10 февр. 2021 г.


The Expanse 5×6

David Paster: I'm David Paster.
Chrisjen: We have met. You're... Minister of the Interior?
David Paster: Transportation, actually.
Chrisjen: Oh.
David Paster: Uh... I'm the new acting secretary-general.
Chrisjen: Sir.

David Paster: My degree is in drone avionics. I spent my career designing package delivery systems. The only reason I got into Parliament is because I thought the person running the local transit authority was an idiot and I thought I could do a much better job, and I won his seat... We were only able to beat back the attack because of you. I'd like you to join my provisional cabinet. Please.
Chrisjen: Of course.
David Paster: Thank you, madam.

Marco Inaros: Space her.
Cyn: What?
Marco Inaros: You heard me. Stop apologizing, and correct your error and put her outside.

Clarissa: Schrodinger's parent.
Amos: Who?
Clarissa: A parent you never hear from exists in a quantum state, both dead and alive, until you check up on them and the act of observing makes one of the two states true.

Clarissa: I'm sure she's a really good person.
Amos: She lived like she was.
Clarissa: What does that mean?
Amos: There are ways that you can live a good life... without being a good person.
Clarissa: I like that.

Amos: The thing about civilization is, it keeps you civil. Get rid of one, you can't count on the other.

Amos: People are tribal. The more settled things are, the bigger the tribes can be. The churn comes, and the tribes get small again. Right now, you and I are a tribe of two.
Clarissa: That's better than one.

Marco Inaros: Add your strength, your reputation to ours.
Camina: Or else?
Marco Inaros: Or leave. And go in peace. But do not expect me to protect you.
Camina: The only reason we need protection is because of you. You have committed the entire Belt to war with the Inners and made peace impossible.
Marco Inaros: I committed us to a future of our own on our own terms. We were already at war. You just couldn't see it because they were killing us slow.

Clarissa: Did we win?

Clarissa: I wrote this little... I don't know... poem. Kind of took it on as a prayer.
Amos: How'd it go?
Clarissa: I have killed... but I'm not a killer, because a killer is a monster and monsters aren't afraid. I'm afraid all the time... of the things that I did, how right it felt when I was doing them, how certain I was...

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