28 февр. 2018 г.

By the Pricking of My Thumbs

Outlander 1×10

Ned Gowan: Truth or lies have very little to do with the law.

Dougal: I said kiss her, dinna swallow her.

Jamie: ...And the Duke did take the petition. That's cause for a bit of celebrating... Ah, perhaps it is better to wait until closer to our leaving.... Ye're not normally a closed-mouthed woman, Claire. I expected noisier displeasure... But quiet anger can be very effective.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Эрик Маккормак - Мистериум (4/5)

&  Очень трудно говорить о прошлом: толком не понимаешь, когда позволительно счесть его прошлым. Отчасти подобно чернильному пятну на промокашке — не угадаешь, когда оно перестанет расползаться.

&  — Жизнь человека может быть ложью, а его истории — абсолютной правдой.

&  Не знаю, может, в этом и кроется проблема браков: выяснить, можешь ли ты любить появившегося чужака?

&  Все-таки странно, до чего ясно мы что-то запоминаем. Другие воспоминания не так ясны. От них осталось только знание, что они должны были происходить; точно свет звезды: он еще сияет, а звезда умерла давным-давно.

&  «Интимные беседы — разновидность наготы, которой следует избегать».

&  «Единственное подлинное последнее таинство — самоубийство».

&  «Путешествия — ранение, которое мы наносим сами себе. ...».

&  «Очарование чужих стран не слишком разнится с очарованием безумия».

&  «Мы должны краснеть, видя состояние мира; мы должны краснеть, видя себя самих, которые желают в нем оставаться».

&  В военное время пацифисты опаснее солдат; они всем враги.

&  Быть может, на миг я узрел нечто ужасное, то, чего не хочу знать: красота ломка и ненадежна, но власть ужаса и тьмы мощна и вечна.

&  Порой мне кажется: чем больше говоришь о достоверном, тем оно шатче; слова — сорняки, что растут меж поистине важных вещей.

27 февр. 2018 г.


Kathy: I shouldn't have confused her.
Lee: Morgan's not a "she." It's an "it."

Kathy: She's smart. She's smarter than any of us. But that's not what makes Morgan special. There was joy in her heart before we shoved her back in that box.

Dr. Ziegler: You see, it is so easy to forget that Morgan is only five years old. She is an innocent and she's learning, and she has the right to make mistakes.
Lee: She has no rights, whatsoever.

Dr. Cheng: For every decision we make, there are consequences.

Dr. Cheng: Do you know the cruelest thing you can do to someone you've locked in a room?.. Press their face to the window.

Skip: I'm not a scientist, and maybe I'm just a little jealous.
Lee: Jealous?.. But why?
Skip: It made a perfect risotto. Made it like it was nothing. They say you have to cook with your heart and your soul and all that stuff, but it just made the most perfect risotto.

Dr. Ziegler: Well, you may find this is not your garden variety evaluation. Morgan is an exceptionally complex specimen.
Dr. Shapiro: Well, it's a God damn microwave, as far as I'm concerned. It's not gonna change how I do my job. It's a standard long form psych eval for fourth wave A. I.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Off the Grid

Transparent 3×9

Dr. Benoit: Well, I've got a little bit of not so great news from your cardiologist.

Dr. Benoit: Just because you can't have this surgery doesn't mean that you can't have a happy life.

Leslie: Hon, he is a big boy, and if he wants to splash around in some holy water, that's his prerogative.
Ali: He's not splashing around in holy water, he just disavowed the devil.

Leslie: Oh, come on. To criticize you is to love you. To reflect you is to love you. Just sit in the discomfort.

Damian: Pony is the only lady pro dom I know that works with chicks.
Sarah: Okay, that cannot be true.
Damian: There's no money in it. I mean, it's really not that hard for a woman to find someone to treat her like shit for free.


Gene: You got that lump in your throat, didn't you? You know what that was, Josh?...
Josh: Uh...
Gene: Josh, that was the Holy Spirit.

Josh: I didn't say I converted.
Ali: You're going around pretending to be a Christian.
Josh: FYI... half this country is pretending to be Christian right now. What does it matter what I believe? I'm happy. Okay?

Buzzy: I... I know it wasn't a whole truth in terms of actual fact, but I was just trying to explain to you that, if I had been married, I would have spent every last dollar I had for my dying wife because that's... that's what money is.

Shelly: I could accept you being broke. I could accept you being in debt to the U.S. government. But what I will not accept is being lied to. Never again.

Sarah: I fucked everything up. I can't do anything right.
Len: Come on. You got a hundred non-observant Jews to sing "Ya day day die die die."

+ quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Эрик Маккормак - Мистериум (3/5)

&  — Когда мы приближаемся к великим тайнам, мы подобны людям, которые готовятся совершить восхождение в горы; мы должны сначала осмотреть их издали, оценить перспективы; иначе мы рискуем выбрать невозможный маршрут.

&  — Но знаете, ... любой из нас способен предсказать судьбу одного человека в мире. Проблема в том, чтобы узнать, кто этот человек.

&  — Подумайте вот о чем. Иногда мотивы приходится выдумывать, чтобы они соответствовали преступлению. Ясно?

&  Как это несообразно, раздумывала библиотекарша, что она так мало помнит; будто чуть ли не весь век свой провела с завязанными глазами. По молодости верила, что однажды оглянется на свою жизнь и увидит в ней смысл. Но сейчас, постарев, оглядывается и отнюдь не уверена, что жизнь вообще имеет смысл.

&  Что тут сказать? Я сидел, ошеломленный туманностью прошлого. Я изобрел причину и следствие, понятные и удобные. И совершенно неверные.

&  Будь у нас отмычки к чужим мозгам, жизнь получилась бы чересчур проста.

&  — Слишком много деталей — это не обязательно хорошо. Когда деталей слишком много, картина расплывается и становится похожа на любую другую.

26 февр. 2018 г.

Don't Think Twice

«Герои фильма - небольшая труппа импровизаторов. Они живут в Нью-Йорке, выступают перед публикой в любительском театре, работают официантами, баристами итд., и мечтают о том, чтобы их заметили продюсеры настоящего театра или ТВ-программы. И вот один из них проходит отбор в программу Weekend Live (за которой безошибочно угадывается реальная Saturday Night Live)...
...фильм для всех, и по-моему он как раз дает хорошее представление о том, как импровизация выглядит со стороны. ...»

Samantha: Everyone has their own take on what's most important in improv, but even 60 years later, they still boil down to three basic rules.
    Number one.
Say yes.
    Number two.
It's all about the group. It's not about you looking good. And it's also not about looking funny. It's about a group
working together in the moment to create something that never happened before. ...or will never happen again.
    And finally, and this is the most important one.
Don't think. It's all about getting out of your head, it's about impulse. It's about living in the moment. It's about now.

Miles: This is it. You know, not huge, but neither am I.

Miles: Not funny. Skillful, but not funny.
Allison: It's like when something sounds funny, but it isn't funny.

Lindsay: My dad always told me, "The thing with an easy sell is that the thing has to actually be easy to sell."
Miles: What does that even mean?
Lindsay: Like, you have to have the goods.
Miles: Are you saying I don't have the goods?
Lindsay: I'm saying you can work on the goods instead of working on Jack. Do the work.

Bill: I feel like your 20s are all about, like, hope, and then your 30s are all about realizing how dumb it was to hope.

Bill: It's like when I go to the grocery store and people treat me like I don't exist. I'm in my head, I'm like, "Well, I got a secret. I go onstage, I kill. I crush, I'm a superhero." But without improv... I'm kinda just a loser.

Liz: I like you.
Miles: I like me, too.

Allison: Okay, I'm sorry, I have to ask, I've always wondered. Like, when you wake up in the morning, are you just like, "Oh, my God, I'm Ben Stiller"?
Ben Stiller: Um... Yeah. Probably in the same way you wake up in the morning and go, "I'm Allison."

Samantha: Del Close once said, "Watching great improv is like watching people put the plane together when they're already in the sky." It's not meant to last, except as an act of love. It passes in a moment and disappears.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Эрик Маккормак - Мистериум (2/5)

&  Я хотел для разнообразия что-то сделать. И в то же время, само собой, думал: какая прекрасная возможность! Быть может, я прославлюсь!
     Ныне я спрашиваю себя: бывают ли столь простые решения? Знаем ли мы на самом деле, почему делаем то, что делаем?

&  — Я сам, стараюсь никогда не видеть снов. А если, несмотря ни на что, вижу сон, я очень стараюсь его поскорее забыть.
     Я удивился... Я всегда считал, что сны, даже самые запутанные, могут раскрыть очень глубокие загадки. Я так ему и сказал, но он покачал головой.
     — Наоборот, — сказал он. — Я уверен, что сны — всего лишь мусор интеллекта. Они всё путают и искажают. Ничего по-настоящему толкового из них не извлечешь.

&  «Избегайте упрощений. Вы способны на большее».

&  Ничто так не мешает расследованию, как нравственные предрассудки порядочного человека.

&  — Вы действительно верите в мотивы, причины и следствия? Вы верите, что концы всегда можно связать воедино, не только в книгах и пьесах?

&  — Правду? Говорить правду возможно, лишь когда не слишком много знаешь.

&  — И помни: не всегда существеннее всего — те ключи, что прямо перед носом. Некоторые важнейшие в жизни вещи можно увидеть только боковым зрением.

25 февр. 2018 г.

The Reckoning

Outlander 1×9

Jamie: ...when I was a lad, I saw no path before me. I simply took a step and then another. Ever forward, ever onward, rushing toward someplace, I knew not where. And one day, I turned around and looked back and saw that each step I'd taken was a choice to go left, to go right, to go forward or even not go at all.
    Every day, every man has a choice between right and wrong. Between love and hate. Sometimes between life and death. And the sum of those choices becomes your life.

Jamie: The truth is, I'd forgiven everything she'd done and everything she could do, long before that day. For me, that was no choice. That was falling in love.

Jamie: Ye've done considerable damage disobeying my orders, and I'm gonna punish ye for it.
Claire: What do you mean?
Jamie: Oh, you know fine well what I mean. Now, get down by the bed and lift yer shift, lass.

Claire: I have said I'm sorry. And I am. And I will never do such a thing again.
Jamie: That's just the point. You might. Ye come from a place where things are easier, I think. Where it's not a matter of life and death if you disobey orders or take matters into your own hands. But it's the hard truth in places and times like these that a light action can have very serious consequences.

Jamie: Seems I canna possess your soul without losing my own.

Jamie: Sassenach?
Claire: Yes, master?
Jamie: What does "fucking" mean?

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+ Soundtrack

The Scavengender Hunt

Grace and Frankie 4×2

Frankie: You know who talks like that, Grace? A mark, a rube, a patsy, a stooge, a mugu.
Grace: That last one is made up.
Frankie: Just what a mugu would say.

Barry: You told me to take the job.
Brianna: Yeah, but I was hoping you would know that what I told you was the complete opposite of what I was telling you.

Barry: You really should have told me that.
Brianna: Only if I wanted you to do what I really wanted you to do and not what I said I wanted you to do.
Barry: Okay, now I'm lost again.

Grace: Was Santa Fe really that bad?
Frankie: You ever reach into one of your pockets and think, "Oh, boy, licorice!" But then it's a snake? Because I have.
Grace: Well, that's why I don't buy things with voluminous pockets.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Эрик Маккормак - Мистериум

«Маккормак прекрасен. После случайно прочтённого "Летучего голландца" я взялся за его вещи плотно, и да, я доволен. "Мистериум" - это спокойная, странная и страшная история о городе, в котором люди начинают говорить, говорить - и каждое слово вытягивает из них кусочек жизни, они лежат в кроватях, издавая странный, резкий запах, а слова сыплются из них, сыплются так, как течёт из умирающего кровь. Это не детектив. Здесь нет убийцы, но здесь есть множество слоёв - солдаты из Каррика, умирающие на колеблющемся мосту, бородатый военнопленный, запертый в обрушивающейся шахте, женщина, в которую влюблён весь город - все они здесь, все они в строках и между строк. Это саспенс, гадкое слово, но это он.»
цитаты | Мистериум | Эрик Маккормак | mystery | crime | drama
  “Ты, кто это читает, — не бойся. ...
&  ...Осторожно склонись над книгой — нос в полудюйме от страницы, не больше. Вдохни. Вдохни еще раз. Чуешь запах тлеющего угля, аромат засохшего папоротника и вереска — все, что мартовский северо-восточный ветер доносит сюда, на север этого Острова? Чувствуешь — к ним примешано нечто странное; запах, не похожий на те, что встречались тебе прежде?
     Чувствуешь? Хорошо. Может быть, еще не все потеряно.
     Но если, читатель, ты обоняешь только бумагу и переплет — марлю, обрез, клей, коленкор, типографскую краску... В общем, если ты чуешь только книгу, будь осторожен. Для тебя, возможно, все уже кончено.

&  Я припомнил (в те времена я очень доверял своей памяти)...

&  На самом же деле никто не знал достоверно, что там происходит, никто не знал правду (еще одно слово, так много значившее для меня в те времена).

&  «Отчего же, Роберт Айкен, людям нравится смотреть на природу в предсмертной агонии?»

&  «Если мы все произошли от рыб и птиц, значит ли это, что охота и рыболовство — не что иное, как разрешенные формы убийства, за которыми следует каннибализм?»

&  «Интересно, а может, мы состоим из того, что видим, как из того, что едим; может, то, что мы видим изо дня в день, образует нас, как пища, на которой мы выросли».

&  «Как думаешь, может, мы состоим еще из запахов?»

24 февр. 2018 г.

The Foreigner

Maggie: Could I go to jail if I murdered your phone?

Liam Hennessy: I work for the government and our elected officials. I do not work for terrorists.
Quan Ngoc Minh: IRA politics and terrorism are different ends of the same snake. Whichever end you grab, you still grab a snake.
Liam Hennessy: It makes a great deal of difference which end you grab, because one end will bite.

Hugh McGrath: Well, guess what? In the fog o' war, plans fuckin' change.

Hugh McGrath: You haven't forgotten what we're fighting for, have ya?
Liam Hennessy: You question my loyalty? I buried my brother-in-law, before that my da and my two cousins. We spilt our fair share of blood struggling for united Ireland, not profiting off a divided one. So, don't fucking go asking me again if I've forgotten what we're fighting for!

+ Quotes on the IMDb

If I Were a Bell

Transparent 3×8

Chaim: I can't believe that faigele is my grandson!

Ralph: Do you know how lucky you are to have what you do after what we've been through? We came here to get away from starving. And to choose not to eat?
Shelly: It's not the Holocaust!
Goldie: Do you want a barren womb?

Yetta: You like the meat loaf? I made it with... cornflakes. It's as filling as meat, though, right?

Bryna: Does Mom have a bunker at work?
Chaim: I'm not sure.
Morton: If she doesn't, won't she get nuclear exploded on?
Yetta: No. She gets under her desk. That's second best.

Morton: What if Mom doesn't make it to the bunker in time?
Chaim: Sweetie, eventually, we will all be together in Olam HaBa'a. Not to worry.

Morton: Heaven sounds like more fun. The kids at school said... That the roads are paved with gold and you can walk on marshmallow clouds.
Yetta: Oh, yeah? Convert. Go eat a Waldorf salad. Go to goyische heaven.

Chaim: You want to know what happened to your uncle Gershon? Do you?
Yetta: Haim! Stop that. You're being a schmuck! Stop that!
Chaim: He burned to death in the oven. You want to know why? Because your mother and your grandmother let him run around in a skirt!
Rose: He only does it when he's alone! It's just it makes him happy. It's nothing.
Chaim: Is Gershon happy? You make him stop this, or you get out of my house!!

Morton: Bryna?..
Bryna: You're a boy, Mort, no matter how many of Mom's dresses you wear.

Morton: I just need some time to figure some stuff out. But until then... can you keep a secret?
Shelly: Can you?

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

23 февр. 2018 г.

Dunkirk (1958)

Mrs Johns: All the same, he may be right. Perhaps they don't want war.
John Holden: Eh? Don't want war? What about Norway and Denmark? They went in there quick enough.
Mrs Johns: Hm, I suppose you're right.
John Holden: Of course I'm right. It's a lot of blasted propaganda.
Mrs Johns: Still, they do let him say it on the radio, don't they?

Merchant Seaman: You make me sick. All of you. It may be a phony war to you, but it's not to all the blokes at sea. Never has been.

Diana: It's no use tearing yourself to pieces, Charles.
Charles: Yes, but we're being such fools.
Diana: Poor old Charles. You'd like to get at them with your bare hands, wouldn't you?
Charles: As far as I can see, that's about all we've got. Our bare hands.

Corporal 'Tubby' Binns: Well, what do we do now?
Mike: You've got the stripes, Tubby. You tell us.
Corporal 'Tubby' Binns: Yeah. Yeah, I suppose you're right. What do we do, then?

Jouvet: Gamelin sent the 7th Army to Holland. What is there left?
Charles: But you can't mean that? The whole principle of the Maginot Line was to build up a strong reserve. What did your Generals do with them?
Jouvet: Generals? They sacked 15 frontline Generals three days ago. Did you know that?
Charles: But you called up two million men. What have you done with them?
Jouvet: Who are you to talk? What have you British sent to France? 200-300,000?

Jouvet: It is the one virtue that we French have left. We are realists. This battle is lost.

Tubby: They seemed to hate us.
Mike: Refugees hate everybody. Wouldn't you?
Tubby: Well, they don't need to hate us.

Barlow: That's murder. That's sheer bloody murder. I hope somebody knows what they're doing.

Charles: I don't know. Fools at the top, fools at the bottom. There are times when I don't think we ought to win this war.

Navy Officer: The first convoy of boats will leave at dawn for Ramsgate.
Charles: Can't we go now, sir?
Navy Officer: At dawn. You're under orders now... And thank you all.

Mike: They're your lot, Tubby.
Tubby: You mean, they were my lot.
Mike: And they still are. So long as you go these.
Tubby: I always told you, I never wanted them.
Mike: You're still stuck with them.
Tubby: They just hate my guts.
Mike: Of course they do. You got the stripes.

Vice Admiral Ramsay: We've got to take that chance, sir... There are 30,000 men on the open beaches at this moment. There are 50,000 in the dunes behind them. There are 100,000 men in the country between the dunes and the canal. We've got to get them out, sir.

Tubby: What caused all this?
Charles: Stupidity. Everybody saying the war was so damnable it couldn't happen again, shoving our heads in the sand like a lot of ostriches.
Tubby: Well, the Germans didn't think that way.
Charles: To them war meant guns or butter. They chose guns.
Tubby: We chose butter.
Charles: No, you can't blame the army. Last-war weapons, last-war methods. This is the result.
Tubby: What happens now? After this.
Charles: If we're lucky, we'll get another chance. Heaven knows we don't deserve it. Get the best men in the right jobs.
Tubby: Do you think we've made a start? With old Churchill, I mean.
Charles: Yes. Yes, I think we've made a start.

Newsreel Commentator: 'Dunkirk was a great defeat and a great miracle. It proved, if it proved anything, that we were alone but undivided. No longer were there fighting men and civilians. There were only people. A nation had been made whole.'

+ Quotes on the IMDb

+ Quotes from Dunkirk (2017)

Life Sucks and Then You Die

Transparent 3×7

Bryna: You know, I wanted lipo for 20 years. I didn't die not getting it.
Maura: Well, you know, it's not exactly the same thing, but, you know, Carpe-fucking-Diem, Bry. Go get your lipo.

Maura: Well, life sucks, honey, and then you die, all right?

Bryna: You were not a handsome man. And I don't think you're gonna be a very pretty woman, and I don't think surgery can do anything to help that.

Bryna: The next time I see you, you're probably gonna look like Michael Jackson... with half a Brussels sprout for a nose!

Maura: You gave him nothing!
Bryna: It took 45 minutes for that pizza to show up!
Maura: So what?
Bryna: And I always... I always tip 15%.
Maura: 15% is what you give for bad service. 15% is when they spit in your food. 15% is when they stab you.

Raquel: Can you clarify for me really fast what spirituality is for you, Sarah?.... 'Cause I can tell you what it's not. It's not changing your mind whenever you feel like it. It's not following your bliss. It's not finding yourself by crawling through your belly button and out your own asshole and calling it a journey.

Raquel: You know what? I don't give a shit if the Pope, if fuckin' Donald Trump, if Moshiach himself shows up to this fucking thing! I'm not doing it!
Sarah: Who's Moshiach?

Colton: I wanna take this moment right now to ask if there's anyone out here today who might not be saved yet... but wants to know Jesus as their personal Lord and savior... To come on up to this altar. Would anyone here like to renounce Satan and accept Jesus into their heart?... Who wants to have their burdens lifted from them? Who wants to be free?... Who here wants to accept Jesus into his heart? Come on up.

Colton: Josh Pfefferman, do you want ever-lasting life?
Josh: Mm-hmm.
Colton: Do you renounce Satan?
Josh: Sure.
Colton: And do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior?
Josh: Okay.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

22 февр. 2018 г.

Peaky Blinders 2×6

Episode #2.6

Tommy: 'My name is Thomas Shelby. And today, I'm going to kill a man...'

Arthur: One at a time. One at a time, that is all I ask.

Johnny Dogs: It is all part of Tommy's plan... Apparently.

Alfie: It says here... 20% paid to me of your export business.
Tommy: As we agreed on the telephone.
Alfie: No, no, no, no. See, I had my lawyer draw this up for us, just in case. It says that... here, that 100% of your business... goes to me.

Alfie: Don't worry about it, right. Cos it is totally legal, binding. All you have to do is sign the document and transfer the whole lot over to me.
Tommy: Sign just here, is it?

Alfie: Now, look, it's just non-fucking-negotiable. That is all you need to know, so all you have to do is sign the fucking contract.
Tommy: Right there.
Alfie: Just sign here. With your pen.

Ollie: He tied his lace, Alfie. And there is a kid at the door.
Tommy: From a good family, too. Ollie, it is shocking what they become.

Alfie: You are behaving like a fucking child. This is a man's world. Now, get that apron off and sit in the corner like a little boy.

Alfie: Based on this... 45%.
Tommy: 30.

Johnny Dogs: The Lees will be there, Captain.
Tommy: "Captain"?
Johnny Dogs: Aye, we promoted you. Well, the boys decided you're no longer like a Sergeant Major. Fucking those rich women and using those fancy words. I'd say you're more like a captain these days.
Tommy: Fine, well, I'll take it as a compliment. Just don't bloody shoot me.

Polly: Everything's an "if" in this Birmingham life.

Campbell: Now... this is a man of some capability... but I expect no excuses and no failures.
UVF Operative: The Red Right Hand of the Ulster Volunteer Force will not let you down, Mr Campbell.
Campbell: The Red Right Hand.

Tommy: Whatever happens today, it was good.

Tommy: Whatever happens, May, no regrets. No regrets. And I will find you.

Tommy: Grace, I seriously have things to do.

Tommy: Chalk?
Lizzie: It's how the soldiers know. It doesn't matter. Just give me the fucking chalk!

Campbell: Shouldn't you be busy?
Tommy: When you plan something well there's no need to rush.

Tommy: Today, it will be me dead or you. But whoever it is... they'll wake up in hell tomorrow.

Campbell: Shadow Security to His Majesty. I will now take command of the situation.

Tommy: You placed too much reliance on the police for your security, Mr Sabini. That was a mistake.

Grace: There's business and there's love.
May: Is there?.. With Thomas Shelby?...

Grace: What do you want from him?
May: The same as you. I want to feel alive.

Polly: Don't fuck with the Peaky Blinders.

Johnny: We fucking took Epsom! We kicked the Cockneys' fucking arses.
Lizzie: Congratu-fucking-lations.

Arthur: Where is Tommy anyway?

Tommy: Were any of you boys in France?

Tommy: I nearly got FUCKING EVERYTHING!

Tommy: In the bleak mid winter...

Arthur: ...And to the Peaky fucking Blinders! Who's going to stop us, eh?... Nobody.

Tommy: You know something, Michael? What Polly wants... will always a mystery to me.

Tommy: I've got some ideas, Michael, for the future of the company. And also... I'm planning on getting married.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The End of the F***ing World 1×2

Episode #1.2

James: Do you think it's gonna explode?
Alyssa: It's not a film. If this was a film, we'd probably be American.

Alyssa: Guess what freedom smells like?
James: What?
Alyssa: Cow shit.

James: I wasn't sure sex was something you could just go along with, especially not as a man. It's OK for women. They can just lie back, think of England. Us men, we have to be England.

James: Sometimes, I just... let things happen. Even though I didn't want them to. I'm not sure why.

Alyssa: A double room with a double bed for double sex. I really need to cry.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

21 февр. 2018 г.

Rebel Rebel

Homeland 7×2

Carrie: He would have understood what I'm doing. He never let me down, ever. He would be right here with me now. He would have gotten it.

Shrink: Are you aware that in a small part of the population, Lithium can become ineffective after that much time? It simply stops working.

Carrie: It's important! I'm on my own here.
Dante: And why do you think that is?

O'Keefe: No better feeling, is there? Exercising your constitutional rights.

O'Keefe: You know what people forget? The Second Amendment isn't about needing guns for hunting or... or target shootin' or security. No, sir. It's about resisting tyranny. The Founding Fathers, in their infinite wisdom, foresaw the dark day when we would face a President like Keane, as deadly as any foreign king. And we would have to fight for our lives and liberty all over again.

Troll: You're white, college-educated, living in America. You'll figure something out.

Carrie: I'm CIA, you motherfucker! You try anything, I will hunt you down. I will kill you. I know who you are... where you live. I've got your prints, your DNA, your ugly fucking face. I've got you for the rest of your life. Do you hear?

On the IMDb

The Open Road

Transparent 3×6

Shea: What makes a strong waffle game?
Josh: Well, honestly, uh, you know, a waffle is just a delivery system for the butter and the syrup, so I'm gonna go with the butter and the syrup.

Shea: It's actually way less crazy than everyone thinks. It's mostly just sad guys with cocaine problems.
Josh: Sounds like the music business.

Sarah: You know, for someone who never has a Seder, you got a lot of Seder stuff.

Shelly: I am... happy. I am very happy. Let me be happy.

Ali: I just saw God.
Okay. What... What'd he say?
Ali: Uh, that she's a woman... And she's black... And she looked just like you, and told me everything is what it's supposed to be, and that it's gonna be okay, we're gonna be... We're gonna be okay.
Mm. And I can tell you're still not flossing.

+ quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Энди Вейр — Марсианин (4/4)

&  Кстати, «Протянуть ещё денёк» – неплохое название для очередной серии про Джеймса Бонда.

&  Самый лучший план не выдерживает первой стычки с врагом.

&  Вам приходилось пропускать на шоссе нужный поворот? В таких случаях приходится ехать до следующего, и ты ненавидишь каждый дюйм дороги, потому что она уводит тебя всё дальше и дальше от цели.

&  Я начал день с чашки «чая из ничего». «Чай из ничего» очень просто готовить. Для начала налейте в чашку немного горячей воды. Затем добавьте ничего. Несколько недель назад я поэкспериментировал с чаем из картофельной кожуры. Чем меньше об этом скажешь, тем лучше.
  ... Стоял отличный, скучный полдень.”

+ The Martian (2015) the movie

20 февр. 2018 г.

The Whole Truth

Leblanc: Plenty of people grow up without the best dads. It doesn't give anyone the right to murder.

Ramsey: They don't teach this in law school. Yes, all witnesses lie.
Janelle: About what?
Ramsey: Keeping their jobs, winning the case, money... most people skim... morality. We all want to be good little girls and boys. Sex... just assume everyone's screwing everyone else unless proven otherwise. And the big one, avoiding humiliation. You'd think folks would be scared of prison or lethal injection. Nope. It's loss of face.

Janelle: Why won't he talk to you?
Ramsey: That's the problem with people who refuse to speak. They never say why.

Janelle: Why didn't you go after him on the stand?
Ramsey: Never humiliate a cop in front of a jury unless you have to.

Ramsey: At some point, every defense lawyer has to choose between his own need to know the truth and the best interests of his client.

Leblanc: Do your duty. Guilty. Guilty of murder in the first degree.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The Lodger

Grace and Frankie 4×1

Sheree: Okay, we're looking for two gold nipple graduation cap thingies.
Grace: Tassels?
Sheree: Grace, you have a word for everything!
Grace: There actually are words for everything.

Grace: Sheree's cooking dinner in your honor.
Frankie: So it'll be the three of us for dinner?
Sheree: I'm making my famous chicken pot pie. It's deep-fried so you don't even taste the vegetables. Also, there aren't vegetables in it.

Grace: Well, I'm sorry that I'm not dating a hippie who's still reeling from the break-up of Creedence Clearwater Revival...
Frankie: They were brothers! They should have worked it out!

Grace: You know what you should be? Fuming. Anger solves everything.
Mallory: No, no, no. I am no good at getting angry.
Grace: Oh, you're my daughter. It's in your blood. You want to take your emotions and crush them into a diamond and hurl them at the person you're mad at. And then you can move on.
Mallory: Thanks, Mommy. You're always so good at the mushy stuff.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Энди Вейр — Марсианин (3/4)

Очень интересно! Надо иметь в виду, что по жанру это ни в коем случае не «фентези» и никак не Бредбери; ближе всего, пожалуй, к Жюль Верну на космический лад: минимум «психологии», «пейзажей» и прочей, с точки зрения 15-летнего подростка, «мутоты»; зато максимум описания технических новинок, «занимательной физики» и всего такого прочего. Успех книги по всему миру показывает, что человечество все-таки изголодалось по «чему-то такому», по мироощущению 19 века – что «научный прогресс принесет всем счастье» и главное – разбираться в законах физики и химии. В общем – книга для людей с инженерным мышлением.

&  Пластик, может быть, и не горит, но каждый, кто хоть раз игрался с резиновым шариком, знает – он отлично набирает статический заряд. После этого я добуду искру, просто прикоснувшись к металлу.
     Забавный факт из истории: именно так погиб экипаж «Аполлона-1». Пожелайте мне удачи!

&  Насчёт Марса одно можно сказать наверняка: там чертовски холодно! Разрежённая атмосфера плохо проводит тепло, но в конце концов она остужает всё.

&  Всё худшее в жизни проявляет себя какой-нибудь мелочью. Крошечная опухоль на боку, которой раньше не было. Когда по возвращении домой, к жене, видишь в раковине два бокала из-под вина. Каждый раз, когда слышишь по телевизору: «Мы прерываем нашу программу, чтобы...»

&  Знаете, так хочется, чтобы иногда хоть что-нибудь шло по плану!

&  Основная проблема с небольшими герметичными объёмами – токсичность CO2. Можно иметь сколько угодно кислорода, но как только содержание углекислого газа поднимется до 1 %, вас начнёт клонить в сон. При 2 % возникает ощущение, будто вы выпили. При 5 % трудно оставаться в сознании. 8 % постепенно вас прикончит. Проблема выживания не в кислороде, а в избавлении от CO2.

&  Как и большинство жизненных проблем, эту поможет решить ящик чистой радиации.

&  Ностальгия не стоит того, чтобы продлевать сомнительное удовольствие.

19 февр. 2018 г.

Oh Holy Night

Transparent 3×5

Len: Do you remember the week before Zachy was born? How worried you were? And you wanted, like, everything to be perfect? You were planning everything. You were like a cute, little prenatal Mussolini.

Maura: I'm sorry I was such a shitty parent...

Josh: I think we should call somebody. Demo's a thing. Jewish men don't do demo.
Maura: I am a Jewish woman, Joshy. And Jewish women do whatever the fuck they want.

Sarah: I decided to go with papusas.
Raquel: The event's called Tacos con Torah. Right? Tacos.
Sarah: .... The taco guy was too expensive. ... I don't know. We can call it Papusas con Psalms or something.

Raquel: Hi. Welcome. Shabbat shalom. We are asking people to unplug from technology. Just drop your device... Thank you. Shabbat shalom.

Sarah: I'm sorry, but really? Tonight of all nights?

Leslie: "Sinai Coffee"? I can't drink that, 'cause it disagrees with my politics. They're Israeli beans.

Josh: I could just live right here in this hug.

Raquel: The rabbis tell us that there are 36 people whose righteousness sustains the world called the lamedvavniks. ... Who are these 36? We don't know. Even the 36 don't know. So what is the lesson? The lesson is to treat each other... as if we might be one. Or who knows? You might be standing next to one now.

Ali: I did not expect to be so moved.
Leslie: By the service or the propaganda?
Ali: You're still pissed off at the Zionists?
Leslie: It's stuck in my craw. I mean, you can light a bunch of votive candles in a shitty gym, but...

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Both Sides Now

Outlander 1×8

Reverend Wakefield: It's fashionable in this modern age to dismiss the idea of good and evil, but there is evil, and it finds purchase in good men by giving sin the sweet taste of ecstasy. The Nazis drank from that poisoned cup, thinking all the while they were slaking their thirst with the sweetest wine.
Frank: Are you suggesting that I have been drinking from the same cup?
Reverend Wakefield: Evil has but one cup. They drank long and deep. Yours was but a sip. Make it your last.

Jamie: Be yuletide by the time we get back to Leoch.
Claire: Christmas... I don't suppose you hang stockings by the fire.
Jamie: To dry them off, you mean?
Claire: Never mind.

Murtagh: I still say the only good weapon for a woman is poison.
Dougal: Perhaps, but it has certain deficiencies in combat.

Claire: What kind of gentleman keeps a rope at his desk?
Black Jack Randall: A prepared one, madam.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Энди Вейр — Марсианин (2/4)

Перечитал взахлеб, как и в первый раз. Какая же это все-таки прекрасная книга! Невозможно оторваться. Наверное, в первую очередь подкупает тем, что очень явственно ощущаешь, как сюжет не выдуман из головы, а потом под него подогнали "научные слова" (как это называли в Star Trek, "tech the tech"), а наоборот - повороты сюжет, удачи и неудачи героя все проистекают из глубокого продумывания и исследования того, что могло быть "на самом деле". Это ощущается на каждой странице и просто невероятно привлекает.

&  Говорят, даже самый лучший план не выдерживает первой попытки воплощения. Полностью согласен!

&  Всё дело в выдохе. Знаете ли вы, какая часть кислорода удаляется из воздуха при каждом нормальном вдохе? Я тоже не знаю, но это точно не 100 %. С каждым вдохом я получал порцию кислорода, часть которого забирали лёгкие – а остаток выдыхал в атмосферу Дома. С каждым выдохом в атмосфере накапливалось всё больше и больше O2.
     Мне это и в голову не приходило. А должно было прийти! Если бы лёгкие поглощали весь кислород целиком, искусственное дыхание рот в рот просто не работало бы. Я такой придурок, что об этом не подумал! И моя тупость чуть меня не убила.

&  И как может Аквамен контролировать китов? Они же млекопитающие! Бред какой-то.

&  Полагаю, результат можно назвать «позорным провалом», но я предпочитаю термин «наработка опыта».

&  Как уже говорил, поездка выдалась долгой и скучной. И ведь я ещё не добрался до места! Но я же астронавт, в конце-то концов. Моя специальность – долгие перелёты.

&  Вообще-то, мне стоило быть куда более расстроенным, но меня крепко приложило головой. Эффект умиротворяющий.

18 февр. 2018 г.

Peaky Blinders 2×5

Episode #2.5

Alfie: Arthur, Arthur!
Arthur: It is a pleasure to meet you, sir.
Alfie: I have heard so much about you.
Arthur: Shalom. Let me just say... Shalom.

Alfie: Seder, this feast what we is having here, right? Seder is basically the day when the Jewish angels decided, you know, that the evil fucking Egyptians had pushed their fucking luck.

Sabini: You tell your Gypsy king... that whoever comes down south... shall return north in many fucking pieces.

Campbell: You should know that, as of this night, Tommy Shelby is finished.

Tommy: He likes to waste money, I know that. According to the reports I've been given you're spending £2 a month on worming powder.
Micky: What? You want a horse with worms?
Tommy: Horses get worms from the water trough. If you put goldfish in them, they eat the worm eggs.
Micky: Goldfish? That'll be a Gypsy thing, is it?
Tommy: No, it's an accounting thing.

May: Goldfish? Seriously?
Tommy: Yep. You people have a lot to learn.

Campbell: Tommy Shelby is not afraid to die. Therefore... the threat to your own life might not be enough to make it certain that you will obey me on the given day. I needed also the power of life and death over your family. And that I now have.

Campbell: And, as my father used to say... to make sure your dog obeys you, you have to show it the stick once in a while.

Campbell: I have a great curiosity. Like a magpie... sees something... something shining in the mud. Oh, he has no need for the silver, but... but he takes it anyway.

Curly: What are you doing, Tommy?
Tommy: Shovelling shit, Curly. Just like you.
Curly: And why are you doing that, Tommy?
Tommy: To remind myself of what I'd be if I wasn't who I am.

Tommy: Well, it's honest work, Curly... but I don't want to get used to it,

Charlie: Tommy, if you ever want a job, I'll get you your own shovel.

Tommy: I changed my mind. So just have one drink, tell me how happy you are in New York and then you can go.

Tommy: You're not armed, Grace, are you?

Tommy: You see, my real plan... was that we go out. I want to impress you. Now... do you like Charlie Chaplin?
Grace: Yes, I like Charlie Chaplin.
Tommy: Good. But I bet you've never heard Charlie Chaplin speak.

Tommy: You see, Wag is also a Romany Gypsy, as is Chaplin. But he keeps it a secret. Chaplin was born on the Black Patch, a Gypsy camp in Birmingham. ... See, we've all got secrets, Grace. Come on, I'll introduce you.

Tommy: Well, tonight, your men will see me return to the house with a very beautiful woman. She will stay until just before midnight. Course, I'll close the curtains. Can you guess who the woman is, Mr Campbell?

Grace: It's too late, Tommy.
Tommy: It's 11, Grace.
Grace: I mean, it's too late.

Tommy: Why did you come here tonight?

Arthur: All right. If he's so fucking clever, why am I in here?

May: You think your people are ruthless? Try mine.

May: Who is she?
Tommy: Someone who's sailing away.
May: So let her sail... You've told me about her. Like a gentleman. Now kindly behave like a gangster again.

May: Feel sorry for me. It's fine... Because your horse will come fifth or sixth. But I will win you.

Tommy: I have recently become a racehorse owner, Mr Campbell. It's, er... Well, perhaps you can guess which one is my horse...

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Энди Вейр — Марсианин

Очень круто. Прямо вот очень. Второй за последние несколько лет научно-фантастический роман, который произвёл на меня замечательное впечатление и был проглочен без остановки. Думаю, все знают, о чём книга - об астронавте, случайно забытом на Марсе и в течение многих солов выживавшем в невозможных условиях. Крутизна книги не столько в научно-технической подаче, сколько в невероятной воле главного героя, в его ироническом отношении к вещам, которые других бы привели к смерти. В общем, my friens, никогда не сдавайтесь. Никогда, никогда.

цитаты | Марсианин | Энди Вейр | Martian | sci-fi | Mars | survivor | NASA | rescue mission
  “Я в полной заднице. ...

&  Итак, ситуация такова: я застрял на Марсе. У меня нет связи ни с «Гермесом», ни с Землёй. Все думают, что меня больше нет. Я в Доме, рассчитанном на работу в течение тридцати одного дня.
     Если сломается регенератор кислорода, я задохнусь. Если выйдет из строя регенератор воды, я погибну от жажды. Если нарушится герметичность Дома, меня в каком то смысле разорвёт. Если ничего из этого не произойдёт, в конце концов у меня закончатся припасы, и я умру от голода.
     О, да! Я в полной заднице.

&  Воды на Марсе не так много. Есть лёд на полюсах, но они слишком далеко. Поэтому, раз мне нужна вода, придётся самому её получить. По счастью, я знаю рецепт. Взять водород. Добавить кислород. Поджечь.

&  Лучший способ хранения компонентов воды – превратить их в воду. Этим я и займусь.

&  Наверняка я мог справиться и быстрее, но всё же предпочёл не спешить: когда поджигаешь в закрытом помещении компоненты ракетного топлива, стоит вести себя осторожнее.

&  В конце концов, у меня нет ничего, кроме времени на решение проблем.

Алекс Тарн — Летит, летит ракета (3/3)

&  Разочарован бывает лишь тот, кто прежде очарован надеждой, а отсутствие надежды исключает и разочарование.

&  На фоне чьего-либо несчастного одиночества совпадение чувства, близость всегда кажутся особенной радостью — эгоистической и немного стыдной... но разве радость умеет стыдиться?

&  Действительно занятый человек больше всего на свете боится, как бы чего не пропустить. Собственно, этой, чисто вратарской заботой, он в действительности и занят. Заботой и связанными с нею стараниями.

&  Ничто так не смешит человека с развитым чувством юмора, как полное отсутствие этого чувства у других.

&  Настоящая беспощадность к врагам начинается с беспощадности к самому себе. И даже к своим друзьям.

&  Человеческая суть многих проявляется, увы, лишь после смерти.

&  Тайное, как известно, сплошь и рядом становится явным, в противоположность очевидному. На очевидное никто обычно внимания не обращает, потому как скучно. А вот секреты всех привлекают, особенно те, которые “совершенно”.

&  И вообще, что такое “хорошо”? Хорошо — это то, к чему привык.

&  Конец любой, даже самой запутанной истории прекрасно известен наперед. Родился — умер.

&  — А как отличить реакционное насилие от революционного?
     — Ну ты совсем глупый, Лео, — сказал Карподкин. — Проще не бывает. Революционное — это когда насилуем мы, а реакционное — когда насилуют нас.

&  Как известно, человек работает лучше, когда перед ним маячит хоть какая-то цель — неважно какая, лишь бы маячила.

&  Концы ведь всегда в итоге сходятся к началам в этом самом детерминированном из миров.
  ... Авив. Авив?”

17 февр. 2018 г.


James: "... We favor racial integration, but only at such time the negro shows he's ready for it. They don't seek to better themselves.
    This community has come too far to move backwards. We demand our civil rights to live where we want and with whom we want, and, with god's help, we will overcome!"

Sloan: Well, harm is one of those things you can't never tell about in advance... Least that's been my experience, far as it goes.

Sloan: I love that fucking movie...

Andy: My dad says we don't show 'em nothin'. And you don't show 'em you're scared. Don't show 'em nothin'.

Margaret: What did you say you do for the insurance people?
Bud: Oh, uh... I guess my official title is claims investigator. What you might call a professional skeptic.

Bud: Yes, it all boils down to one word, coincidence. That happens in the opera a lot. Coincidence.
Margaret: Yeah, sure. Aida. Uh, Barber of Seville. ...
Bud: But in real life doesn't happen that much.
Margaret: No. I guess if it did, it would stop being a coincidence.

Bud: You've been in this business long as I have, you develop a nose for hanky-panky. 'Cause it smells, you know? It's got this faint aroma. This smells bad. That smells good. You know what I mean?

Bud: But this one? This particular case here? Does not have that faint aroma.
Margaret: Thank goodness for that.
Bud: Nah, this one stinks. ... Jesus, does it stink!

Bud: Haven't you fucked with the insurance company enough?

Margaret: Have you ever been to Aruba? It's a protectorate. That's dutch. There's all kinds of exotic foods. And couples golf...

Gardner: What do you think you know, big man? Hmm? Because I know a lot of things. That's the case with being a grownup. You have to make decisions. Decisions like what's best for the family... Who's being helpful... Who's a liability...

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+ Soundtracks

Σ Colonelcassad «...От авторов "Старикам здесь не место", "Фарго" и "По прочтению сжечь" ожидал чего-то более впечатляющего, нежели то, что получилось в итоге.
"Субурбикон" представляет из себя своеобразную вариацию "Фарго" с банальным социальным высказыванием.
Классическая для Коэнов череда случайностей приводящих обычных людей к череде преступных деяний, выглядит как очередная история из снятого по мотивам одноименного фильма сериала "Фарго". ...
хоть в режисерском кресле сидел Клуни, это достаточно типичное коэновское кино. Хорошая игра актеров. отличная операторская работа, да и плакатно-карамельные 50-е воссозданы отлично. Но все это по сути блестящая упаковка, скрывающая идейную пустоту, когда банальный (как для Коэнов) сюжет пытаются привязать к проблематике расизма и новомодной толерантности. При желании, фильм даже можно назвать конъюнктурным, ну а в целом - типичный проходняк, пытающийся казаться чем-то большим, чем он есть на самом деле.

Σ Profi: «Не смотрите. Разве что, кому-то по медицинскому предписанию нужно стошнить.
PS Между тем, актерская игра в фильме вполне на уровне. ...

16 февр. 2018 г.

Blade Runner 2049

Sapper Morton: Garlic... Go on, try some.
K: No, thank you. I prefer to keep an empty stomach until the hard part of the day is done.

Joi: What's the occasion?
K: Let's just say... it's our anniversary.
Joi: Is it?
K: No, but let's just say that it is.

Lt. Joshi: The world is built on a wall. It separates kind. Tell either side there's no wall, you bought a war. Or a slaughter.

Lt. Joshi: You have anything more to say?
K: I've never retired something that was born before.
Lt. Joshi: What's the difference?
K: To be born is to have a soul, I guess.

Joi: Mere data makes a man. A and C and T and G. The alphabet of you. All from four symbols. I'm only two: One and zero.
K: Half as much but twice as elegant, sweetheart.

Dr. Ana Stelline: They all think it's about more detail. But that's not how memory works. We recall with our feelings. Anything real should be a mess.

Luv: You tiny thing. In the face of the fabulous new, your only thought is to kill it? For fear of great change? You can't hold the tide with a broom.

Rick Deckard: Don't lie. It's rude.

Rick Deckard: We could keep at this, or we could get a drink.
K: .... I'll take the drink.

Rick Deckard: Sometimes, to love someone... you gotta be a stranger.
K: .... To strangers.

Luv: I do hope you're satisfied with our product.

Freysa: Dying for the right cause is the most human thing we can do.

Niander Wallace: Only I know... you love pain. Pain reminds you the joy you felt was real. More joy, then... Do not be afraid.

Rick Deckard: Her eyes were green.

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+ Soundtracks

Σ colonelcassad: «...получилось вот что - режиссер Вильнев получил возможность снять прямое продолжение культового фильма, который в свое время провалился в прокате, но спустя годы вошел в число лучших научно-фантастических фильмов XX века. На сей раз у фильма был огромный бюджет, законченный сюжет оригинала, каноничные аудиовизуальные образы и скромные посылы оригинального литературного первоисточника. Что сделал Вильнев? Он по максимуму вложился в аудиовизуальный ряд, предложив по сути тоже, что предлагал оригинальный "Бегущий по лезвию", только в разы больше. Еще больше неона, еще больше нуара, еще больше медленных растянутых кадров и глядений в мрачную пустоту цифрового постапокалипсиса. И все это под давящую музыку Циммера, которая лишь подчеркивает безысходность этого мира. С точки зрения стилистики киберпанка, тут особо не к чему подкопаться - обязательную программу Вильнев и Ко выполнили на ура. Оригинальная атмосфера достаточно добротно и качественно воспроизведена.
Проблемы фильма кроются в сюжете, который оказался достаточно незамысловатым. ...

Σ tema: «Коротко: очень затянуто.
Вернулся домой, решил пересмотреть оригинальный фильм "Бегущий по лезвию" 1982 года...
Старый фильм - интересный, динамичный, красивый, изобратетельный, смотрибельный и кайфный. Хотя мало какой фильм 1982 года вообще можно смотреть сегодня...
Короче, если хочется посмотреть фильм "Бегущий по лезвию", то смотрите оригинальный, а римейк можно смело скипануть.

Where the Wild Things Were

Grimm 6×11

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
Shakespeare, «The Tempest», Act I, scene 2

Monroe: Want some tea? I'm feeling like some tea.

Eve: How do you say, "I'm a vegetarian" in German?

Dasha: Schrodinger's Cat.
Monroe: Wait a minute, are you talking about that thought experiment with the cat in the box with the poison?...
Dasha: Exactly! Cat in a closed box with poison. 50% chance the cat will be killed by the poison or will survive.
Monroe: Right... But because the box is closed, two dimensions exist simultaneously. One where the cat is alive, one where it's dead. And as long as the box stays closed, both realities exist.
Dasha: It's only when we open the box that we close off one of the dimensions.

Rosalee: So if Nick and Eve went through this other dimension...
Hank: It'd be like opening the box.
Dasha: That would not be a good thing.
Renard: So if we're alive in this world, does that mean that... in the other place, they're not?
Dasha: Not necessarily. What we consider death in our world is something very different somewhere else. Uh, possibly, a pre-life or an afterlife.
Monroe: Are you talking heaven-ish, or... hell-ish?
Dasha: Those are just words we use for when we're not here.

Wu: I suppose this is how Alice felt falling down the rabbit hole.

Eve: I know you're here because you loved me once, and you feel responsible for the bad things that have happened, but you can't change any of it. And I can't change any of it. And if you could, would you really want to go back to the way things were, just to be happy?.. Happy doesn't interest me anymore, Nick. It just gets in the way.

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15 февр. 2018 г.


Maimouna: It's to keep the jinns away. I can feel them around us. They hide everywhere. In rats, dogs, snakes... They don't like being disturbed.

Maimouna: Doesn't it look like a face? It's God watching us.
Dounia: Like he's got nothing better to do!
Maimouna: Insha'Allah. He could tell my dad everything.
Dounia: Don't worry. We're dust in the cosmos. To him, we're microbes.
Maimouna: But when you're God, you have to watch over your children. It's written.
Dounia: Yeah, but he hasn't acknowledged us.
Maimouna: Yes, he has. He talks to me all the time.
Dounia: When?
Maimouna: In my dreams. He gives me weird dreams.

Rebecca: See, you're scared.
Dounia: Because you're scary!
Rebecca: It's in the eyes. The far-away look.

Rebecca: You strike! Then you caress.

On the IMDb

The End of the F***ing World 1×1

Episode #1.1

James: I'm James. I'm 17. And I'm pretty sure I'm a psychopath.

Phil: I thought probably he was gay. Which is... That's fine. Like... Obviously. But, uh, here you are.
Alyssa: Maybe I'm gay. Maybe he's asexual. We're dealing with a really broad spectrum these days.

Alyssa: Sometimes, everything is suddenly really simple. It's like everything shifts in a moment. And you step out of your body, out of your life. You step out and you see where you are really clearly. You see yourself. And you think... Fuck. This. Shit.

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+ Soundtracks!

Алекс Тарн — Летит, летит ракета (2/3)

&  Теперь он знал главный секрет этой Страны: в ней трудно — до невозможного — жить, но жить без нее еще труднее.

&  Ничто так не взвинчивает цены, как бесплатная помощь.

&  “осень”, ... “весна” — весьма зыбкие понятия в Стране, где, по большому счету, есть только два сезона: лето, когда жарит солнце, и зима, когда в домах холодно и все отчаянно ждут дождей, которые либо не приходят вовсе, либо льют с такой силой, что смывают в море часть ожидающих.

&  А ведь хорошо известно, что нет разногласий непримиримее, чем между близкими идеологическими попутчиками!

&  В Матарот подружек привели те самые идеализм и сентиментальность, которые причудливо сочетались в характере жителей Страны с циничной насмешкой над любыми общепринятыми ценностями.
     Когда-то, в самом начале странствований, странникам посоветовали не сотворять себе кумира, и они восприняли эту рекомендацию самым серьезным образом. Стоило кому-либо из них совершить что-либо героическое или, скажем, общественно-полезное, а то и просто заслуживающее внимания, как его немедленно принимались клеймить всем кагалом, пока не затаптывали в грязь так, чтоб даже носа не казал, мерзавец. А все почему? А все потому, что самим фактом своего благородного деяния наглец как бы предъявлял претензии на пьедестал, то есть на запретное кумиротворение.
     Любые нормальные люди в такой ситуации уже давно перестали бы творить добро и вообще как бы то ни было высовываться: зачем навлекать беду на свою голову? Любые, но только не странники. Ведь поступить так означало бы полностью подчиниться заповеди о запрете кумиротворения, то есть сотворить себе кумира из самой этой заповеди! Экая ловушка, не правда ли? В результате бедняги продолжали выпендриваться по-всякому, точно представляя себе неотвратимость наказания. Кто-то толковал о любви к хамоватому ближнему и призывал подставлять вторую щеку взамен первой, уже отоваренной — ибо не оскудеет рука дающего. Кто-то радел о всеобщем братстве, кто-то звал на баррикады, кто-то звал с баррикад...
     В этом очень широком, иногда диаметрально противоположном разбросе идей общим было только одно: результат. Так или иначе, раньше или позже, идеалисты неминуемо получали по башке — все, до единого.

14 февр. 2018 г.


Aloys Adorn: She's pregnant. C'est la vie...
Mrs Schoch: I beg your pardon?
Aloys Adorn: That's French.

Vater Aloys: Believe in your invisibility - it is given to you.
    Avoid mirrors, shadows and echoes.
    Be quieter than the wind.

Vera: The secret lies in the filtered frequencies through the phone.
Aloys Adorn: What?
Vera: Phone-walking was invented in 1984 by a Japanese neurologist... For shy men.

Vera: The first time is always painful, but unforgettable.

Vera: The easiest way... is to press your forehead against the wall. Then you picture us meeting on the other side of the wall. Through the wall into the forest, for instance...

Vera: Our voices generate an image. Our words set them in motion. Besides one's imagination, hearing is the most important thing. It's the interface between our thoughts. Technically speaking, phone-walking...

Aloys: ...Afterwards, they were talking behind our backs. Some thought, we should have intervened.
Vera: Why didn't you?
Aloys: The baker bakes bread, the fisherman catches fish, and the investigator investigates.
Vera: But some investigators also steal cats...

Vera: Everything that moves us, is in our head. It's within ourselves. And that's what counts.

Aloys: Our voices generate an image. Our words set it in motion. Whatever we imagine, Vera... What remains, is the essence.
Vera: No, Aloys.
Aloys: That's what you said!
Vera: What's this damned essence then, Adorn?

Aloys: That party outside, where I'm not invited... I don't want to be invited. It's not worth it. I've been observing it for long enough. Every party must come to an end, and left behind... are lonely people, who then go to the next party. And to the next one. Each time a bit lonelier. I'd rather stay here.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Enemy of the State

Homeland 7×1

Maggie: It would help if you stopped calling Keane a fascist...
Carrie: She is a fascist!

President Keane: Murder, conspiracy to commit murder, sedition... We execute people for that in this country, ... and if that sounds harsh, so be it. Because what was under attack that day wasn't just me or the office of the Presidency, but our very democracy itself.

Janet: Is this spy shit really necessary?
Carrie: I'm bringing you a federal agent to testify about some of the most expansive civil rights abuses in the history of our nation. Is it really that hard to use a burner?

O'Keefe: Praise the Lord. This is Brett O'Keefe. Welcome to day 52 of the Resistance...

David: I did what I could. But the last time the military executed one of its own was in 1961.
President Keane: The last time they tried to overthrow the government was never!

Saul: Tell her to get over it.
David: She will.
Saul: Job is to put the country first.
David: Well, not first. First, she has to clear a path to power. Otherwise, she's Jimmy Carter.

Saul: I will not carry water or make excuses for a woman who can't rise above her own vindictiveness.

Can't believe I fell for that twice. Kabul? Trunk of your car? You still drive like a maniac.
Carrie: Thanks.

Carrie: Jesus. You know, not every shred of non-conventional behavior boils down to an onset of hypomania.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Алекс Тарн — Летит, летит ракета

  “История, которую я собираюсь вам поведать, вымышлена на сто процентов, а значит, абсолютно правдива. ...
&  ...В самом деле, переврать можно только реально произошедшие события, что, как правило, и делает любой рассказчик, неизбежно искажающий картину под воздействием собственного шкурного интереса или собственной куриной слепоты, или собственной дремучей глупости.

&  Любого, кто постучится в вашу дверь с россказнями о том, как, якобы, “было на самом деле”, вы можете смело спустить с лестницы, как бессовестного и, возможно, злонамеренного лгуна. Верьте лишь тем, кто честно гарантирует вам чистейший, стопроцентный вымысел. Например, мне.

&  О вкусах не спорят — особенно, когда речь идет о вкусах идеалистов.

&  Знаете, беспокойные приморские народы отличаются от сухопутных еще сильнее, чем морская черепаха от пустынной. Море, оно ведь как вокзал: так и норовит раскачать беззащитную душу.

&  Любой опытный чиновник прекрасно знает, что живущий на пособие всегда жалуется и всегда врет.

Раньше всех всегда ломаются те, кому легче. Причина этого парадокса проста: благополучных пугают своим устрашающим примером те, кому совсем плохо. “Если я останусь, — думает такой счастливчик, — то вскоре стану в точности, как тот бедолага. Так что пора срочно делать ноги...”

&  В самом деле, что такое взросление, как не умение вовремя поджимать хвост?

13 февр. 2018 г.

Closet Monster

Peter: Well, he's gay. That's why I keep telling ya, you gotta get rid of this hair, buddy.

Wilder: If you don't hate your parents you'll eventually become them.

Wilder: Do you want to know?
Oscar: I don't know how to answer that.
Wilder: If I, a fellow dude, kiss you and you feel something moving around in your stomach, then maybe you'll know. If not, then...

Brin: My point is... you've never had it easy... and maybe you never will. If you are forced to walk through shit then you might as well grow a thick skin.
Oscar: Thanks for all the imagery.

Oscar: Do you have any idea why everyone you love leaves you?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks


The X-Files 11×6

"A War Is Never Over"

John: The monsters are here.

Scully: What happened to the old, reliable Skinner we knew and loved?..

Trigger Davis: You ain't gonna find no kitten.
Mulder: What?
Trigger Davis: Ain't no kitten out there.

Mulder: The Eagle... Hmm. Is the Eagle bald?

Davey: Imagine the power of a government that could literally control the minds of millions and millions of its citizens. Simply by exposing them to this poison. It's happening. It's happening right now.

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+ Soundtracks

12 февр. 2018 г.

Just the Facts

Transparent 3×4

Maura: I... I was told by my physician that I didn't need a note... for this.
Dr. Benoit: That's true for the, uh... for the hormones. But for the surgery, we still require a letter from someone who has a PhD in psychology just to make sure you meet the requirements for the procedure.
Maura: I have to ask another person for permission?

Ali: I... I want you to be jealous. I know that we have our thing, and I totally appreciate your rejection of... of traditional romantic relationships from a socio-political standpoint, and I... and I agree, and, um... but I just... I really, really like you. ....

Ali: Sometimes I go to... a dreamy place. It's relaxing. It's like when you get in your car, you know, and you start driving and you just let your mind wander, and then you end up on La Brea, and you don't even know how you got there.
Leslie: Okay, well, one person's dream space is another person's disassociating.

Maura: I don't... I don't have a psychologist.
Davina: That is the least Jewish thing you've ever said.

Sarah: What I was imagining was, um, like a Tacos Con Torah night.

Rachel: It means "here I am" in Biblical Hebrew.
Sarah: I love Hebrew. Hineni... Hin... Here I am.... Hineni. Here I am. That's the name of it. That's the name. That's the name of the event.

+ quotes on the IMDb
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The Wedding

Outlander 1×7

Claire: Tell me about your family.
Jamie: How many generations back?

Claire: Perhaps we should go to bed?
Jamie: To bed... or to sleep?

Claire: Church and money: some things don't change.

Claire: I don't even know your real name.
Jamie: It's Fraser. James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser.
Claire: Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp.

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Tempting Fate

Inside No. 9 4×6

Maz: But seriously, 3.5 mil. I would be like, Ferrari, massive mansion, special edition Yeezies...
Nick: What's that?
Maz: Trainers.
Nick: Oh, right, yeah. Push the boat out, why don't you?
Maz: A boat, why not! Although my dad did say, "If it flies, floats or fucks, rent it."

Nick: Lesson one - no matter who you are, people always have the same things in their kitchen cupboards. Kidney beans... Peaches in syrup... Half a box of icing sugar... But not everyone has... a dead rat.

Nick: You can put Roland by the front door.
Maz: Roland?
Nick: Never mind. It's from the '80s.

Maz: Is that it?
Nick: Packages and a VHS...
Maz: What's a VHS?
Keith: It's from the '80s.

Nick: "Danger, do not open." Shall we open it?
Maz: Of course! How can we not?

Nick: It's like Jackanory...
Maz: Don't tell me - '80s?
Nick: Yep.

Frank: Our lives are ruled by fate, and those who interfere with fate do so to their sorrow.

Nick: It's a hare. Hares are associated with witchcraft and trickery in almost every culture in the world.

Nick: Every wish backfires. It's throughout folklore. There's no way around it.

Nick: You can't wish for anything that would alter the structure of the wishing system itself.

Nick: The wish-granter is always vengeful. If you're greedy, you pay the price.

Maz: I wish for £93,000, please.
Nick: What are you doing?!
Maz: What? That was very carefully thought out. Not too much, but enough to make a difference.

Keith: What was your third wish, Frank?

Frank: Don't make the same mistake I made. Be careful what you wish for.

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