7 февр. 2021 г.

The Bridge #2.8

Bron/Broen 2×8

Martin: Danish pastry to everyone!
Pernille: Are we celebrating something?
Saga: I never celebrate with pastries.

Pernille: Just a little piece. You get fat drinking coffee with you.
Rasmus: I know of an effective diet. You make a simple movement 10-15 times a day.
Pernille: What kind of movement?
Rasmus: "No, thanks!"
Saga: A diet is what you eat, not what you don't eat.
Rasmus: It was a joke.
Saga: I understood that.
Rasmus: Then maybe you can smile.
Saga: Martin says that it shows when I laugh although I am not very amused.

Martin: Would you and Jakob come to dinner?
Saga: Why should Jakob come?
Martin: He's your boyfriend.
Saga: Do we need to do everything together then?
Martin: Are you doing anything at all together?
Saga: We're having sex.
Martin: Yes, of course... If you bring Jacob I'll get a chance to know him.
Saga: I don't know Mette just because you're together with her. I can come.
Martin: It was a chance to get to know Jakob. It was just a suggestion.

Victoria Nordgren: Don't you want any? You Danes are supposed to smoke weed and we Swedes to be horrified.

Saga: Did you think Karin was in the way?
Hans: What do you mean?
Saga: That nothing belonged to you. Everything shared.
Hans: No, I never felt that way. You're thinking about Jakob?
Saga: No, myself.
Hans: Yes, but your relationship with Jacob.
Saga: It's difficult.
Hans: Yeah, relationships are tricky.
Saga: The problem is not the relationship, but that he lives with me.
Hans: I think many people would experience that as a relationship problem.
Saga: Thank you.

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