26 февр. 2017 г.


& Anita Hill: Lots of people will fight this nomination. It doesn’t have to be me.

& Anita Hill: I’ll put it this way. If I were advising someone who were a victim of his unwanted advances, I don’t think I would suggest that she come forward. In my experience, in a case like this, when someone comes forward, the victim tends to become the villain.

& Ken Duberstein: There’s only two possible scenarios here. One, she’s lying, or two, she’s telling the truth, in which case the President’s an idiot, and he nominated a pervert to the Supreme Court. Obviously, the second scenario is unacceptable.

& Clarence Thomas: .... Second... And I think it’s the more important point. I think that this today is a travesty. I think it is disgusting. I think this hearing should never occur in America.
    How would any member on this Committee, any person in this room, any person in this country like sleaze said about him or her in this fashion, or this dirt dredged up and these lies displayed in this manner? This is a circus. It’s a national disgrace.
    And from my standpoint, as a black American, as far as I’m concerned, it’s a hi-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, do for themselves, to have different ideas. And it is a message that, unless you kowtow to the old order... This is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured... By a Committee of the US Senate rather than hung from a tree.

& Charles Ogletree: But it was effective. Now, you think any of those white boys on that Committee are prepared to challenge him now?

& Anita Hill: I have said everything that I came here to say, but they don’t want to hear it. They don’t care. They only want to win.

& Ricki Seidman: Hey. Who’d you believe, him or her?
    Carolyn Hart: ..... Her.

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