8 февр. 2018 г.


The X-Files 11×5

"You See What
I Want You To See"

Scully: Most people believe there are two states of consciousness: sleep and wakefulness. But there is a third state... hypnagogia... characterized by dreamlike visions and strange sensory perceptions.

Mulder: "Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions." That's a quote from Edgar Cayce. He was called the "sleeping prophet." Like you, he received visions in a hypnogogic state. And he believed those visions were messages sent.
Scully: He also believed in the lost city of Atlantis.
Mulder: Another reason to love the guy.

Mulder: Yeah, this is my problem with modern-day monsters, Scully. There's no chance for emotional investment. You know, like Frankenstein and the Wolfman. Not only did they inspire bowel-clenching fear, but there was pathos. You know, Frankenstein... he was afraid of fire and he just wanted a friend. You know?
Scully: There's a lot of money to be made in scaring people.

Det. Costa: So, look, I appreciate your expertise, but I think you're trying to find answers to questions nobody else is asking.

Mulder: Hope is not a fact.

Peter Wong: Don't give up on the bigger picture.

Peter Wong: If you don't stand for something... you'll fall for anything.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

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