Season 1, Episode 3
& Will: Can't remember the last time I just hung out with the guys really talked about our feelings.
Ken: Wanna know what I'm feeling? I live at the YMCA. I only have one pair of long pants.
Sandy: Oh, please. My life is a disaster with no creative outlet... other than writing my Desperate Housewives
Howard Bamboo: I'm afraid of my vacuum.
Will: I know how you guys feel. I apparently don't know how to dance.
Henri St. Pierre: I don't have thumbs.
— Uh... Sorry.
& Mercedes: Have you ever kissed anybody?
Kurt: Yes... if by "someone" you mean the tender* crook* of my elbow.
& Kurt: Okay. Stop it right there, Mercedes. We are in Glee Club. That means we are at the bottom of the social heap. Special Ed kids will get more play than we will. The only thing that gets me by is my knowledge that we are superior to all of them.
& Will's Mom: This is huge! We just sold all 17 copies of your CD. I didn't even have to show any of them my bosoms.
& Dakota Stanley: Artie you're cut. You're not trying hard enough.
Artie Abrams: At what?
Dakota: At walking.
& Finn: What's wrong with you?
Dakota: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me is that you're freakishly tall! I feel like a woodland creature! Am I hurting your feelings? Did I say something wrong? Because I thought you wanted somebody who respected you enough to tell you the truth. But maybe you don't have the confidence to hear it. Hmm? Maybe you need somebody who's going to lie to you... and tell you things like, "You got what it takes." But you know what? As far as I can see, you don't. So, why don't you just take a little second, take a breather... and ask yourself, "Do I wanna be a winner... or not?"
& Sandy: He's here! He's here! Josh Groban is here. Front row, big brown eyes, cute as a buttermilk biscuit. I barfed.
Will: He actually showed up? I can't believe it.
Sandy: Gentlemen. Forget every experience you have ever had in your drab* little lives. This is the most important thing you will ever do.
& Sue Sylvester: This is what we call a total disaster, ladies. I'm going to ask you to smell your armpits. ... That's the smell of failure... and it's stinking up my office.
tender — нежный; чувствительный
crook — изгиб
drab — однообразный; бесцветный; скучный
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