5 апр. 2015 г.

It’s a Box Inside a Box Inside a Box, Dipsh*T

House of Lies 4×12

Ω Jeannie’s due!

& Marty: Right this second, I’m fucked. I mean, triple-decker-on-toast-points fucked. Deeply, physically, emotionally and spiritually fucked.

& Clyde: Oberholt. Yeah, I’ll hold.

& Marty: You ever notice how it doesn’t feel as hostile when you’re the ones doing the taking over?

& Doug: No! That could take years!

& Jeannie: What is the drug situation here?
    Nurse: Oh, we’re gonna take great care of you. Okay?
    Jeannie: Bring me the man with the needle... Give me the goddamn drugs!

& Marty: I’m not a nice person, but I’m good at what I fucking do. I’m really, really good at it. I know what I’m doing. That’s why I went out there and got all you guys, right? All your companies so that we could, together, be one bigger, better company. ’Cause I know, with you, we can fucking crush it out there. I’m gonna make you wealthy. I’m gonna make you whole. I will make you better. But you have to, have to, have to, have to stick with me. Look, give me a year. [ Ω Season 5, huh? ] Can you do that? Give me... give me one year. Give me one year to make you all fucking rich. You know that I can.

& Grant: Marty, listen. Fucking listen. Listen. Just fucking listen, Marty. Marty, guys, tattoo girl, okay? I’m fucking sorry.

& Grant: I had a little too much to drink. Okay, I just drank too much!

& Jeannie: But, Marty... the party.

On the IMDb


Σ Pretty wrapped it all up, correct? Nevertheless, season 5's on its way.

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