& Olive: Don't stop. Yeah! Don't stop.
Brandon: It's too much fun.
Olive: You ready for the grand finale?
Brandon: Yeah. What?! ... Oh! Oooooh...
Olive: Oh, yeah! Yeah. ... Come on. Go forth, my son. You're a man now.
& Olive: Maybe this is gonna sound stupid... and, believe me, it's not like I was expecting, you know, fireworks... or a string quartet or anything... but I always thought pretending to lose my virginity would be a little more... I don't know, special? Judy Blume
& Rosemary (Olive's Mom): He seems like a nice kid. He seemed a little incredibly gay.
Olive: A dyed-in-the-wool homosexual, that boy is.
Mom: I just want you to know your father and I are totally supportive. We love you no matter what the sexual orientation of your opposite-sex sex partner.
& Dad: You all right, buddy?
Olive: Yeah.
Dad: Give them hell.
& Marianne: Jesus tells us to love everyone. I mean, even the whores and the homosexuals, but it's just so hard. It's so hard because they keep doing it over and over again.
& Olive: Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in '80s movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window
& Mr. Griffith: I'm hearing some rumors.
Olive: Well, those are true. I am considering becoming an existentialist.
Mr. Griffith: You know what I'm talking about.
Olive: Jeez. When did teachers become privy* to idle adolescent gossip?
Mr. Griffith: That would be when everyone is putting everything up on Facebook. I don't know what your generation's fascination* is with documenting your every thought... but I can assure you they're not all diamonds. "Roman is having an okay day and bought a Coke Zero at the gas station. Raise the roof." Who gives a rat's ass?
& Olive: Never underestimate the power of extremists like Marianne. They sense any weakness, they pounce like jungle cats. And the whack pack* just gets bigger and bigger. But at least they have a pack...
& Olive: Do you have a religion section?
Bookstore salesman: It's over there. Can I help you with something?
Olive: The Bible.
Bookstore salesman: That's in bestsellers, right next to Twilight.
& Olive: I... You know what? I'm just gonna... I'm just gonna go check out Judaism because... The Jews and I have a lot in common. Just fashion-wise and stuff.
dyed-in-the-wool = deeply ingrained in the nature of a person or thing.
apparent — очевидный; явный; несомненный
privy — посвященный
fascination — очарование; обаяние; прелесть
whack pack = A group of individuals, usually young males, who are mistakenly under the impression that they are hip or cool.
+ on Imdb.
!! Inimitable, delicious Emma Stone (Zombieland).
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