20 июн. 2023 г.

Champions (2023)

Marcus: I should be coaching in the NBA.
Alex: Then why aren't you?
Marcus: Because there's a lot of, uh, politics involved and-- Well, don't worry, darling. I... I will be soon enough.

Alex: I should've known I was in for a real meeting of the minds when I saw you only had one book in your apartment.
Marcus: I actually have many books. They're in storage. I-I tend to travel light.
Alex: And it's called Visualize Success. Powerful stuff.
Marcus: Hey. Don't knock visualization. That stuff works.

Phil: We go back too far, Marcus. You know what a meme is? You're a meme now. My granddaughter sent this to me. She's been sharing with all her little friends.

Marcus: Uh, uh, I-I-I do apologize, uh, Your Honor. I think there's some kind of misapprehension here because- we were talking about... I said... We both were talking when you said, "Take community service." I don't... I don't want to take comm-- I want to give to the community. I want to give freely.

Marcus: Um, Your Honor? Uh, when you say "intellectual disabilities," what are we talking here? Uh...
Judge Mary Menendez: Yes?
Marcus: Are we talking retar...
Judge Mary Menendez: Oh.
Marcus: ...ded Americans? Because, y-you know, it seems kind of redundant that, you know, in a sense, Americans, we are re-- you know, we're-we're those-- I-I'm talking about myself, too, you know? I'm a...
Attorney Charlie McGurk: Your Honor, I just have to state for the record, I literally just met "What's His Pickle" here 20 minutes ago. Okay? I don't think his words should reflect on me going forward, future hearings.

Marcus: What am I looking at here?
Julio: Oh, pipes burst. I don't know. It must be global warming, huh? I mean, it's raining, and it's freezing, and it's snowing, then it's freezing again. And all of a sudden, it's hot girl summer in January.

Alex: What is this, young man?
Marcus: You caught me. I try to keep that hidden in there, but it's Shakespeare for... dummies.
Alex: A second book? I mean, I don't even know what to say. I just never would have visualized that.

Marcus: What do you say?
Sonny: Uh... hell to the yeah?.. Uh, so, wait, is this a friendship or mentorship type thing? Are we talking profesh or soche? Or... both?
Marcus: It-It's early days, so let's not label it yet.

Marcus: What's the problem? Why are you guys all looking so freaked out?
Johnny: Coach, the other team is called The Beasts!
Marlon: They're the "beasts," we're the "friends."
Cosentino: Based on our names, I don't like our chances.

Marcus: Those dudes are scary. But this is your shot at being champions. And guess what. Champions are brave. That's what it means to be a champion.
Marlon: Actually, the dictionary definition of "champion" is...
Marcus: Not now, Marlon. You can't be afraid to fail. You can't be afraid to lose. You can do it because I know you're brave. I've seen you. I've seen you do things that were hard. Things that felt impossible. And I'm not just talking as players. I'm talking as people.

Marcus: Uh, you were right. Those guys are dicks. I don't want to be the fig leaf covering those dicks-- Did I go long with that analogy?
Alex: I-I stopped listening after I heard that I was right.

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