1 февр. 2021 г.


The Expanse 5×4

Alex: Bobbie, there is a big difference between knowing something is possible and seeing it happen in front of your damn eyes.
Roberta: It just means your eyes are open.

Alex: How are you so fucking nonchalant about all this?
Roberta: I used to have a rat.
Alex: Like, a... an informer in... in your crew?
Roberta: No, an actual pet rat, when I was a kid. I named her Mouse....

Roberta: No matter how traumatic the loss is, you only have so much emotional stamina. Even grief can get used up.
Alex: So what did you do?
Roberta: I built her a small box, and I buried her in it. I was tired of being sad, and I had to do something. It wasn't going to help the rat, not really, but it helped me.
Alex: So we're building a coffin... for our dying planet.
Roberta: I went through the exact same thing you're going through right now. And when you come out the other side of this, you're gonna wanna be doing something that matters.

Clarissa: I heard you were on another world... through the Ring.
Amos: Yup.
Clarissa: How was it?
Amos: Kinda liked it... at first. Wide-open spaces, clean, not too crowded.
Clarissa: That sounds wonderful.
Amos: Yeah, till everybody started shooting each other, parasites began eating our eyeballs, and giant alien machines came out of the ground, and exploded.

Nancy Gao: Thank you. You may have just saved millions.
Chrisjen: That's all that matters.
Nancy Gao: I've always admired your persistence.
Chrisjen: I prefer to think of it as perseverance.
Nancy Gao: I'll bet you do.

Chrisjen: Misery loves company.
Admiral Delgado: So does hope.

Marco Inaros: Naomi... welcome home.

Marco Inaros: ...there is a better path. Under the protection of the Free Navy, the society and culture of the Belt will begin again and remake humanity without the corruption, greed, and hatred that the inner planets could not transcend. We will take what is ours by right, yes, but more than that, we will lead the Belt to a new, better form, a more human form.
     Citizens of the Belt, baratnas, rise up now in joy and glorious resolve. This day is ours. Tomorrow is ours. The future of humanity is ours. Today and for evermore... we are free.

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