanatics by saying, «hey, hatred paralyzes you, love releases you.» There are different rules that we have to play by.

& Gen. Michael Hayden: Two answers before you even get started: I don’t know, and if I did, we wouldn’t talk about it anyway.

& Eric Chien: When looking at the Stuxnet code, it’s 20 times the size of the average piece of code but contains almost no bugs inside of it. And that’s extremely rare. Malicious code always has bugs inside of it. This wasn’t the case with Stuxnet. It’s dense and every piece of code does something and does something right in order to conduct its attack.

& NSA Character: We went out of our way to avoid the term. I mean, saying «stuxnet» out loud was like saying «Voldemort» in Harry Potter. The name that shall not be spoken.
    Gibney: What did you call it then?
    NSA Character: ..... The Natanz attack, and this is out there already, was called... Olympic Games or OG.

& Yadlin: If your cyber weapon is good enough, if your enemy is not aware of it, it is an ideal weapon, because the enemy even don’t understand what is happening to it.
    Gibney: Maybe even better if the enemy begins to doubt their own capability.
    Yadlin: Absolutely.

& Rolf Mowatt-Larssen: What happened at Natanz must have driven the engineers crazy, because the worst thing that can happen to a maintenance engineer is not being able to figure out what the cause of specific trouble is. So they must have been analyzing themselves to death.

& Gen. Michael Hayden: Was it the Israelis? And, yeah, I... I truly don’t know, and even though I don’t know, I still can’t talk about it, all right?

& David Sanger: Thanks to Mr. Snowden, we know that in 2012 president Obama issued an executive order that laid out some of the conditions under which cyber weapons can be used. And interestingly, every use of a cyber weapon requires presidential sign-off. That is only true in the physical world for nuclear weapons.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

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