4 апр. 2015 г.

Force Majeure

& Charlotte: What did you do?
    Tomas: Well. no. I mean there’s not much to do.

& Mats: If you look at us human beings... and animals as well... the fact is, that when we are confronted by an extremely dangerous situation, it triggers a force in us called «I want to survive!» That means you react now! It’s... It’s a primitive force to just escape. And I believe... That the «enemy» is the image we have of heroes. All those stories about heroes. And the pressure to be a hero and do heroic acts in terrible situations. But the truth is when reality is staring you in the face, and you’re afraid to die, very few of us are heroic.

& Mats: Maybe you should try screaming? Seriously. I spent two years in therapy... and it didn’t do a damn thing. Then I screamed for five minutes and felt a hell of a lot better. It’s physical, something stuck in your body.

& Tomas: You’re not the only victim here. I’m a victim too! I’m a bloody victim of my own instincts!

+ quotes on the IMDb

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