16 февр. 2018 г.

Where the Wild Things Were

Grimm 6×11

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
Shakespeare, «The Tempest», Act I, scene 2

Monroe: Want some tea? I'm feeling like some tea.

Eve: How do you say, "I'm a vegetarian" in German?

Dasha: Schrodinger's Cat.
Monroe: Wait a minute, are you talking about that thought experiment with the cat in the box with the poison?...
Dasha: Exactly! Cat in a closed box with poison. 50% chance the cat will be killed by the poison or will survive.
Monroe: Right... But because the box is closed, two dimensions exist simultaneously. One where the cat is alive, one where it's dead. And as long as the box stays closed, both realities exist.
Dasha: It's only when we open the box that we close off one of the dimensions.

Rosalee: So if Nick and Eve went through this other dimension...
Hank: It'd be like opening the box.
Dasha: That would not be a good thing.
Renard: So if we're alive in this world, does that mean that... in the other place, they're not?
Dasha: Not necessarily. What we consider death in our world is something very different somewhere else. Uh, possibly, a pre-life or an afterlife.
Monroe: Are you talking heaven-ish, or... hell-ish?
Dasha: Those are just words we use for when we're not here.

Wu: I suppose this is how Alice felt falling down the rabbit hole.

Eve: I know you're here because you loved me once, and you feel responsible for the bad things that have happened, but you can't change any of it. And I can't change any of it. And if you could, would you really want to go back to the way things were, just to be happy?.. Happy doesn't interest me anymore, Nick. It just gets in the way.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

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