12 янв. 2017 г.

Symphony of Red Tape

Mozart in the Jungle 3×6

& Betty: Management on one side, us on the other. I see nothing’s changed.

& Rodrigo: Olivia, she comes to the world as a new song. You know? Played for the first time. She’s like music. Every time she cries, or she laughs, she takes us to a place that we don’t know the name of.

& Rodrigo: Christophe, can you hold her by the feet, please?... And Virgil, can you hold her by the hands?... You have the baby? You have the baby in your hands? Now pull her apart! Tear her into two pieces. ’Cause that’s what you’ve all done with music!.... No, don’t worry, don’t worry, Grandfather. Don’t worry. They won’t hurt her. Because they love her. You don’t hurt the thing you love most. Right?

& Betty: Windsor!..

& Betty: I never really hung out in church much. I hear there’s supposed to be wine somewhere.
    Gloria: .... Uh-huh.

& Pavel: Hey! It’s Polka time!

& Thomas: ....I suppose the moral of that one is, we have to celebrate our failures.

& Thomas: Now, stop asking for permission. Get yourself some musicians, a piece of music... and just conduct.

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