28 февр. 2021 г.

Hard Vacuum

The Expanse 5×8

Bertold: We salvage. This is what we do.
Camina: We're not salvagers. We're scavengers. Marco kills those who defy him, and we pick the bodies clean.

David Paster: That felt good.
Admiral Delgado: Damn right.
Chrisjen: You showed that you're in control of the situation.
David Paster: You think they believed me?
Chrisjen: Doesn't matter. They saw the leader they needed to see.
David Paster: Now we just have to make good on what I said...

— This is Naomi Nagata of the Rocinante. If you get this message, please retransmit. Tell James Holden I am in distress. Comm is not responding. I have no nav control. Please retransmit. This is Naomi Nagata of the Rocinante.....

David Paster: I agree, we need a response, but it has to be the right one.
Admiral Delgado: My job isn't to assess morality. This is simply what we need to do. The families, the victims, all the people on our planet, they need to see that we're fighting back. The Belters struck our home. We need to strike back at theirs.
David Paster: The casualties will be substantial.
Admiral Delgado: Not compared to ours... Inaros deliberately targeted our citizens. Now he's using his own people as human shields. Their blood is on his hands, not yours.
David Paster: We're all gonna have blood on our hands before this is over.
Admiral Delgado: Well, if it's more of theirs... I'll take it.
David Paster: ... Thank you for your candor, Admiral.

— This is Naomi Nagata... Tell James Holden I am in... ...control. This is Naomi Nagata... Tell James Holden I am in... control.

On the IMDb

27 февр. 2021 г.

The Bridge #4.1

Bron/Broen 4×1

Saga: Everyone chooses a leisure activity. Pottery doesn't involve other people.

Henrik: Do you think they'll free her?
Linn: I'm hoping.
Henrik: That's good that you're hoping. I hope we won't be disappointed.

Henrik: Is that good or bad?
Saga: Everything is bad. It just gets worse.

Jonas: I hope you were careful.
Saga: What are you talking about?
Jonas: Martin's in prison. Hanne's hopping around on one leg. She's fucking hard on Danish police... That was a joke.

On the IMDb

The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie

Friends 4×10

Rachel: I hate being alone this time of year. Next it's Valentine's Day... then my birthday, then bang! Then they're lighting that damn tree again.

Rachel: I want somebody! You know, I want a man! It doesn't even have to be a big relationship. Just a fling!
Chandler: I didn't think girls ever just wanted a fling.
Rachel: Let me tell you, it's been a long time since I've been flung.

Ross: I should go. I've got a date.
Chandler: With who?
Ross: You know the girl who lives in Poughkeepsie?... Not her.

Rachel: Chandler, you have the best taste in men.
Chandler: Like father, like son...

Rachel: Patrick just, uh, ended things with me. Did you or didn't you tell him I wanted a serious relationship?
Chandler: I did! I absolutely did!
Rachel: You idiot!
Chandler: I'm sure you're right. But why?

The Woman On The Train: I bet myself that you had beautiful eyes. Now that I see them, I win!

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

26 февр. 2021 г.

A Family Man (2016)

Dane Jensen: I am a headhunter and I am the purest form of salesman alive. I sell the American dream. I make money out of thin air, smoke, whole cloth. I stand on the shoulders of giants, the hardest of hardened salesmen. Tin men, bible salesmen, slum realtors. We're a wolf pack of commissioned phone jockeys working 70 hours a week without a net. You hit, you hit big. You blank, and the repo man's tailgating the minivan at the grocery store. This job is a desk, a phone, a chair and your ass.

Dane Jensen: Ryan eat breakfast?
Elise: If you can call it that. He likes cereal and it's easy.
Dane Jensen: Of course he does, Elise, what kid doesn't like colored marshmallows swimming in whole milk?

Ed Blackridge: Bob, were you not here this past Saturday or Sunday?
Bob: No, I don't think anyone was here.
Ed Blackridge: You blanked for three months.
Bob: I got two kids, my wife had divorced me, I started coming in on the weekends.
Ed Blackridge: Ah, wife and two kids, I see... You're gonna score in October?
Bob: I'm sure gonna try my best.
Ed Blackridge: Try? Your attitude is to try?! Bob… What about an attitude that says "I'll do whatever it takes, I'll work whatever hours necessary, in order to justify your financial commitment to me, Ed"?
Bob: Oh…
Ed Blackridge: Bob… Are you going to get a deal?!?!

Sumner: I don't know…
Dane Jensen: We're headhunters, Sumner. In an economic shit storm. Now I can teach you how to count cards, but I can't make you do it. So you either reach deep inside and find that small dark part of yourself that's predatory… Or there's the door.

Dane Jensen: Alright. Try giving yourself a desk name, something tough, visual. Watch Wall Street, Godfathers 1 and 2, not 3.

Elise: It's sad.
Dane Jensen: It's just Halloween, Elise. How sad can a bunch of dressed-up kids with a bellyful of candy actually be?
Elise: Sad for you, Dane. You're missing it. Even when you're here you're not really here. You're always thinking about some deal you've got going, or some candidate you're scamming. One day, you're gonna wish you had this time back... I love you and it makes me sad. For you.

Lou Wheeler: But, Dane? Remember something... Every family has its issues. But you only have one family.

Dane Jensen: Tell me, what are you saying when they ask you, "Tell me a little bit about yourself?"... No, Lou. Lou, no, Lou, Lou, stop! Christ, brother, this isn't the biography channel. Even I wouldn't hire you... Alright. Okay. Say this.....
Lou Wheeler: Miss Smith… Toni? You know, I've been working a long time, you can see that. And all those years, I've seen a lot of people come and go. I've seen people chasing what they think will make them happy, money, titles, whatever. But it seems to me, if a man, or a woman, can be paid an honest wage for an honest job, and if you can look back at what you've done and feel proud, well then, you're happy.
     I know I'm running the risk of sounding a little old fashioned, or naive even, but… I don't think you can ever be too qualified to be happy. Do you?

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Freshman Orientation and the Inventor of the Zipper

Young Sheldon 4×6

Sheldon: I'm excited to finally use college-ruled paper and not feel like I'm living a lie.
Billy: What's college-ruled paper?
Sheldon: The lines are 18% closer together.
Billy: College sounds hard.

Mary: Missy, don't forget that you have to pick out a present for that birthday next week.
Missy: Mom, it's "Melissa" now.
Mary: Middle school...

Pastor Jeff: Thanks again...
George: Oh, don't thank me. Thank Mary. She's the one who said I had to do it.

George: Why are kids such a pain in the ass?.. I'm sure yours will be great.

Missy: Missy got ponies. Melissa gets horses.

Dr. Sturgis: Um... did you know there's a supercollider being built in Waxahachie, Texas?
Mary: No.
Dr. Sturgis: Do you know what a supercollider is?
Mary: Not really.
Dr. Sturgis: Would you like a crash course? Which is humorous because it involves particles crashing into each other.
Mary: I'd like you to tell me what this has to do with Sheldon.
Dr. Sturgis: Well, that part's less funny...

Mary: Hold on. You're not gonna be around when Sheldon starts college?
Dr. Sturgis: That's a great question! No.

Sheldon: Missy... Help me with my clothes.
Missy: Burn them and get new ones.

George: Missy was a crier. Sheldon just learned to talk and said, "Father, I have soiled myself."

George: Oh, you just put a positive spin on everything, don't you?
Pastor Jeff: Kind of goes with the pastor territory.
George: Okay. What if I said... Mary and I have not had a real vacation since we had kids?
Pastor Jeff: I like to believe starting a family will be the most rewarding adventure of all.
George: You're good. You could not be more wrong, but you're good.

Pastor Jeff: Did you feel ready before Georgie was born?
George: Absolutely. Boy, was I wrong...

George: Ah, you'll figure it out. And no sense in worrying about it 'cause you never know what kind of curveballs will come your way.
Pastor Jeff: I guess that's true.
George: Mm. The doctors could tell us we were having twins, but they couldn't warn us we were having a Sheldon.
Pastor Jeff: You don't think I'm gonna...?
George: Oh, no. They broke the mold. But... you could go the other way and have a Georgie, so... some terror is called for.

Meemaw: I think you're gonna be a little heartbreaker.
Missy: I don't want to break anyone's heart. I just want to look hot.
Meemaw: Well, that you do.

Meemaw: There's nothing wrong with breaking some hearts. If you don't do it to them, they're gonna do it to you.

George: Look, being a dad doesn't mean your life is over. It just means it's different. Instead of playing football, I get to coach it now... I mean, high school football. Not college like I'd hoped. I-Instead of a motorcycle, I drive a truck... To work every single day. To pay the bills. Oh. Endless bills... What happened to my life?

Sheldon: I may not look it, but I'm the future of physics, so just move on.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

25 февр. 2021 г.

Chapter 1: An Actor Avoids

The Kominsky Method 1×1

Sandy Kominsky: Acting. So what is acting? I mean, when an actor acts, what is he or she... or they... actually doing? Well, on one level, the answer is simple. They're making believe. They are pretending. But on a... on a much deeper level, we need to ask ourselves... what is really happening.
     Well, you need to ask me. I think I'm the only one here who doesn't have a roommate.
     What's really happening... and I want you to listen carefully... What's really happening is that the actor is playing... God.
     Because, after all, what does God do? God creates. God says "Here is a world," and bam! That world exists. God says, "Here's life," and bam again! Life happens. God says, "Here's death," and boom! Darkness. The darkness returns.
     So what does this mean to us? How do we take this information and bring it into our work? The answer, my dear colleagues, is that, like God, we must love our creations. We must imbue them with life, with character, with hope and dreams and fatal flaws, and then... Then... we must let them go. Because in the end... true love... God's love... is letting go.

Sandy Kominsky: Okay, love of character, not the pursuit of fame or money, is what separates the great actor, the true artist...

Sandy Kominsky: Um, I'm gonna have a Jack Daniel's on the rocks and a diet Dr Pepper with a straw.
Norman Newlander: I absolutely loathe the way you drink.
Sandy Kominsky: The Jack keeps me from killing myself, and the Pepper keeps me regular.

Sandy Kominsky: I did not want to get them sicker.
Mindy Kominsky: You were worried you might give the guy with brain cancer a case of the sniffles?
Sandy Kominsky: Yes. It's called common courtesy.

Sandy Kominsky: Yes, I'll admit to fearing a violent death, terrorism, tsunamis, what have you, but natural death from old age? No. No, not at all. I see that as my next great adventure.
Mindy Kominsky: Tsunamis? Really?
Sandy Kominsky: I've never been a strong swimmer.

Sandy Kominsky: And let us not forget that I will live on in my work... in my students. That's how I cheat death.

Lisa: You know, you didn't have to come all this way. I could've met you.
Sandy Kominsky: No, I'm old school. You pick a lady up for dinner and you return her safely home.
Lisa: That is so wonderfully archaic.
Sandy Kominsky: Well, that's my rap name, Wonderfully Archaic.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The Bridge #3.10

Bron/Broen 3×10

Freddie: You always have a choice.
Emil: Only if you have power. The powerless can never choose. They only have themselves.

Emil: You and me, together inside a painting. A very fine day.

Emil: There was a way to avoid all this. All the pain. All the fear. All the death.
Saga: And what is that?
Emil: I should never have been born.

Saga: Have you been on them while we've worked together?
Henrik: The whole time.
Saga: That's serious misconduct. Criminal.
Henrik: And one must report such things. Right?
Saga: Do you remember what we talked about... why I don't let people close to me?
Henrik: Yeah.
Saga: Do you remember why?
Henrik: Because everyone, in one way or another, has left you or hurt you.

Linn: How was the funeral?
Saga: I don't know. I don't have much to compare it to.

Saga: But I'm innocent. I hoped that would be enough.

Saga: I had a motive, no alibi... and they have technical evidence. I'm going to be sentenced!

Henrik: Hey, Wiki!

Henrik: Are you coming?
Saga: It's a six-year-old car theft.
Henrik: Is that it?
Saga: Even if we find it, the chance that it will lead to anything is minimal.
Henrik: Yeah. I know that. But I have nothing else to do. Do you?
Saga: No.

On the IMDb

24 февр. 2021 г.

Serious Moonlight

American Gods 3×2

William Huntington Sanders: I own the biggest IT company in the world. Everyone wants something from me. Everyone wants what I have to give. It's like I'm a fucking god. So I come here to restore some balance. Because I thought that you were different than the others.
Queen Bilquis: There are no others like me.
William Huntington Sanders: Oh. Oh, I see. You're special.
Queen Bilquis: As a matter of fact, I am special.
William Huntington Sanders: Because I choose to spend my time with you.
Queen Bilquis: No! Because I am a goddess.
William Huntington Sanders: You're smoke and mirrors. And you're a showgirl. And this is your stage, bought and paid for by William Huntington Sanders. But you can call me Bill.

Ann-Marie Hinzelmann: Ah! Look at the beautiful clunker...
Shadow Moon: Clunker?
Ann-Marie Hinzelmann: Every year, we take a wreck, we put it out on the lake, and then, folks guess the date and the time when it'll break through the ice come spring. And then, the winner splits the pot with the high school. It's really fun. You're gonna love it.

Ann-Marie Hinzelmann: Okay. Just need to, uh, pick a date and a time. When do you think it will go through the ice?
Shadow Moon: ... March... 23rd... 7 p.m. till 8 p.m.

Mr. Wednesday: Half the art of war is knowing when to switch sides.

Ann-Marie Hinzelmann: What's Meg Gunther in a lather about?
Chad Mulligan: Lingerie. Apparently, three pairs of her days-of-the-week underwear: Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, all went missing from the dryer. So, in her mind, we have a, uh, panty thief on the loose. See, Mike, this is what qualifies as major crime here in Lakeside.
Ann-Marie Hinzelmann: You know, if you're rich, you live in Monte Carlo. And if you're famous, you live in California. But if you're lucky, you live here in... in Lakeside.

Czernobog: I loved every moment together with you, Zorya. But I hated the food you cooked... with my entire soul. I'm sorry. Every meal worse than the last.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

Pocket Savior

The Stand 1×2

George Trask: George Trask. You can call me "Gorgeous."

Larry Underwood: How do you know who I am?
Stu Redman: How do you think?
Larry Underwood: Mother Abagail? Shit. I feel crazy saying her name out loud.
Stu Redman: Well, then, we're all crazy, 'cause we all dreamt of her.

Stu Redman: I asked the exact same question the first time I met her.She said, "All God's seen fit to show me is the who. Up to you to sort out the how."

Ray Brentner: Dangerous being a prophet. Especially during times of upheaval.

Rita Blakemoor: Oh, the smell, it's awful.
Larry Underwood: Only gonna get worse. We can't stay here. You know that, right? Eight million corpses in the naked city. They're just rotting in... furnished ovens. Plus the rats. They'll spread diseases we're not immune to.

Rita Blakemoor: Is this water?
Larry Underwood: Uh... I know it sucks, but I bet it beats the shit out of whatever those assholes had planned.
xMaps: Starting route to Haven Avenue. In 400 feet, turn right on Columbus Avenue.
Rita Blakemoor: I don't think I can do this.
Larry Underwood: Hey, listen, just pretend we're Ninja Turtles.

Nadine: What did she say to you... the old woman?
Larry Underwood: I told you, I'm really not supposed to...

Nadine: Yeah.
Larry Underwood: ...tell people what she said.
Rita Blakemoor: This is stupid.
Larry Underwood: What is? That it's raining or... that you're stuck here with me?
Rita Blakemoor: No. Being alive. When everyone else is dead. It's like being the last people to leave a party.
Larry Underwood: Meaning what? That-that... You're worried it's tacky?
Rita Blakemoor: It's stupid. It's not worth it.

Randall Flagg: Look at me.
Lloyd Henreid: No.
Randall Flagg: Why not?
Lloyd Henreid: I don't think you're real.
Randall Flagg: Oh, I'm real, baby. I'm real real.
Lloyd Henreid: Well, if you're real, then you must be the devil.

Randall Flagg: Hell, I'm a bit peckish myself and it's barely an hour since I finished lunch. Mmm. Rare roast beef sandwich on Vienna bread. Smothered in onions and Gulden's spicy brown. Home fries on the side. Little chocolate milk to wash it down. Oh, my, I'm... I'm torturing you, ain't I?

Randall Flagg: I don't believe I introduced myself... Name's Flagg. Two Gs. Pleased to meet you.

Randall Flagg: I'm very pleased to have found you, Lloyd. I believe this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

23 февр. 2021 г.

The Bridge #3.9

Bron/Broen 3×9

Rasmus: I don't know what Saga's said about me, but I'm a damn good policeman.
Henrik: Are you?
Rasmus: Mm.
Henrik: I didn't think that a damn good policeman needed to say that they were damn good.

Henrik: Have you ever wanted children?
Saga: Why do you ask?
Henrik: Just asking.
Saga: There are many things I don't have. Why are you asking about children?
Henrik: I just thought of it. You don't have to answer.
Saga: I'm not interested in childbirth, it would interfere with my work too much - and I doubt that I could handle it.
Henrik: What couldn't you handle?
Saga: That kind of interaction with other people isn't my strong side.
Henrik: Yeah, it's clear.

Freddie: And my son? If he gets a hold of me, will he let my son go?
Henrik: Probably not.
Freddie: But it's possible?
Saga: Experience shows that in these situations the killer would probably kill you both.
Freddie: ...
Henrik: Yeah. She says things directly, but she's right.

Henrik: Why would he remember her?
Saga: He could've had sex with her.
Henrik: Yeah, but this was in the 80s.
Saga: You don't remember everyone you've had sex with?
Henrik: I don't remember... Do you?
Saga: Yes..... Are you wondering if you were the best?
Henrik: The best what?
Saga: That I've had sex with.
Henrik: No.
Saga: Men usually like to confirm that they are the best sex partner a woman had.
Henrik: That's not something I think about... But if I had thought about it?
Saga: You're not the best.

Saga: Did you have sex with her in 1984?
Freddie: I was only 17 years old!
Saga: One can be sexually active as a 17-year-old. I was at 15.

Natalie Anker: Helle kept no secrets from me.
Saga: Only four percent of people are 100% honest with their partners.

On the IMDb

The One Where They're Going to Party!

Friends 4×9

Joey: Will you calm down? He's just a human guy.
Chandler: Look, you don't understand. Gandalf is amazing. You never know what's gonna happen. You go out for a couple of beers and end up on a fishing boat to Nova Scotia...
Ross: Hey. Okay. I got my passport, fresh socks, and a snakebite kit--
Chandler: It's not gonna be exactly like last time.

Ross: How sad are we?
Joey: Yeah, I know.
Chandler: You know what? We're not sad. We're not sad, we're just not 21 anymore, you know? I'm 29 years old, damn it! I wanna sit in a comfortable chair, watch television... and go to sleep at a reasonable hour.
Ross: Yeah.
Joey: Yeah. Yeah, and I like to hang out in a quiet place where I can talk to my friends.
Chandler: Yeah.
Ross: Yeah. And so what if I like to go home, throw on some Kenny G, and take a bath?
Joey: We're 29. We're not women.

Phoebe: You know what? I want you to take the chef job.
Monica: Really?
Phoebe: Yeah. That's what you really want. I don't wanna be the reason you're unhappy. That would make me unhappy. And I really don't wanna be the reason I'm unhappy.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

22 февр. 2021 г.

The War with Grandpa (2020)

Store Manager: Can I help you, sir?
Ed: You can help me find Maria.
Store Manager: Oh, Maria's gone. We're completely self-checkout now. Much faster. Much more efficient. I think you'll like it.
Ed: So, are the prices gonna be lower because I'm doing all the work now?
Store Manager: We have everyday low prices here, sir--

Ed: Fish and relatives stink after three days.

Secret Warrior: "People who steal other people's rooms should not sleep well."

Ed: You really want a war? Because, you know, I've been in one. And it's not like video games. Even if you win, everybody gets hurt.

Ed: So, what are the rules of engagement?
Peter: The what?
Ed: Rules of engagement. What's allowed and not allowed.
Peter: You don't have rules in a war.
Ed: Oh, yes, you do. "Rule number one... No collateral damage to civilians or their property." That means it can't affect your parents or your sisters.
Peter: Agreed.
Ed: "Rule number two... No telling." This is man-to-man, just between me and you. No ratting the other guy out.
Peter: Agreed.
Ed: Okay. Sign.

Ed: This will never be spoken of.
Arthur: No idea what you're talking about.

Ed: Don't start nothing, won't be nothing.

Ed: That's what I've been trying to tell you when this all started. War is no game, Peter. Only kids and fools and generals think that. War hurts. War wounds and kills and causes misery.

Peter: Is he gonna be okay?
Sally: He'll be fine. You and Mia, on the other hand, that's a different story.
Arthur: You're both chor-rounded for the next six months.
Mia: Chor-rounded? What does that even mean?
Arthur: Chores plus grounded, times six months.

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+ Soundtracks

The One with Chandler in a Box

Friends 4×8

Rachel: Ugh, turkey. Ugh, giving thanks. Ugh.
Monica: Look, everyone, it's the spirit of Thanksgiving.

Phoebe: ...this year maybe we could do Secret Santa and then we each only buy one gift. And there's the added mystery of, you know, who gets who.
Ross: Who gets "whom..." I don't know why I do that.

Rachel: Oh, I'm gonna take a nap. Turkey makes me sleepy.
Monica: We haven't eaten yet.
Rachel: I know, but all that work you're doing to get it ready, and I just...

Chandler: I think I'm making some progress with Joey. When I went into the apartment, he went to his bedroom... but he only slammed the door once. I mean, yeah, he gave me the finger while doing it.

Phoebe: You know, if things work out between you and Richard's son... you'll be able to tell your kids that you slept with their grandfather.
Monica: Fine, judge all you want to. But married a lesbian, left a man at the altar, fell in love with a gay ice dancer... threw a girl's wooden leg in the fire, live in a box.

Ross: So, now, ahem, what exactly is the point of the box?
Joey: Chandler?
Chandler: The meaning of the box is threefold. One, it gives me the time to think about what I did. Two, it proves how much I care about my friendship with Joey. And three... it hurts.

Phoebe: Do you really wanna be in a relationship where you can actually use the phrase... "That's not how your dad used to do it"?

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+ Soundtracks

21 февр. 2021 г.

The Bridge #3.8

Bron/Broen 3×8

Saga: You have talked about me with my colleagues?
Linn: One of them said you're unstable.
Saga: I am not unstable. I am different.
Linn: But Hans Pettersson understood you.
Saga: Yes.
Linn: Tell me a little about your relationship.
Saga: He was my boss and friend. He helped me with things that I thought were difficult. I miss him.
Linn: How has this affected you, all this with Hans?
Saga: I find myself between the first and next stages of grieving. Shock and denial. So I assume it will get worse.

Linn: It's not just your fault. I should have acted earlier. The last two weeks you've worked over 50 hours of overtime. You must take time off.
Saga: No, I must solve the case. I promised Hans.
Linn: You have time off now. Then we'll see.
Saga: You said that everyone deserves another chance.
Linn: This is your other chance.

On the IMDb

20 февр. 2021 г.

Tesla (2020)

Anne Morgan: "Lightning in the sky, his father explained, is the same thing as the spark shooting from Machek's back." And Tesla asked himself, "Is nature a gigantic cat? And if so, who strokes its back?"

Thomas Edison: Oh, Tesla, didn't see you there before. It is true you're from Transylvania?
Nikola Tesla: No.
Thomas Edison: Have you ever eaten human flesh?... Are you married?
Nikola Tesla: No. Why do you ask?
Thomas Edison: We like to give the new men a hard time.

Nikola Tesla: "Dear Szigeti, I'm finding my way at Edison's Machine Works, where there's always too much to do and not enough time, never enough money or men, constant fixes, upgrades, emergencies. Edison hardly sleeps and expects everyone around him to sleep even less. He talks to everyone, but is incapable of listening. He has no interest in my motor. You know the proverb, nothing grows in the shadow of an Oak. ..."

Thomas Edison: Alternating current is a waste of time. Impractical and deadly. There's no future in it.

Anne Morgan: A man who says he doesn't care about money can find himself tormented by the lack of it. Whereas Edison, Edison values money but spends it faster than he makes it. But he's always making it in great quantities. Nikola Tesla: This is more than just a motor. It is entire system for generating, transmitting, and utilizing power.

Nikola Tesla: That motor will do the work of the world. It'll set men free.

Nikola Tesla: I now have the pleasure of introducing you to a novel system of electrical transformation and distribution of energy by means of alternate currents...

George Westinghouse: AC versus DC. People think it's a difference of opinion but we know better... You know I reached out to Edison. Invited him here, suggested a merger. He's too busy, he wrote back. "Working in my lab consumes all my time." It's war.

Judge: Now, Mr. Edison, explain the difference between continuous or direct current and alternating current.
Thomas Edison: Direct current flows like water through a pipe. Alternating current is the same as if a body of water were allowed to flow through a pipe in one direction for a given amount of time and then reverse for a given amount of time. Direct current is like a river flowing peacefully to the sea. Alternating current is like a current rushing violently over a precipice.

Katherine Johnson: Anne is very upset. She says you live in your head.
Nikola Tesla: Doesn't everyone?
Katherine Johnson: Too much in your head, I think she feels left out.
Nikola Tesla: Sometimes it seems as though all I do is think. For days or weeks on end.

Anne Morgan: Thinking, my father taught me, is more interesting than knowing but less interesting than lucking.

Anne Morgan: That's one way to size up the pavilion of light at the World's Fair in Chicago where the new Tesla Westinghouse machines provide power and illumination. The fair consumes three times more electricity than the whole city itself. 28 million visitors from around the world and they all see what Edison has tried to deny, alternating current is beautiful and safe.

Thomas Edison: I invited you, here you are. Tesla, it's plain as day. This entire World's Fair is lit and powered by alternating current. Westinghouse machines, your design. I was wrong about alternating current. I was wrong about you. I still have capital, I still have investors. An unmatched capacity for PR. Let's reset the clocks. Bygones be bygones. You must have all sorts of ideas. Pick a project, something incredible, huh? We can do incredible things together, huh? What do you wanna do next?....
Anne Morgan: This meeting never happened. Edison and Tesla didn't talk at the World Fair. Edison never admitted he was wrong about alternating current. There was no apology, no reconciliation. And you can't help but wonder, if only Tesla had someone sharp and smart at his side, an enlightened hustler to steer him through the crass, commercial world. If only...

Nikola Tesla: My aim is to develop an entirely new system of communication. Yes, you've said... Using new principles. Electric symbols, voices even, photographs transmitted through the air.

Nikola Tesla: I know. It's a paradox, yet true, that the more we learn, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense. It's through enlightenment that we are made awar of our limitations.

Anne Morgan: I know it's not simple to be able to love calmly. To trust without fear. To commit yourself to really difficult tasks with unlimited energy. Is it better to be vindicated or to be loved? Idealism cannot work hand in hand with capitalism. True or false? Are dreams and intelligence enough to save the world? Is your heightened ability, your brilliance a blessing or a curse?
Nikola Tesla: You have become much better at asking questions.

Nikola Tesla: Yes, Marconi sends his signal through the air using 17 of my patents. When our tower is complete, we will send our message across the earth through the earth.
Anne Morgan: He sent it across the Channel and no one's done that before. You haven't done that.
Nikola Tesla: Using 17 of my patents.
Anne Morgan: And all my father asked for was a way to send stock reports across the Atlantic.

Anne Morgan: I'm wondering why you're giving interviews about getting messages from Mars.
Nikola Tesla: I had three signals, distinct vibrations, even, not random. I do believe it pretends a message.
Anne Morgan: Why would you go on record with this?
Nikola Tesla: I said it pretends...
Anne Morgan: From Mars? My father reads these things. You believe in martians?
Nikola Tesla: The chance of alien life is actually... Alien life is a statistical certainty.
Anne Morgan: What if you're picking up Marconi's signals? His test signals from across the English Channel. Not Mars, but Marconi?
Nikola Tesla: I believe that I may be the first person who has ever heard the sound of one planet greeting another.

Anne Morgan: What happens if your system succeeds? Who controls the distribution of power?
Nikola Tesla: Nobody controls it.
Anne Morgan: Like air, right? You can't break it into saleable units available to everyone.
Nikola Tesla: That's right.
Anne Morgan: Doesn't it occur to you that the way the world runs is determined by the manipulation of all this? Power, energy. And what you wanna do is... What do you want to do?
Nikola Tesla: When this system is complete, we will be able to go to a swamp, or a desert, some place broken, and plighted. Places small, sea for a few, simple machines and have light, heat, mode of power, a complete system of communication for a people previously living under the most wretched of circumstances. We will be able to do it cheaply.
Anne Morgan: You are not an economist. Everything has to be paid for. Especially money.

Anne Morgan: He was always looking ahead, projecting himself into the future. Maybe he promised more than he could deliver, maybe he overreached, or maybe the world that we are living in is a dream that Tesla dreamed first.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

19 февр. 2021 г.

The Bridge #3.7

Bron/Broen 3×7

Annika: Chin up. Happiness is a choice, no?

Linn: How are you doing now?
Saga: Good. You ask a little too often.
Linn: It's important to follow up.
Saga: If I stop feeling good, I can tell you, so you won't have to ask me all the time.

Linn: Tell me if you need time off.
Saga: I never need time off.

On the IMDb

Birth Mother

This Is Us 5×6

Beth: I'm gonna need some absinthe tonight.

Aunt Mae: There are two kinds of people in this world. The ones who look before they leap, and the other ones, who throw their arms out and plunge into the void, not the least bit worried about what's below. And you, my darling, are the latter.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Бен Элтон — Слепая вера (5/5)

&  — Принцесса Любомила, — сказал Траффорд, поднимаясь на ноги, — ты знаешь, как глубоко я тебя уважаю, а то, что ты гордишься своими предками, достойно всяческого восхищения. Как сильная женщина с ирландскими, хорватскими, корнуолльскими и афро-карибско-британскими корнями, ты невыразимо прекрасна. Однако я беру на себя смелость утверждать, что в словах Сандры Ди нет ничего расистского, а у тебя определенно не все в порядке, так что давай-ка бери себя в руки и расти над собой.

&  — У меня есть ключ от двери, — медленно произнес он. — Двери в иной мир. В иную вселенную. Даже в тысячу вселенных.
     — Ого, — сказала она. — Вот уж секрет так секрет.
     — Я могу войти в эту дверь и оставить позади этот отвратительный город, в котором мы живем. В любой момент я могу сделать несуществующими и Принцессу Любомилу, и модератора нашего домашнего чата, и все эти бесконечные толпы потеющих, жующих, рыгающих хамов и дураков. Я могу выключить новости и рекламу, могу избавиться от всех этих мерзопакостных любимцев публики и ведущих реалити-шоу, могу убрать с глаз долой все голые тела, совокупляющиеся на каждом экране, на каждой стене. Могу забыть о бомбах и о войнах, которые ведутся ради сохранения мира, Храма и глупых, противоестественных Законов Уэмбли. Я могу сбежать от всего этого. Вот он, мой секрет. Вот что я могу сделать. В моей власти заставить все это исчезнуть.
     — Скажи мне как, — жадно откликнулась она. — Я хочу знать.
     — Что ж, — ответил Траффорд, — минуту назад ты сама сказала, что воображать — это здорово.
     — И?
     — Это и есть ключ. Спастись от творения человеческих рук, которое мы называем реальностью, можно с помощью разума и воображения. Я открыл... книги.

&  — Пойми, Траффорд, я тоже считаю, что этот мир — сплошное дерьмо, но, согласившись работать на его хозяев, я фактически нашла способ не играть по его правилам.

&  — Траффорд, в нашем мире только эгоизмом и можно спастись. А почему бы мне не быть эгоисткой? Когда смотришь на человечество, на это отвратительное сборище тупых подонков с садистскими наклонностями, понимаешь, что эгоизм — единственно правильный моральный выбор. Почему я должна жертвовать собой ради других людей? Все они дрянь. Если ты готов идти на жертвы, ты уже слишком хорош для ублюдков, которым хочешь помочь.

&  — Конечно, исключения есть, но их маловато для того, чтобы становиться мучеником. У людей было все что нужно, и они выбросили это за ненадобностью. Дай им это снова, и они снова все выбросят. Вся наша история — одно сплошное доказательство того, что человечество не заслуживает мозгов, которые даны ему от природы. Мы гнилое, безнадежное племя, и в конечном счете имеет смысл разве что поиск лучшего куска для себя самого.

&  ...в глубине души он знал, что когда-нибудь Храм будет побежден. Иначе и быть не могло — так говорили разум и теория эволюции. Ведь ни одно общество, основанное лишь на страхе и агрессивном невежестве, не может существовать вечно. Ни один народ, который в угоду самым глупым, самым неизобретательным, самым
неинтересным своим представителям душит всякую любознательность и оригинальность, не способен на долгое процветание.

  ... Траффорд знал, что мир будет спасен благодаря естественному отбору, как уже бывало прежде, когда другие тираны пытались подавить свободную человеческую мысль, и что когда-нибудь исповедники Храма навсегда канут в историю.”

18 февр. 2021 г.

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

Diana Prince: Looking back, I wish I'd listened. Wish I'd watched more closely and understood. But sometimes you can't see what you're learning until you come out the other side.

Antiope: No true hero is born from lies.

Reporter: ...the biggest question of today, who is this woman and where did she come from?

Barbara Minerva: How did you...
Diana: Simple self-defense. Used his own momentum against him. I'll teach you. Honestly, it takes no power at all.

Maxwell Lord: I am not a con man! I am a television personality. And a respected businessman with a plan.

Barbara Minerva: Call me. Or not. Whatever. But I'd be curious.

Steve Trevor: What is it?
Diana Prince: The language of the Gods. Which God wrote it, is the question.

Maxwell Lord: Tell me... what do you want? What do you wish for?

Maxwell Lord: And you know what I'd like? I would want all of your power, influence, authority. All the respect you command and the command everyone must respect. I mean, what else is there?.. Now, tell your people I would appreciate absolutely no interference whatsoever. No taxes, no rule of law, no limits. Treat me like a foreign nation with absolute autonomy.

Steve Trevor: It's easy. It's only wind and air... and how to ride it. How to catch it. How to join with it... It's like anything, really.

Diana Prince: Why are you doing this? Don't you have enough?
Maxwell Lord: Why not more? Why not wish for more?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Бен Элтон — Слепая вера (4/5)

&  — Знаете ли вы, что такое знание? Понимаете ли, что такое понимание?
     — Я знаю и понимаю только одно: все, чему учил меня Храм, — ложь, хоть я и притворяюсь, что верю в это. Во всем остальном я абсолютный невежда. Кем бы вы ни были, я хочу к вам присоединиться. Я растерян. Я одинок. Каждую свою мысль я вынужден хранить в секрете. Мне внушают глубокое отвращение все догмы, веру в которые я симулирую. Лучше бы мне быть собакой, чем человеком: животные тоже ничего не знают но они хоть не знают,что ничего не знают. А я знаю. Я отдаю себе отчет в своем невежестве. Я понимаю, что моя жизнь банальна и бессмысленна Иметь разум — проклятие, если его запрещено пускать в ход. Иметь интеллект — проклятие, если вам приходится прятать его под маской торжествующей глупости.

&  — Безопасна только бумага. Власти пристально следят за тем, чтобы в сети не появлялось ничего крамольного. Мы выяснили — и дорого за это заплатили, — что они постоянно ищут там ключевые слова и фразы. Да, рассказ или стихотворение могут некоторое время оставаться незамеченными; не думаю, что обычный полицейский или старейшина Храма способны распознать сонет Шекспира, хоть бей их резиновой дубинкой. Но есть ключевые имена и области знаний, которые преследуются беспощадно. Как вы можете догадаться, это те самые имена и области знаний, которые представляют основной интерес для каждого гуманиста. ...

&  — Почти все, что нам хотелось бы прочесть, может быть мгновенно выловлено в сети, а поймать тех, кто его разместил, — это уже дело техники. Создатели интернета думали, что он освободит знания, но по сути он их похоронил — сначала под гигантской клоакой невежества, лени, фанатизма, предрассудков и грязи, а потом под саваном полицейского надзора. Теперь, как вам известно, это виртуальное пространство существует исключительно ради распространения рекламы, сплетен и порнографии. Ну, и ради того, конечно, чтобы выслеживать крамольников. Безопасна только бумага. Книги — ключ ко всему. В книгу нельзя влезть на расстоянии, ее надо держать в руках, ее надо читать.

&  — Мы живем в очень скучном мире, где всё на виду, всё "с гордостью" выставляется напоказ. А я теперь знаю, что нет ничего более возбуждающего, чем почти знать. Ничто не может сравниться с неутоленным желанием увидеть тебя обнаженной, с этой сладкой мукой…

17 февр. 2021 г.

The Bridge #3.6

Bron/Broen 3×6

Claes: Are you happy?
Åsa: What kind of question is that?
Claes: It's a question we should ask ourselves and our loved ones more often.

Claes: Are you happy?
Saga: Define happiness.
Claes: Happiness is a lasting feeling of well-being that is independent of external circumstances, positive or negative.
Henrik: Okay. You know what, Jesus? I think the interview is over.

Saga: Why don't you like him?
Henrik: I don't like his type.
Saga: What's his type?
Henrik: He's one of those who are raking it in.
Saga: Making money in a capitalist economy is probably not that bad.
Henrik: Can I not get permission to dislike the man?
Saga: Sure.
Henrik: There are people you don't like.
Saga: No, not without reason.

Linn: I had hoped that we would be closer to solving this. Don't you agree?
Saga: I don't know how much closer you were hoping for.
Linn: Let me say that I had higher expectations...

Saga: Saga Norén, Malmo Police.
Lillian: Saga, it's Lillian. Hans is on a respirator.
Saga: Did he stop breathing?
Lillian: Yes, all of a sudden. They've done tests, but they don't know what it is.
Saga: His autonomic nervous system isn't working.
Lillian: Yes, but they don't know why.
Saga: ... I don't either.
Lillian: No, that's clear. I thought you'd want to know.
Saga: ... Yes, I would. Thanks.

Saga: Yesterday we questioned a man who defined happiness. I didn't recognize what he described because I had never experienced it.

On the IMDb


The Expanse 5×7

Filip Inaros: Of course. Whatever is best for the cause.

Bull: You'll spend enough time with someone and you get to see how full of shit they are.

Holden: Fred once told me that when he died, he wanted his body put in the recycler like any Belter would.
Bull: Fuck that. That ain't happening.
Holden: You're gonna deny him his final wishes?
Bull: Oh, bet your ass, I am. He deserved better than being fed to mushrooms.

Naomi: He made me feel like the center of the universe. And I craved his attention. And that made me blind.

Naomi: I didn't know how strong I was until after I left and realized I was nobody to your father. I was just a piece of him. My life was his. My dreams were his. Everything I thought and did was to please him.

Naomi: Walking away was the only choice I had left. Walking away... is the only choice anyone ever has.

Holden: We got 'em. Intercept course. Everyone suit up and get ready for a high-G burn... All right. Here comes the juice...

On the IMDb

Бен Элтон — Слепая вера (3/5)

&  В воздухе витало счастливое предвкушение. Как чудесно было жить в мире, где человеку подвластно буквально все, где один-единственный концерт способен кардинально преобразить вселенную, где люди могут изменить мир к лучшему, просто захотев этого — просто собравшись вместе, покричав, послушав музыку и поглотив несколько тонн фастфуда. Все знали, что тогда жизнь и вправду станет совершенно безоблачной.
     Откуда-то уже просочились слухи, что этот концерт будет еще грандиознее и преобразит мир еще радикальней, чем тот, который отгремел на прошлой неделе. Это было поразительно, невероятно — особенно если учесть, что предыдущий концерт до сего момента считался самым грандиозным и самым эпохальным Фестивалем Веры всех времен и народов, значительно превзошедшим тот, что состоялся за неделю до него.

&  — Это в наших силах! — кричал со сцены известный поп-музыкант. — Так будет, потому что мы этого хотим! Все зависит от нас!
     Публика отвечала ему оглушительным ревом.
     — Здесь и сейчас, — продолжал оратор, — сию минуту и на этом самом месте! Мы говорим "НЕТ" голоду! Мы говорим "НЕТ" бедности! Мы говорим нашим вождям, что им наконец пора прислушаться к своему народу!
     — Да! Да! Да! — откликнулись зрители, и в воздух разом взметнулись тысячи кулаков с зажатыми в них гамбургерами, хот-догами и пончиками.

&  — Судьба мира в руках каждого из нас! Бедность, войну, преступления, наркотики и нетерпимость можно победить! И мы победим их — стоит только захотеть! Каждый из нас незаменим и уникален! Любая дальняя дорога начинается с первого шага!

&  Как и прочие любители спокойной жизни, Траффорд давно уже понял, что люди, которые наиболее рьяно отстаивают свое право делать все, что им вздумается, никогда не упустят шанса обвинить в неуважении людей, которые пытаются отстоять свое право на то, чтобы им не мешали люди, делающие все, что им вздумается.

&  — Лекарствами я не занимаюсь. Моя задача — не лечение, а профилактика. Я занимаюсь вакцинами. Понимаете разницу?
     — Да, конечно. Конечно, понимаю.
     — Это хорошо, потому что слова имеют значение, Траффорд. Без них не может быть ясности мысли. Логики. Точности. И главное — понимания. Вы ничего не поймете, если слова для вас ничего не значат.

16 февр. 2021 г.

The Bridge #3.5

Bron/Broen 3×5

Saga: She's deaf.
Henrik: Yes, thank you, I understood that too... You know sign language too?
Saga: Yes, but not enough for interrogation.

Pathologist: Hi. I'm working on the last victim.
Saga: Latest. The latest victim. We don't know if it's the last.

Linn: You took the body from the funeral.
Saga: They'd be given it too early.
Linn: Possibly, but those kind of actions require a lot of empathy. You should have informed me. Then I would have sent someone else.
Saga: Why? The result would have been the same.
Linn: But the process would have been different. You must do what you're good at, Saga. That kind of interaction with other people is not one of your strengths.

Henrik: ... Also, we have a police chief in a coma. Is there anything you want to be mounted on?
Mehmet: What do you mean?
Saga: That can't really be interpreted.
Henrik: That's her way of saying that you're an idiot.
Saga: No, it's not.
Henrik: Don't be an idiot. Look at me.

Henrik: Hey. What are you doing?
Saga: Reading.
Henrik: Do you want company?
Saga: No... Do you want to have sex?
Henrik: That wasn't why I came.
Saga: If you do, you can come in. Otherwise I want to be alone.
Henrik: Don't you just want to watch a film?
Saga: A porno film?
Henrik: No, a normal film.
Saga: No. Sex or alone.
Henrik: Well, I guess it's sex then.
Saga: Good. Come in, get ready.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line

Friends 4×7

Chandler: I just saw Kathy naked! It was like torture.
Ross: If we go to war and you're captured, you're in for a surprise.

Chandler: It keeps getting worse. I'm in love with my roommate's girlfriend. ... Call me crazy, but I think she likes me too. And now I have seen her naked. At least with her clothes on... I could imagine her body was covered in boils. But there are no boils. She's smooth. Smooth!

Chandler: Going out? Wow. It didn't work out with Kathy? Bummer.
Joey: No, things are fine. I'm having a late meal with her after an early one with Casey... The craziest thing is, I just ate a whole pizza myself.

Monica: God bless my dad for soundproofing the basement.
Rachel: I can't believe I ever let him touch me with those fingers.

Kathy: I could cut it.
Chandler: Really?
Kathy: Yeah, I learned at my aunt's dog-grooming shop. What do you say?
Chandler: Dog grooming? Don't make my tail too poofy.
Kathy: You have really great hair.
Chandler: Oh, thanks. I grow it myself.

Chandler: This is bad. It's bad.
Kathy: Horrible.
Chandler: Wait, the kiss or the situation?
Kathy: The kiss was good. But that's bad.

Joey: Did you do all this? Why?
Chandler: I sure did. It made me feel good to do something nice for my friend.
Joey: You're amazing. No, this is amazing.
Chandler: A TV appears from nowhere...
Joey: The dream. How did you afford all this?
Chandler: I'm 29. I mean, who needs a savings account? You're the best friend anyone has ever had.

Phoebe: I'm not playing tonight.
Monica: Why not?
Phoebe: I can't follow Ross. It'd be like those poor bicycle-riding chimps... who had to follow the Beatles. No.
Monica: Phoebe. Ross sucks. The place has emptied because of him.
Phoebe: My God, he's not even appreciated in his own time. I'd give anything to not be appreciated in my own time...
Monica: Okay. Phoebe... You suck too.
Rachel: Yeah, Phoebe. You're awful.
Phoebe: You guys. You suck too.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Бен Элтон — Слепая вера (2/5)

&  Никто не замечал фальши. Всем было не до того: ведь у каждого просилась наружу его собственная заветная история.

&  Под потолком офиса Траффорда висел баннер. "Как самочувствие? — вопрошал он. — Расскажи соседу!" Это был один из двух официальных слоганов Министерства благосостояния. Второй предлагал: "Давайте сопереживать!"

&  Конечно, первыми из утвержденных Законов Уэмбли стали Законы о вере, а первым из Законов о вере стал закон, гласящий, что не иметь веры — преступление. Его убедительность подкреплялась и старыми законами Допотопной эры, ибо даже тогда считалось непозволительным проявлять неуважение к чужим религиозным убеждениям. Храм рассудил просто: если человек не верит сам, ясно, что он не согласен с религиозными убеждениями своих верующих сограждан, а если вы во что-то не верите, разве вы можете это уважать? Следовательно, каждый человек обязан быть верующим.

&  Считалось, что любая вера есть просто вера в Любовь под другим именем. Очевидными исключениями из этого правила были так называемые ложные верования: ислам, этот непримиримый враг, и, конечно же, измышления грязных евреев.

&  — О Бог, о Любовь, о Бог-и-Любовь, надели нас священным умением быть собой, любить себя и быть такими, какими нам хочется. Дай нам силы мечтать и жить нашими мечтами, как ты повелел нам, о Господи. Каждый день — открытая дверь; дай нам мужество шагнуть за порог и не затворять ее за собой, чтобы и другие тоже могли войти. Ты создал меня по своему образу и подобию, Господи, и мой долг — любить себя так, как ты любишь меня. Я верю, что дети — наше будущее. Аминь.

&  — Знаете, если кто-то хочет быть незаметным, ему не стоит стараться быть незаметным.

&  — И ради бога, перестаньте изображать истинно верующего. Это очень скучно.

15 февр. 2021 г.

The Bridge #3.4

Bron/Broen 3×4

Linn: Has Lise Friis Andersen said anything about Lars Ove on her blog?
Saga: Vlog.
Linn: Sorry?
Saga: If one puts out a video clip instead of text, it's called a vlog, not a blog.
Linn: ...
John: No, not as far as we know.

Saga: Linn. This analysis at the whiteboard ... It's usually me who does it. Since it's my case.
Linn: No, Saga. It's our case.

Linn: We're in the middle of a complicated murder case. I don't doubt that you are an extremely valuable resource. But afterwards I will look at possible sensitivity training. Coaching or the like.
Saga: Ah.
Linn: What do you say to that?
Saga: I am already well aware of my limitations.
Linn: Limitations are another word for new possibilities.
Saga: Not for me. Was there anything else?

Henrik: Hi. What are you doing here?
Saga: I'm a member. It seemed like an efficient way to find someone to have sex with.
Henrik: Okay. Good luck.
Saga: Thanks. Same to you.

Henrik: Ah, you're sitting here.
Saga: You made it sound easy to find someone to have sex with here.
Henrik: It is a singles club. Many of those who come are looking for something more long-term.
Saga: Are you also doing that? Looking for something long-term?
Henrik: Why are you asking?
Saga: Otherwise your evening must also have been a failure.

Henrik: Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?
Saga: No, I'm not suggesting anything.
Henrik: It could be interpreted that you think we should have sex.
Saga: Yes.
Henrik: Yes, it could be interpreted like that, or yes, you think we should have sex?
Saga: Yes, I think we two should have sex.
Henrik: Okay.

Saga: Do we tell people at work?
Henrik: Do we tell people what at work?
Saga: That we've had sex. Does one tell people that at work?
Henrik: One doesn't tell.
Saga: Okay.

On the IMDb

The One with the Dirty Girl

Friends 4×6

Monica: Probably the only time I'll say this... but did you see the ass on her?
Chandler: What did you? When did you? How did you? How did you get a girl like that?

Phoebe: Wow, what is with all the negativity? You sound like "Moni-can't," not "Moni-can"! Moni-ca.

Phoebe: You've been playing around with this catering for years. Do you want to be a caterer?
Monica: I don't know...
Phoebe: There you go! That's the spirit! If you need money, I will lend you money. Just get moving!
Monica: Really? I'd need $500 for all the food and supplies.
Phoebe: It's worth it if it'll get you moving. You haven't worked in months!
Monica: Neither have you.
Phoebe: Yes, but I'm doing this.

Joey: So you just left? Her place was really that bad?
Ross: You throw your jacket on a chair at the end of the day?.. Like that, only instead of a chair, it's a pile of garbage. And instead of a jacket, it's a pile of garbage. And instead of the end of the day, it's the end of time... and garbage is all that has survived.

Joey: You want to see her again?
Ross: Yeah.
Joey: So you're going to have to do it in the mess!
Ross: Yeah, okay. You're right. I mean, uh, who cares about a little sloppiness?
Joey: Yeah.
Ross: It's endearing, really.
Joey: All right! Now you go get that beautiful pig!

Monica: We should be catering partners. You're not working now, and we have a great time together.
Phoebe: Okay.
Monica: I cook and you take care of the money.
Phoebe: Oh! It'll be like I have a wife in the '50s!

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Бен Элтон — Слепая вера

цитаты,Слепая вера,Бен Элтон,Blind Faith (2007),London,anti utopia,near future,PC,tolerance,social media,theocracy
  “Траффорд попрощался с женой, поцеловал в лобик малышку и стал отпирать многочисленные замки и защелки на входной двери. ...

&  Они ничего не пропускали, эти убитые горем женщины, которые собирались на мостовых под жарким утренним солнцем, чтобы оплакать свои утраты и огласить улицы древними как мир причитаниями.
     Один неверный шаг, один оскверненный лепесток, и эти стенающие друг у дружки в объятиях страдалицы, несомненно, решат, что к ним проявили неуважение. А неуважения они не простят никому, несмотря на всю свою скорбь. Даже слабого намека на неуважение хватало, чтобы мигом обратить коллективную печаль в коллективную ярость. Запал был коротким, трут — сухим; довольно было сущего пустяка, чтобы из соседних домов сбежалась целая толпа и началась оргия Народного Правосудия, за которую полицейские разве что пожурят, и только. Многие из тех, кто становился жертвой праведного гнева толпы, так и не успевали сообразить, какой их невольный проступок оказался роковым, а многие из тех, кто с азартом присоединялся к разбушевавшимся мстителям, понятия не имели о том, что за преступление совершил человек, вызвавший к себе столь бурную ненависть. Наверное, как-то задел детей, потому что никому не дозволялось проявлять неуважение к детям...

&  В ту пору преимущества виртуального существования казались неоспоримыми. Держать людей подальше друг от друга было полезно как минимум из санитарных соображений, и мало кто сомневался в том, что когда-нибудь на домашний режим перейдут абсолютно все. Однако затем в стране наметились нездоровые тенденции, вызвавшие тревогу и у Храма, и у правительств и заставившие их признать необходимость Личного Общения. Соцработники и духовные наставники обнаружили, что люди, привыкшие иметь дело лишь с виртуальными индивидуумами, теряются, очутившись в реальном мире. Не умея нормально вести себя в обычном человеческом окружении, они становятся неловкими, косноязычными и время от времени совершают попытки перестрелять как можно больше народу, прежде чем обратить свое оружие на себя самих.

&  У полиции был свой банк данных для борьбы с террористами, что отнюдь не сокращало численности последних: ведь уже давным-давно стало понятно, что нельзя помешать человеку взорвать себя в месте большого скопления народа, если он твердо вознамерился это сделать. Мало того — чуть ли не все жители страны, включая потенциальных террористов и убийц-социопатов, сами выносили мельчайшие подробности своей жизни на свои персональные веб-страницы и жили в надежде, что кто-нибудь это прочтет.

14 февр. 2021 г.

On the Rocks (2020)

Felix: And remember, don't give your heart to any boys. You're mine. Until you get married. Then you're still mine.

Felix: You know what's interesting? Back when humans walked on all fours, it was the sight of the female haunches that excited them. So that when we finally stood up on two legs, it was the women with the rounded breasts that mirrored the haunches that were most exciting to the males. So, they made babies with them, and eventually, that shape evolved into what is our modern female.
Laura: Ah. Wow.
Felix: And men were attracted to adolescent females because they were easier to catch, therefore ultimately easier to mate. And slowly over time, these qualities... small size... smooth skin... high voice... little or no beard... evolved into the qualities most desired today.
Laura: So they prefer no beard? Good to know.

Felix: Did I tell you I got a new assistant? Few days.
Laura: Oh. That's good.
Felix: You know what's great about her? She doesn't talk. She just listens.

Felix: The celebration of the date of one's birth was originally a pagan tradition. Historically, Christians didn't celebrate for that very reason. Now, we're past that, aren't we?

Laura: Can any man be monogamous?v Felix: Monogamy and marriage are based on the concept of property.
Musto: I've been married for 20 years.
Laura: See?
Felix: Women, you can't live with 'em, you can't live without 'em. That doesn't mean you have to live with 'em.

Felix: Women are like flowers. They're all beautiful at any age. Even dried flowers. You know... I don't know why women get plastic surgery.
Laura: Because of men like you.
Felix: Mm-mmm. I prefer the factory original.
Laura: Yeah, and every other make and model.
Felix: Thank you. I'm gonna take that as a compliment.

Felix: Why is he at Soho House?.. So many great clubs in New York, architecturally. Knickerbocker. The readings alone at the Knickerbocker... please.

Laura: Can a man ever be satisfied with one woman?
Felix: Come on. That's hardwiring. Keeping the species alive. I mean, the woman passes through an emotional filter. Man doesn't pass through the emotional part. It goes directly from the eyes to the ass.
Laura: And it's just that simple?

Laura: It must be very nice to be you.
Felix: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Felix: All right, I wanna show you something special. But you have to walk backwards so no one knows we're leaving.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The Bridge #3.3

Bron/Broen 3×3

Lars: ... Wouldn't that be a little stupid?
Henrik: Yeah, maybe. But occasionally killers feel safe. They think they're superior to the police. They're completely confident that they will never be caught. But what do I know? I don't know you. Maybe you're just stupid.

Henrik: Peter Krogh? Hello. My name is Henrik Sabroe, Copenhagen Police. My partner, Saga Norén.
Saga: Malmö Police.

Lukas: Look at me. Dammit, Marc. You play poker, man. Before you had an 83.3% chance. Now it's 69.4. Those are damn good odds. Can you do that?

Linn: Can you participate in the investigation?
Saga: Yes, why wouldn't I?
Linn: You seem a little off balance.
Saga: Now?
Linn: No, not now, but before.

Saga: Two connections can be coincidence. Now there are three. That's a pattern.

On the IMDb

13 февр. 2021 г.

The Bridge #3.2

Bron/Broen 3×2

Hans: You don't like it, but I think you need a hug.
Saga: Ah.

John: You just have to follow. Don't wait for an invitation.

Henrik: So you and your boss hug...
Saga: He thought that non-erotic contact would comfort me.
Henrik: Do you need comforting?
Saga: No.
Henrik: Great car.
Saga: That's what people say. You may not drive it.

Henrik: Why are they smiling like that?
Saga: It's a smiley. On electronic communications, it shows that something should be seen as a joke.
Henrik: Thanks for that, Wikipedia, but do you think the perpetrator sees the killings as a joke?

Henrik: She's very different. I think she has some diagnosis or other. You wouldn't like her. Linn: Why not?
Henrik: I don't know. She's very... She's very honest. Like totally without boundaries. And so she doesn't have any walls.

Saga: There was too little blood by the car for him to be dead. If he were going to die, there was no reason to do it elsewhere. So it's probably kidnapping... When it's not custody cases or trafficking - there's usually a demand for ransom. Statistically, very few...
Lillian: I know that you want to cheer me up, but can you not be quiet?
Saga: Okay... Do you need a hug?
Lillian: No, thanks. It's fine.

On the IMDb

12 февр. 2021 г.

The Bridge #3.1

Bron/Broen 3×1

Hans: Saga, it doesn't matter where she was abducted. She was a Danish citizen. You must have a Danish colleague with you.

Hanne: She was very active in the debate about gender/LGBT questions. You know, "there is no sex, just people". She is such a little Swede.
Saga: Do you mean the perception that Swedes are a little more politically correct?
Hanne: A little more?

Natalie Anker: How am I going to tell him?
Saga: How old is he?
Natalie Anker: Four.
Saga: Most four-year-olds don't understand abstract things like death. They react more strongly to the survivors' grief than the loss itself.
Natalie Anker: ....
Hanne: Just go back to your child. We're finished. Thank you.

Saga: .... How is your family life?
Hanne: What are you doing?
Saga: Small talk.
Hanne: We will only work together. Nothing else. OK?
Saga: Exchanging personal information can improve...
Hanne: If you want a colleague you can be friends with - maybe you shouldn't have put Martin in prison, eh?

Saga: So 'Hen' knows the area.
John: The cameras weren't hidden.
Hanne: Sorry. 'Hen'. What does it mean?
Saga: It's a gender-neutral personal pronoun. 'Hen' is a practical word when one doesn't know the gender.
Hanne: It is certainly politically correct.

Saga: I'm going in to work. You don't need to come along.
Hanne: Because it's late, or because you don't want me to come?
Saga: Both.

Hans: How many knew about it?
Saga: She wrote about it on Twitter.
Hans: So everyone.
Saga: No, only those who followed her on Twitter.

Hans: How is it going with Hanne?
Saga: I don't think she likes me.
Hans: Is that a problem?
Saga: Not for me.

Hans: It's kind of a special day today. That's the reason I came late this morning. Today Lillian and I have been married for three months.
Saga: Martin has been in prison for six months. He has nine and a half years to go.

Hans: Do you regret that you don't visit him?
Saga: Why would I do that?
Hans: You think about him.
Saga: That doesn't mean that I can see him.
Hans: You were friends, after all.
Saga: I can't visit a convicted murderer.
Hans: Don't you miss him?
Saga: That's not relevant. We can see each other when he has served his sentence.
Hans: That's ten years away, Saga.
Saga: Nine and a half.

On the IMDb

11 февр. 2021 г.

A Winter's Tale

American Gods 3×1

Boss: And since this is a government thing, the feds are gonna do a background check, make sure you're not a spy or whatever. Pretty routine. Just, uh... hide the porn when they come to pay a visit.
Shadow Moon: Yeah, sure. Will do.

Laura Moon: When the fuck is he back?
Brigitte: I'm the Lord of the Dead's fuck buddy, not his appointment secretary.

Brigitte: Look, I know Samedi gave it his best shot. Potions, gris-gris, the whole nine. But, heh-heh, resurrecting a god isn't as easy as you'd think. Especially when no one believes in him anymore.
Laura Moon: What if you didn't have to bring him all the way back to life? I mean, what if he just had to be undead enough to perform a relatively simple task?

Brigitte: Good news is, Sweeney's pretty well preserved. If he didn't have god energy, he'd be a puddle of Irish stew by now.

Ms. World: Distract. Misdirect. Make them give a fuck about what we say is important. Your job is to provide and control the narrative.

Mr. Wednesday: We're gonna play Twenty Questions, and they're all yours... Fire away.
Shadow Moon: You really my dad?

Mr. Wednesday: I'm bound to these shores. If I were ever to leave, I would cease to exist. It's one of the penalties you pay for being a god who comes to America.

Mr. Wednesday: I do remember a time when man lived in harmony with nature. But now he's made technology his god. And what's it gotten him? Pesticides in his water, in his food, weapons that can destroy the earth a thousand times over. New Gods. Heh. They're just parasites. The only reason they're here is to make it easier for humanity to indulge in its most self-destructive impulses. Until the world ceases to exist.

Technical Boy: Wo-o-ow! Spectacular new look. And, and I get it. White guys are not on trend. Evolve or perish, am I right?
Ms. World: Sit.
Technical Boy: Great idea.

Ms. World: All it takes is for that old fossil to throw a lightning bolt into the power grid and you're all offline.

Mr. Wednesday: I've been exploring America's forgotten coast. You have no idea how many nude beaches there are down in the Redneck Riviera. They're thumping a helluva lot more than bibles, I can tell you that.

Shadow Moon: So, where are we headed?
Mr. Wednesday: We're off to see Whiskey Jack, a powerful Native American deity. We fell out a couple of hundred years ago, so I wanna see if the animosity endures.
Shadow Moon: Is there anyone you haven't managed to piss off yet?
Mr. Wednesday: ..... I'm thinking.

Shadow Moon: So, these New Gods, are they really even gods?
Mr. Wednesday: If they are, so is indoor plumbing. But they're dangerous and they wield a lot of power.

Mr. Wednesday: So I reckon you got a couple of questions left...
Shadow Moon: Who am I? Really?
Mr. Wednesday: ... You are the son of the All-Father, so walk this path with me and greatness shall be yours.

Queen Bilquis: I intend to stay neutral. I have seen war. It doesn't solve anything. War only brings misery and death.
Technical Boy: Well, I promise that our war is going to help a lot of people, or a few people a lot. Either way, you get to be one of them.
Queen Bilquis: What do you know about war? Have you ever endured its agony? Felt it cut through you, turning you into a thing to be covered with dust?

Shadow Moon: What happened to Betty?
Mr. Wednesday: This is Betty.

Wisakedjak: Follow the Enaemaehkiw.

Mr. Wednesday: Right on time!
Cordelia: Actually, I'm two hours late.
Mr. Wednesday: Oh, the universe is always on schedule. Besides, punctuality: virtue of the bored.

Cordelia: It took me five days to drive up here. I spent Christmas in a truck stop on account of you.
Mr. Wednesday: Ah, it's a made-up holiday anyway.

Mr. Wednesday: The things we do for ungrateful children...

Shadow Moon: I'm good. Do better when I make my own decisions.
Mr. Wednesday: Suit yourself. Man's free will is his most prized asset...

Shadow Moon: Still Betty, huh?
Mr. Wednesday: Same soul, different chassis.

Ann-Marie Hinzelmann: Oh my gosh. What are you doing out in this kind of weather without a proper coat on? I think it's two below zero out there.
Shadow Moon: I just got into town. I didn't... I didn't think it was gonna be this cold.
Ann-Marie Hinzelmann: Up here in the Great North Woods, we call this late summer. January is what we call cold.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

Борис Акунин — Просто Маса (6/6)

&  — Что такое по-твоему общественный прогресс?
     Поскольку Маса много об этом думал, ответить было легко.
     — Постепенное движение от несвободы к свободе.
     Курано недовольно покачал головой. Можно было подумать, что он не согласен. Но старик проворчал:
     — Так и есть. Только учти: главное слово здесь «постепенное». На заре истории воля государя священна, она определяет всё до мелочей. Потому что подданные невежественны, невоспитанны и неразвиты, словно младенцы. В конце же истории верховная власть станет не нужна. Ибо люди научатся вести себя ответственно. Путь из начальной точки к конечной непрямолинеен и тернист, на нем легко споткнуться, откатиться назад. Такое происходит сплошь и рядом. Одинаково опасно дать незрелому ребенку слишком много воли и насильно удерживать на короткой привязи подросшего отрока. Мудрость правительства в том, чтобы не забегать вперед и не отставать. Плата за оплошность бывает болезненной. Страна может не только ушибиться, но и свернуть себе шею...

&  — Все умерли, остался один я... Раньше я думал, что глубокая старость — это дряхлость, болезни. А это одиночество. Когда тебе почти девяносто, ты живешь в мире чужих, глупых, докучливых людей. И прошлое — как зимняя тропа, засыпанная снегом. Оно невидимо, невосстановимо и лишено значения, потому что вернуться назад нельзя. Путник, желающий не сбитьсяс дороги, должен смотреть только вперед. И не оглядываться.

&  — Ах да. Русские. Во времена моей юности их называли «рококудзины», «люди Страны Дураков». Дураки всегда считают всех дураками, а мы тогда были совсем дураки…

&  Есть слово для людей, любящих свою Родину, — «патриотизм», но почему-то нет слова для Родины, которая любит своих людей. Надо придумать. Сонный мозг сразу подсказал хорошее название для Родины, относящейся к своим детям с материнской любовью: «матриотизм». Надо проснуться и записать, подумал спящий и открыл глаза.

&  И помни, что ценность имеют только два вида собственности: Красота и Счастье. Ищи их повсюду, копи их, и будешь богаче всех на свете.

  ... И они стали смотреть на восход.”