5 февр. 2018 г.


Arthur: If you want to win someone over start by talking about them.

Arthur: Delivery to Gruzinskaya street. ... Is it possible to deliver it today?
Seller: Express delivery is double the price.
Arthur: OK.
Seller: Only we are out of horse manure. What kind would you like?
Arthur: The most regular kind. No soil, no saw dust. Do you have something like that?
Seller: What do you need it for?
Arthur: For an exhibition. I want to make an installation out of shit.

Lev: Why don't you want to escape?
Arthur: Well... I sort of forgot... my running shoes.

Tamara: Would you like to give him a name?
Arthur: Why?
Tamara: So he has one. Have you noticed that even stray dogs respond to a whistle? They also want for someone to call them.

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