28 февр. 2021 г.

Hard Vacuum

The Expanse 5×8

Bertold: We salvage. This is what we do.
Camina: We're not salvagers. We're scavengers. Marco kills those who defy him, and we pick the bodies clean.

David Paster: That felt good.
Admiral Delgado: Damn right.
Chrisjen: You showed that you're in control of the situation.
David Paster: You think they believed me?
Chrisjen: Doesn't matter. They saw the leader they needed to see.
David Paster: Now we just have to make good on what I said...

— This is Naomi Nagata of the Rocinante. If you get this message, please retransmit. Tell James Holden I am in distress. Comm is not responding. I have no nav control. Please retransmit. This is Naomi Nagata of the Rocinante.....

David Paster: I agree, we need a response, but it has to be the right one.
Admiral Delgado: My job isn't to assess morality. This is simply what we need to do. The families, the victims, all the people on our planet, they need to see that we're fighting back. The Belters struck our home. We need to strike back at theirs.
David Paster: The casualties will be substantial.
Admiral Delgado: Not compared to ours... Inaros deliberately targeted our citizens. Now he's using his own people as human shields. Their blood is on his hands, not yours.
David Paster: We're all gonna have blood on our hands before this is over.
Admiral Delgado: Well, if it's more of theirs... I'll take it.
David Paster: ... Thank you for your candor, Admiral.

— This is Naomi Nagata... Tell James Holden I am in... ...control. This is Naomi Nagata... Tell James Holden I am in... control.

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