14 февр. 2017 г.

All Signs Point to Josh... Or Is It Josh's Friend?

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 2×3

& Rebecca: Ugh! I know you want me to be so logical, but that’s how I’ve lived my whole life and I have been miserable. So, you know what? I’m gonna let destiny take the wheel, like Jesus supposedly does sometimes... And I feel so much better. Oh, my God, thank you. Thank you, Dr. Akopian. ....
    Dr. Akopian: Is it even ethical to keep taking her money?

& Chan: What just happened?! I walked in the door, everything was fine, but then you were pregnant, and then my life started flashing before my eyes, then you weren’t... I-I... Okay, I need some air, some... air.

& Chan: I’m sorry.
    Rebecca: Sorry for what? Sorry for what?!

& Paula: My dad was right. I’m a breeder, not a leader.
    Scott: That’s a weird saying.
    Paula: I know.

& Greg: This was a great, fate-less, coincidental meeting on a scenic bridge.

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