26 февр. 2018 г.

Don't Think Twice

«Герои фильма - небольшая труппа импровизаторов. Они живут в Нью-Йорке, выступают перед публикой в любительском театре, работают официантами, баристами итд., и мечтают о том, чтобы их заметили продюсеры настоящего театра или ТВ-программы. И вот один из них проходит отбор в программу Weekend Live (за которой безошибочно угадывается реальная Saturday Night Live)...
...фильм для всех, и по-моему он как раз дает хорошее представление о том, как импровизация выглядит со стороны. ...»

Samantha: Everyone has their own take on what's most important in improv, but even 60 years later, they still boil down to three basic rules.
    Number one.
Say yes.
    Number two.
It's all about the group. It's not about you looking good. And it's also not about looking funny. It's about a group
working together in the moment to create something that never happened before. ...or will never happen again.
    And finally, and this is the most important one.
Don't think. It's all about getting out of your head, it's about impulse. It's about living in the moment. It's about now.

Miles: This is it. You know, not huge, but neither am I.

Miles: Not funny. Skillful, but not funny.
Allison: It's like when something sounds funny, but it isn't funny.

Lindsay: My dad always told me, "The thing with an easy sell is that the thing has to actually be easy to sell."
Miles: What does that even mean?
Lindsay: Like, you have to have the goods.
Miles: Are you saying I don't have the goods?
Lindsay: I'm saying you can work on the goods instead of working on Jack. Do the work.

Bill: I feel like your 20s are all about, like, hope, and then your 30s are all about realizing how dumb it was to hope.

Bill: It's like when I go to the grocery store and people treat me like I don't exist. I'm in my head, I'm like, "Well, I got a secret. I go onstage, I kill. I crush, I'm a superhero." But without improv... I'm kinda just a loser.

Liz: I like you.
Miles: I like me, too.

Allison: Okay, I'm sorry, I have to ask, I've always wondered. Like, when you wake up in the morning, are you just like, "Oh, my God, I'm Ben Stiller"?
Ben Stiller: Um... Yeah. Probably in the same way you wake up in the morning and go, "I'm Allison."

Samantha: Del Close once said, "Watching great improv is like watching people put the plane together when they're already in the sky." It's not meant to last, except as an act of love. It passes in a moment and disappears.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

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