3 июн. 2023 г.

Italian Dream

The White Lotus 2×2

Tanya MacQuoid-Hunt: Oh, God. This is such a beautiful view. I wonder if anyone's ever jumped from here...

Daphne Sullivan: No. We never fight.
Harper Spiller: That's sweet.
Daphne Sullivan: Yeah.
Harper Spiller: I don't think I've ever met a couple that doesn't fight.
Daphne Sullivan: I mean, what is there to fight about anyway, right?

Daphne Sullivan: I was just telling Harper how we never fight.
Cameron Sullivan: Well, you're practically perfect, so...
Daphne Sullivan: And when we disagree, you just give in, right?
Cameron Sullivan: Yes, ma'am. Happy wife, happy life.

Tanya MacQuoid-Hunt: I think... my fantasy day in Italy is... Well, first, I wanna look just like Monica Vitti. And... and then this man in a very slim-fitting suit... he comes over and he lights my cigarette. And it taste really good. And then takes me for a drive on his Vespa...
Greg Hunt: You want me to rent a Vespa?
Tanya MacQuoid-Hunt: Then at sunset... we go down very close to the sea, to one of those really romantic spots. And then we... we drink lots of aperitivos, and we eat big plates of pasta with giant clams. And we're just really chic and happy and... and we're... beautiful.

Bert Di Grasso: Listen. You can't come to Sicily and just sit in your room. It's against the law.

Lucia: So, can we get the keys to our rooms?
Valentina: Yes, nut calm down, this is a five star hotel. Have a bit of...
Lucia: So, you're a business woman, right? This is why they created hotels... to make money off the backs of girls like us. Don't be naive.

Daphne Sullivan: You have to go [to Venice] and you have to stay at the Aman. Trust me. I cried when I saw the view from our room.
Harper Spiller: Hmm.
Daphne Sullivan: And a princess lives there. It's somebody's house!
Cameron Sullivan: It's wild, though. These European aristocrats, they have no money. Like, I shit you not. They have all these palazzos, and they got no cash.
Daphne Sullivan: Uh-huh. And they're so rude.
Cameron Sullivan: Oh, my God, are they rude... We could buy their palazzo, and they'd treat us like we're, you know--
Daphne Sullivan: Like bugs.
Cameron Sullivan: Yeah.
Daphne Sullivan: Like disgusting bugs.

Valentina: You look so pink.
Tanya MacQuoid-Hunt: Guess who I am?
Valentina: Uh...
Tanya MacQuoid-Hunt: Watch, watch.
Valentina: Peppa Pig.
Tanya MacQuoid-Hunt: I'm Monica Vitti.
Valentina: Monica Vitti's dead, but yes.

Ethan Spiller: Harper's thinking of starting a little foundation, actually.
Daphne Sullivan: Nice.
Harper Spiller: Yeah, I'm working with the Hispanic Federation.
Daphne Sullivan: Great.
Cameron Sullivan: Yeah, we're involved in a lot of charities. Right, Daph?
Daphne Sullivan: Mm-hmm. You know, sometimes if I've had too much to drink, I wake up the next day and I realize I've spent a lot of money.
Cameron Sullivan: Yeah.
Daphne Sullivan: Like, a lot of money.
Cameron Sullivan: Like, all the money.
Daphne Sullivan: If I have had wine and I'm scrolling and I see anything with like neglected children or babies or abused animals, it's like, I can't. I mean, people are just so fucked up.
Cameron Sullivan: Yeah, we're not just materialistic pigs... Despite what you might think.
Harper Spiller: I don't-- I don't think that. No, I... I don't think that.

Bert Di Grasso: We're in Sicily. Isn't this incredible? It-- it's so old.
Portia: It is pretty crazy to wrap your head around.
Bert Di Grasso: You know, Hades raped Persephone right here in Sicily. She was picking flowers and he burst through the earth and he raped her.
Albie Di Grasso: Okay, Nonno.
Bert Di Grasso: Well, that's what happened. He raped her. Then, he dragged her down to the underworld.
Portia: Hmm. I didn't know that.
Bert Di Grasso: Demeter forgave Hades, and he raped her daughter! I mean, whatever you've done can't be as bad as that... As Hades. And the raping.

Daphne Sullivan: How about you guys? Do you wanna have kids?
Harper Spiller: Uh...
Ethan Spiller: Yeah.
Harper Spiller: Yeah. Yeah. We weren't sure for a while.
Ethan Spiller: Yeah. We've debated it a lot.
Harper Spiller: Yeah, you know, just bringing a kid into the world right now, everything going on... Never mind.

Bert Di Grasso: Your mistake was being sloppy.
Dominic Di Grasso: What are we talking about?
Bert Di Grasso: That's what's unforgivable. A man does what he has to do. But you keep it tight. If you're sloppy, it's like you're rubbing her face in it. Bad form.
Dominic Di Grasso: Thanks for the tip. You know, I don't think you were as discreet as you think you were regarding your own affairs.
Bert Di Grasso: Affairs. They weren't affairs, they were nothing. They were peccadilloes.

Tanya MacQuoid-Hunt: Got my pasta vongole with giant clams. And then a Vespa ride with you. You're wearing the shirt that I gave you. You made my Italian dream come true. Thank you very much. I feel like Monica Vitti. I really do.

Tanya MacQuoid-Hunt: Guess what? I'm telling you in your eye, you're a piece of shit. I hate you.

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